Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

059, truth

Because she saw the contents of the couplets on both sides of the door that originally belonged to her home, it turned out to be: "I miss Fangying overnight, and I don't see you in winter and spring", and the horizontal criticism is: "Nuannuan goes home."

Go home warm?

Who wrote this? He?

Su Nuannuan shook her head. It couldn't be him. If it was him, why didn't he go to school to find himself directly? But do you have to wait for yourself in such a passive way?

She walked back to the door again, took out the key and tried to try, but the two doors did not change the locks!

With excitement, Su Nuannuan opened the door of the future for many years, and everything familiar appeared in front of her.

Tables, chairs, books, paintings, everything has not changed except for the slightly old color!

With tears in her eyes, Su Nuannuan slowly touched every decoration in the living room. Finally, I sat down on the sofa.

She was surprised to find that every place in the room was extremely clean! It's cleaner than before!

My fingers touched the coffee table, and tears splashed on the bright glass.

Su Nuannuan lowered her head and wiped away the water stains with her hands. She didn't like a dirty place at home.

When I just lowered my head, I saw a note on the coffee table.

To be precise, there is a note under a ruler, and a letter under the note.

Su Nuannuan quickly took off the ruler and opened the note. The vigorous handwriting came into view one by one, and the letter said:

"Sister Nuannuan, I don't know when you will come back to see this note, but I believe you will come back one day. If you come back, be sure to read the letter below. That letter is not the original, but that I copied and corrected the typo. Because I'm afraid that if I lose the original, it will cause you a lot of trouble. This letter was found by my mother on the ground of this house and has been kept for you. I hope you can see it one day.

Signed by Jiang Wei, the date is January 1 of this year.

Yes, this is Xiaowei's word. Su Nuannuan is sure from the bottom of her heart that although it has been so many years, she still has some impression of Jiang Wei's words.

My letter from home? My parents have passed away for so many years. How can there be any letters? Su Nuannuan felt very strange.

Putting down the note, Su Nuannuan opened the envelope pressed below.

The handwriting of the letter is exactly the same as that on the note.

Su Nuannuan was stunned by the initial name of the letter.

Because it says "warm baby"!

Only parents will call themselves that!

Su Nuannuan quickly looked down, and the more she looked down, the longer her tears flowed.

It turned out that this was written to her by her mother Wen Jingrou before she died.

Wen Jingrou told Su Nuannuan in her letter that shortly after Su Hao's death, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The first thing she thought of was what her daughter Su Nuannuan should do in the future.

She found Duan Chengyu and told her situation, trying to entrust her daughter to him.

At that time, Duan Chengyu immediately agreed and found the best doctor for Wen Jingrou and gave her the best medicine. During that time, Wen Jingrou took advantage of the day to go to the hospital to see a doctor and did not dare to let her daughter know for fear of affecting her study and mood.

Duan Chengyu's help delayed Wen Jingrou's condition to a certain extent, but a year later, her condition deteriorated again, and Wen Jingrou, who could not stand the pain and torture. Seeing that her stubborn daughter refused to accept help from others, she found Duan Chengyu and asked him to play a play with Su Nuannuan.

Wen Jingrou told Duan Chengyu that she just pretended to let her daughter know that she must go with her, and he did not have to pay any legal responsibility.

On the day of marriage, Wen Jingrou deliberately let Duan Chengyu come late. She pretended to go to the door to find him and hit the car.

When the driver came down to help her up, she told the driver that she had hit her and had nothing to do with him.

Finally, Wen Jingrou wrote: "Baby, please forgive your mother's weakness and selfishness. Anyway, it's dead. Mom might as well go so happily that you won't be immersed in sadness all the time. Baby, you are always too stubborn. Mom knows that you won't easily go with Duan Chengyu. A fake wedding can make you have to go with him. I haven't told you the cause of your father's death because I'm afraid you will misunderstand Duan Chengyu. When your father was dying, he told me that it was a woman who bumped into him, and Duan Chengyu was willing to take full responsibility for his friends. What else is there to worry about such a person? Mom doesn't know when you will see this letter, but I hope that by the time you read this letter, you should have come out of the grief of losing us, should have been sensible and live happily beside him. Baby, you must live a happy life. Don't be so stubborn. Only when you are happy will your parents feel at ease underground.

The date of the letter is the May when Wen Jingrou's accident happened.

Looking at this letter, Su Nuannuan has already burst into tears.

No wonder my mother was always taking medicine at that time. No wonder my mother always frowned, whispered in the middle of the night, often looked at my father's photos and cried, and often looked at herself sad...

It turned out that my mother was suffering from illness at that time. She couldn't be herself, but she didn't know anything, and she was still worried about her mother everywhere!

And Duan Chengyu...

Su Nuannuan's heart stung again.

Nie Yingqi will lie to herself, and Ji Keyin will lie to herself. Even if Duan Chengyu will lie to herself, she believes that Aunt Chen, Xiaowei and her mother will never lie to her!

It turns out that all mistakes are due to their naiveness, capriciousness and self-righteousness.

It turned out that she really blamed him!

Su Nuannuan began to hate herself!

Why didn't you believe what he said at the beginning? Why didn't you forgive him after you deceived him with such a retarded means?

At this time, she really realized how much Duan Chengyu loved herself five years ago!

Duan Chengyu is a fool! Big fool!

Because of my own nonsense, I kicked away the happiness that I could get!

It hurts not only others, but also yourself!

At this time, Su Nuannuan couldn't wait to smash her donkey's head with a hammer.

After some pain, Su Nuannuan carefully put the letter into her bag.

According to the phone number left on the note, she dialed a phone number.

A woman's voice came: "Hello. Who are you looking for?"

Su Nuannuan cried loudly when she heard this familiar voice.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you crying? Are you warm? Is it Miss Nuannuan?"

"Chen, aunt. It's me..." Su Nuannuan was almost speechless.

"Nuannuan, is it really you? Nuannuan, you haven't heard from you for so many years. Do you know how worried we are? Chen Qiaolan said with tears on the phone, "Miss Nuannuan, where are you now?"

"Aunt Chen, I'm at my home in Yaran Community now." Su Nuannuan kept sucking her nose and answering intermittently in a hoarse voice.

"Miss Nuannuan, don't go, just wait for me there, and I'll come to you right away. You wait." The phone hung up with a crack, and a blind sound came.

Su Nuannuan put down her mobile phone and sat in a daze. She no longer cried loudly, but tears kept flowing.

In less than ten minutes, there was a sound of opening the door.

Su Nuannuan suddenly stood up and stared at the door.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Qiaolan came.

Looking at Chen Qiaolan, who is still gasping for breath, Su Nuannuan's nose is sour again.

"Miss Nuannuan!"

"Aunt Chen!"

Su Nuannuan rushed up, and the two hugged tightly and burst into tears.

After a long time, the two were released.

"You stupid child, you have been gone for so many years without giving us any news. I miss you so much." Chen Qiaolan wiped the tears from the corners of her clothes and looked up and down at Su Nuannuan. "It looks better than before, but why are you still so thin? It must be a bad life outside! You ran out alone at such a young age. How have you lived in the past few years? You must have suffered a lot!"

Su Nuannuan buried her head in Chen Qiaolan's arms again and cried again: "Aunt Chen, it's my fault. I worried you. I'm too selfish and ignorant."

"Okay, okay, don't cry. It's okay to come back." Chen Qiaolan pulled Su Nuannuan and sat down, "For five years, I have come to clean up every few days. How I wish I could open the door one day and see you standing inside smiling at me!"

"Aunt Chen..." Su Nuannuan's tears repeatedly flowed like running freely.

"For good, Xiaowei gave me such an idea. He firmly believes that you will come back."

"Brother Xiaowei is really good-hearted."

"Miss Nuannuan, if you come back, you won't leave again."

"Aunt Chen, don't call me Miss anymore. Call me warm." Su Nuannuan choked and wiped away Chen Qiaolan's tears.

"Good, warm. I'm so happy to see you back." Chen Qiaolan looked at Su Nuannuan's red and swollen eyes with distress, "Okay, don't cry. You won't be beautiful if you cry again."

"Aunt Chen, can you tell me what happened to the letter my mother left me?" Su Nuannuan asked when she saw the note on the table.

"Since you left, Mr. Duan has given us a sum of money and then let us go home. Jianhua Xianglan and Xiaohong both returned to their children, because I live in the city, so I took the initiative to ask Mr. Duan to clean the villa we used to live in and your hometown every week. In order to facilitate running on both sides, with the help of Mr. Duan, I bought a house in the middle of both sides. One day four years ago, I came here to clean up as usual. When I walked to the door, I found that the door was open! It's messy inside. I found this letter in the mess on the ground.

"However, our family is so dilapidated. I haven't met a thief here for so many years. Why have I only been here for a year?" Su Nuannuan is very strange.

"Well, I think it has a direct relationship with Duan. Since you left, he has often stayed here all day. Maybe others looked at his car so well and thought he would hide something valuable here.

Hearing Mr. Duan, Su Nuannuan's heart suddenly turned into a ball: "Is he okay?"

"Well, it should be all right now. I have rarely seen him in the past two years, and I occasionally see him on TV or newspapers. I remember the year you just left, Mr. Duan was really thin. He must have been in great pain. But you are all fine now, and we are relieved. The past is over. Nuannuan, the most important thing is to live a good life now.

Chen Qiaolan's words made Su Nuannuan have a bad feeling, because she didn't persuade herself to find Duan Chengyu. Is he married?

Su Nuannuan suddenly felt breathless.

Trying to calm herself down, Su Nuannuan summoned up her courage and asked, "Is he married?"