Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

057, five years later

It's another sunny day. The light blue sky looks extremely clear, which makes people involuntarily feel comfortable.

The waiting room of an international airport in AA country.

"Nuannuan, are you really not going back with me?" The high group of light casual clothes held Su Nuannuan's hand tightly and looked reluctant.

"Gao Qun, I'm sorry, I don't want to go back. I've been used to staying here for five years. Su Nuannuan pretended to help Gao Qun tidy up his luggage and pulled back his hand.


"I'll go back to see you when I'm free." Su Nuannuan smiled.

Gao Qun naturally knew the comforting element in Su Nuannuan's words, so he did not respond to her smile, but looked at the girl who was deeply in his heart.

"If you don't go back, even the sick uncle Gao will come here to pick you up in person!" Su Nuannuan listened to the boarding prompts ringing over and over again, and looked at Gao Qun, who was reluctant to leave, and was a little anxious.

Hearing Su Nuannuan mention his parents, Gao Qun's white and handsome face was a little helpless.

"Nuannuan, then you have to take good care of yourself. I'll come to you when I arrange it there." Gao Qun finally had no choice but to pass the last inspection and leave sadly.

More than four years ago, he finally learned about Su Nuannuan's wheres. Despite his parents' opposition, he came to Su Nuannuan's country and accompanied her to study in this school.

For him, it is also a kind of happiness to be with Su Nuannuan and watch her transform into beauty and maturity little by little.

It's just that in the past four years, even though he has tried his best to love Su Nuannuan, she has always kept a distance from his friends, so that he can no longer get one step closer to her.

However, he has always believed that sincerity can't open her heart because his efforts are not enough!

It's a pity that he doesn't have a chance to work hard now, because he is going back to China and can no longer stay by her side.

In the past four years, his parents have reminded him thousands of times that his father is old and must go back to take over his father's career after graduation!

On the eve of graduation, his parents repeatedly urged him to go back, but no matter how he persuaded Su Nuannuan, Su Nuannuan was determined to stay here and refused to return to China with him.

If it hadn't been because his mother told him that his father was sick, how could he be cruel and leave Su Nuannuan here alone?

Looking at Gao Qunxin's handsome figure disappearing from the sight, Su Nuannuan slowly turned around and silently walked out of the airport.

The sun is shining outside, and the delicate morning sun shines on the earth with thousands of red clouds, which also reflects Su Nuannuan in a brilliant place.

Walking through the bus platform, she did not stop and walked slowly, seemingly idle and aimless.

In a blink of an eye, five years later, the capricious and stubborn little girl has taken off her youthful body, revealing a steady and indifferent temperament, and her appearance is more and more elegant and elegant.

A roar passed overhead, and Su Nuannuan stopped her feet and looked up at the sky. A plane was roaming in the blue sky.

"Is that a plane taken by Gao Qun?" She asked herself silently in her heart.

He went to that city, and there was...

Su Nuannuan lowered her head lonely.

I don't know if that person is doing well now...

Su Nuannuan sighed gently.

"Warm! Why are you here? I've been looking for you in there for a long time!" A Mercedes-Benz stopped by the roadside, and a young man with black hair but blue eyes poked his head out of the car and waved to Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan unconsciously looked sideways at the young man, and her eyes were full of confusion.

"Nuannuan, what's wrong with you?" The man quickly got out of the car and stroked Su Nuannuan's shoulders. "Are you sad that Gao Qun has left? Isn't I here to stay with you? Don't worry, I will take good care of you!"

"Zhang Han, I'm fine, thank you." Su Nuannuan recovered slightly and leaned slightly to avoid his hand.

Zhang Han is a mixed-race child with Chinese blood. His father is Chinese and his mother is from AA, but obviously he has more Chinese characteristics. If it weren't for the eyes, many people would regard him as an Oriental. His father has always missed life in China and has always had the idea of going to China to develop.

Zhang Han is deeply influenced by his father and has a special emotion for everything related to China, including people. Therefore, although he and Su Nuannuan and Gao Qun are in different departments, they still become good friends.

Zhang Han seemed to realize his gaffe and smiled, "It's okay. I've been waiting for you at the door, but I didn't expect you to come here with a blink of an eye, which made me easy to find for a while. Let's go. I'll take you back."

After saying that, he pulled the back seat door for Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan took a look at Zhang Han's car, and a trace of strangeness flashed in her eyes. She didn't say anything and sat in.

For so many years, she is still used to sitting in the back of the car seat.

Her look fell into Zhang Han's eyes. He smiled and sat in the cab.

He, who used to love driving sports cars, has changed this habit since he learned about Su Nuannuan's habit.

"Nuannuan, are you hungry? What do you want to eat later?" Zhang Han obviously felt that Su Nuannuan was in a bad mood and said with a smile. Although he also knew that he had been lowering his head, Su Nuannuan, who seemed to be meditating, could not see his smiling face at all.

"Warm?" Zhang Han raised his voice a little.

Huh? What?" Su Nuannuan came to her senses and looked in the direction of Zhang Han.

"What do you want to eat later?"

"You send me back first. I still have to pack up."

"Let's clean up after eating. I'll pick it up for you later."

"No, there are not many things. It's very light. I can do it myself."

"Warm! Anyway, I have nothing to do. Just give me a chance to exercise. Zhang Han lowered his voice again. In front of Su Nuannuan, he, who had always been proud, could not help but turn into gentle words.

"It's all women's clothes. It's not good for you to ask a man to help." Su Nuannuan said with a smile. When she saw Zhang Han, who looked back at herself because he was waiting for the red light and his eyes were full of grievances, she quickly changed her words, "I will clean up today and move tomorrow. Or you can help me tomorrow."

"Okay! Yeah! Long live the warmth!" Zhang Han was as happy as a child and almost cheered. He knew that Su Nuannuan's heart was the kindest. Every time she used such a move, she would agree to her request. Of course, every request had a justification and obedient reason.

And every time Su Nuannuan agreed to his request, he would happily shout "Hil Nuannuan".

"Here we go again! Didn't you say that you are not allowed to say 'H Long Live Warmth'? Su Nuannuan was slightly annoy.

"Hey. I like this word!" Zhang Han grabbed his head and threw a wink at the front. Of course, he regarded the window of the car as Su Nuannuan. He did not dare to treat Su Nuannuan like this.

Su Nuannuan didn't say anything more and lowered her head again.

Zhang Han quickly glanced at Su Nuannuan from the rearview mirror with a smile on his face.

Everyone in the school knows that Su Nuannuan and Gao Qun are a couple. Looking at the two beautiful people like golden boys and jade girls, many men and women who admire them sigh.

And Zhang Han is also one of these men. As a friend of Gao Qun, he knew that Gao Qun must go back and that Su Nuannuan was determined to return to China. Now that Gao Qun has left, he always has an indescribable sense of happiness. Besides, his father can't wait for him to find a Chinese girl to be his wife.

The car stopped at the school gate. Zhang Han watched Su Nuannuan get out of the car and asked again, "Are you really not hungry? Why don't I buy it later and send it to you?

The school stipulates that all vehicles are not allowed to enter except school staff.

"No." Su Nuannuan waved her hand at him and walked to the campus. She really is not in the mood to say anything more to Zhang Han.

Walking back to the dormitory, I found that my classmates had moved away, and only my belongings had not moved.

Su Nuann didn't clean up, but just sat at her narrow bedside in a daze.

Five years ago, she was arranged by Ji Keyin to study in this school. Before leaving, Ji Keyin only gave her a small part of her living expenses and promised to transfer from time to time in the future. Unexpectedly, there was no news later.

Su Nuannuan didn't care. In order to save money, she lived in the free dormitory provided by the school and studied part-time. Later, after Gao Qun came, she found a small apartment for her outside. In order to reduce her contact with Gao Qun, she didn't want to owe him too much, so she refused, and Gao Qun couldn't help her.

The school stipulates that all graduates must move out of their original dormitory in the past two days. Gao Qun has helped her find a house before leaving. In fact, she has always been reluctant to accept Gao Qun's help, but looking at him, who is always so proud in front of others, he always looks so humble in front of herself. Many times, she really I can't bear it.

The small house located near the company where she is about to work is also the result of Su Nuannuan's repeated refusals.

Of course, skipping the emotional layer, she has always got along well with Gao Qun. When Su Nuannuan first came to this school, there were indeed many people who pursued her, which annoyed her. Later, Gao Qun came and stayed with her all the time, which made people misunderstanding.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people pursuing her and quieter, Su Nuannuan is too lazy to explain, but feels a little unfair to Gao Qun, but Gao Qun is also happy to let others misunderstand, so there are many fewer competitors.

"Excuse me, are you Su Nuannuan?"

A voice sounded uncomfortably, which shocked Su Nuannuan. He looked at the man dressed as a postman and asked with some doubt, "Yes, are you?"

"Here is your email from China, please sign for it." The man handed over an email.

Su Nuannuan still took over with doubt. From China? Gao Qun is still on the plane. How can he send something to himself?

Although there is no address of the sender on it, her heart beat when she looked at the city shown on the postmark. Although five years have passed, those words have always been engraved in her heart.