Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

060, but ask for regret medicine

"That's not the matter. I've been to Mr. Duan's company before. It's very big. People say that Mr. Duan shakes in our A city, and the ground is going to shake." Chen Qiaolan changed the topic again, "Nuannuan, where do you live now?"

"I, I'm staying in a hotel." I really wanted to hear more about him, but seeing that Aunt Chen stopped talking, Su Nuannuan was a little disappointed.

"You are a girl, don't stay in a hotel. Go and live at my house. Aunt Chen also lives in a big house now. There are three rooms or an elevator room, which is also a blessing for Mr. Duan. Chen Qiaolan changed the topic again, "Xiao Wei has also graduated, and now the burden on the family is lighter."

"Graduated from college?"

"Yes, I just graduated from college this year." Speaking of her son Jiang Wei, Chen Qiaolan looked proud.

"If I remember correctly, Xiaowei should be only 20 this year and will graduate from college?"

"Yes, Xiaowei, learns to be competitive. He often misses you. If he knew you were back, he would be very happy. Come and have a look." Chen Qiaolan took Su Nuannuan's hand and took her out of the door. "The couplets on this door were written by Xiaowei. He was afraid that you would not dare to enter the door after a long time, saying that you would definitely come in when you saw the couplets on the door. And he has to copy your mother's letter and put it here every six months.

"It's really difficult for Xiaowei."

"Why? He is eager to do something for you. Nuannuan, I will go back with Aunt Chen today. The original of your mother's letter is still with me. Chen Qiaolan went into the room to clean up the things on the table, then closed the door and took Su Nuannuan to walk together.

As soon as she got home, Chen Qiaolan ran to the bedroom, opened the locked drawer, carefully took out the posthumous note that wrapped several layers of gentleness and left for Su Nuannuan from a file bag and handed it to her.

Su Nuannuan opened it and couldn't help crying again when she looked at her mother's familiar handwriting with a little crooked and mixed with typos on the yellow paper.

"Nuannuan, okay, don't cry, it's all over." Chen Qiaolan also held Su Nuannuan in her arms again with tears in her eyes.

"Nuannuan, it's always not good for a girl to drift out." When Su Nuannuan's mood calmed down, Chen Qiaolan, who had always followed Su Nuannuan, took back home what she had put in the hotel despite her opposition.

Su Nuannuan watched Chen Qiaolan busy tidy up a room for herself. It was really indescribable warmth, but several times she wanted to ask about Duan Chengyu's news, but Chen Qiaolan changed the topic.

"Nuannuan, Xiaowei went to school for something these days. He called in the morning and said that he would not be back in two days. What do you want to eat at night? I'm going to buy vegetables now. Ouch!" Chen Qiaolan suddenly patted his head and said, "I forgot your Uncle Jiang. Your Uncle Jiang opened a small grocery store in the community. I haven't had time to tell him about it. If he knows that you are back, he will have to be very happy.

"Uncle Jiang? How is Uncle Jiang's health? Su Nuannuan hurriedly greeted.

"These years are much better than in previous years, and people are also energetic. Well, if there is no business in the store, he will play chess with those old men. Anyway, he can't go anywhere like this. It's good to be so happy. Chen Qiaolan smiled contentedly, "Okay, let's not talk about it. It's going to be dark. I'll go grocery shopping and pick you up Uncle Jiang. Go and take a rest first."

Watching Chen Qiaolan leave with a smile, Su Nuannuan sat down on the sofa in the living room and looked at the family carefully.

The house is only about 100 square meters, with three bedrooms and two living rooms. The decoration of the house is relatively simple, but the layout is very warm.

The room that Chen Qiaolan cleaned for Su Nuannuan should be their study, with a large bookcase in it.

Su Nuannuan walked to the bookcase and looked at the neat and classified books, and couldn't help admiring.

casually found a handwritten note in the column of "learning materials", in which the handwriting is very familiar, that is, the written talk of copying letters seen today.

"I hope Sister Nuannuan is happy."

Su Nuannuan smiled, took a few more handwritten notebooks, and found that such a sentence was written on the first side of each book.

"Thank you, Xiaowei."

Su Nuannuan put her notebooks back in place and stood at the window to see that the night had been dark, and the lights of thousands of families were also lit in twos and threes.

Looking at the opposite house, some people are still busy in the kitchen. Some people have sat together and raised their cups, while others are dark.

What will his home look like now?

Su Nuannuan lowered his eyes. What is he doing now?

Thinking of Aunt Chen repeatedly avoiding topics related to him, Su Nuannuan had a bad feeling in her heart, but she couldn't say what the specific reason was.

In the past, didn't Aunt Chen and others want to be with him? Why did Aunt Chen look a little covered up when she came back?

Is it...

No, didn't Aunt Chen say that he was not married?

No matter how much, go find him tomorrow!

Su Nuannuan nodded solemnly to herself.

If you make a mistake, you must bravely bear your mistakes and work hard to make up for your mistakes!


A red sun rises from the east, shining all over the city and awakening the city in the most gentle way.

In the park, next to the avenue, you can see some early old people from time to time, either with bird cages, or carrying swords, or carrying a bamboo basket, with joy on their faces, to start the day.

As the sun gradually rises, there are more and more vehicles on the road, and the popularity of commercial streets has begun to rise.

Su Nuannuan stood in front of a high-rise building, looked up at the golden words "Yuri Group" and the splendid gate. The people who went in and went in and out have not moved their feet for a long time.

Is this his company? Many years ago, I only knew that his career had developed well, but I didn't know that it was on such a large scale.

Just a step up, Su Nuannuan's heart flashed with a trace of tension, and sweat oozed from the palm of her hand.

In fact, from last night to today, her heart has been occupied by the word nervousness.

She looked up at the not dazzling sunshine and smiled self-deprecatingly. It's not hot today. Why did she sweat first?

After taking several deep breaths, Su Nuannuan walked into the door of the company.

A very beautiful girl saw Su Nuannuan coming in and quickly greeted her with a smile: "Hello, miss, please go this way if you want to apply."

"Applicant?" Su Nuannuan was stunned.

"Hmm." The girl was also stunned, "Isn't Miss here to apply?"

"No, I'm looking for Duan Chengyu." Su Nuannuan shook her head with a smile.

"Duan...General? Do you have an appointment?" Hearing Su Nuannuan call his name, the girl was stunned again.

"Appointment? No." Su Nuannuan shook her head again.

The girl gave a helpless expression: "I'm sorry, Miss, Mr. Duan has been very busy. If you need to ask him, you must make an appointment first."

Su Nuannuan thought for a moment and asked, "Well, I'll ask Song Ping. Do you want to make an appointment?"

In fact, she was not sure whether Song Ping was still in Yuri Company five years later, but just asked tentatively.

"Mr. Song?" The girl looked up and down at Su Nuannuan several times, looked at her extraordinary temperament, hesitated slightly, turned over the schedule in her hand, and read it carefully, "Mr. Song is now on the sixth floor. There are a lot of applicants who don't come to apply for the job. I guess I don't have time to see you."

6th floor? Su Nuannuan raised her head and was entangled between waiting and waiting. A trace of surprise suddenly flashed in her eyes. Why did she wait? She wants to attack in person. Instead of meeting by chance, it's better to root here and catch him off guard...

"Miss? Miss?" The girl looked at Su Nuannuan, who gigg unconsciously, and her eyes were a little worried. She quietly picked up the phone and was ready to call security.

"Yes, I'm here to apply." Su Nuannuan came to her senses and smiled, which shocked the girl. As soon as her hand was released, the phone fell on the table and made a crisp sound.

"Miss, please fill in the form for the interview, turn left on the first room on the sixth floor and wait." The girl adjusted her state slightly, quickly put aside the phone, took out a form and handed it to Su Nuannuan.

Looking at Su Nuannuan filling in the form and smiling gently at her, the girl was completely relieved when she walked to the stairs.

There were indeed many people interviewed. Looking at the long queue, Su Nuannuan wanted to squeeze in front to take a look, but she was severely poached out and had to retreat to the end and patiently line up.

Seeing the people in front of her go in and come out again, she only felt that her heart was beating hard.

"Next!" A female voice came out of the room. When the person behind her poked her back a few times, Su Nuannuan came to her senses and finally turned out to be her turn.

She walked step by step, and her movements were extremely stiff. When she gave the form to Song Ping, she kept smiling at him, but found that she was still talking casually with the people next to her. She had no choice but to retreat to the chair and sit down.

While Song Ping took the form casually, when Yu Guang swept Su Nuannuan, he quickly fixed his eyes again, widened his eyes, and looked shocked: "Su, Su, Su..."

"Su Nuannuan!" Seeing that Song Ping finally recognized himself, Su Nuannuan smiled brightly and relaxed a little nervously.

"Su, Nuannuan, when did you come back?"


"How are you doing?"

"Okay, but I miss you very much! You guys!"

"Just come back." Song Ping exhaled and smiled gently.

Several department managers beside him were stunned. They watched Vice President Song and a candidate named Su Nuannuan pull up their parents, but they didn't know how to interrupt, so they could only listen awkwardly.

"I'm back because I know I'm wrong!" Su Nuannuan's eyes flashed a trace of bitterness, and then became resolute.

"Miss Su, this..." Song Ping looked down at the registration form and looked up at her again, with a trace of doubt.

"Uncle Song, help me!" Su Nuannuan gently bit her lower lip and begged earnestly, "I want to see him."