Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

062, resolutely stay

She took a deep breath again and firmly told herself in her heart that she must stay with him, so that she could have a chance to express her love, get his forgiveness, and have a glimmer of hope of love.

She bet that he hadn't forgotten herself in his heart!

"How do you know I can't do it before you have an interview?" Su Nuannuan's voice was still a little choked. She pulled his sleeve with her left hand and said in a low voice.

In the past, as long as he was soft to him, he would be obedient to his requirements!

Unexpectedly, Duan Chengyu ignored her, lay down and began to close his eyes, as if she were air and did not exist beside him at all.

It seems that the previous tricks are useless! Su Nuannuan was a little discouraged.

"Why can't I?" Su Nuannuan finally couldn't help amplifying her voice, as if shouting.

"If I say no, I can't!" Duan Chengyu also became impatient.

"You! Why didn't you say I couldn't do it when you slept with me? Su Nuannuan's mouth was unobstructed in a hurry.

This sentence almost choked Duan Chengyu. He opened his eyes and seemed to have some irritation on his face: "Go out!"

"Why did I go out? You didn't give me an interview!"

"I don't want to."

"How can you be so irresponsible as a president!"


Su Nuannuan knew that he began to cherish his words again. He was so angry that it was impossible, but there was no way to do it. Suddenly, he saw the half-open window and pointed to the window and threatened, "You won't interview me!" Believe it or not, I'll jump off the building?

"Go ahead."

"This is the 16th floor, and people will die!"

"It's you who died."

Su Nuannuan stamped her feet fiercely several times. She was almost mad. She only knew that Duan Chengyu would blame herself and hate herself, but she didn't expect him to become so ruthless!

Do you think ruthlessness can stop me from staying here? Su Nuannuan gritted her teeth, looked at the decorations on his table, picked up one casually, and fell to the ground, and was torn apart: "Oh, Mr. Duan, I accidentally broke your things. I don't have money. I'm willing to work here and compensate with my salary!"

She knew that everything he had to do was worthless, which was a last resort. There was nothing she could do.

"No one saw that you fell." Duan Chengyu's voice was still as cold as a thousand years of ice, and his eyes were on the laptop on the table, slowly tapping something.

"Duan Chengyu!" Su Nuannuan slapped the table fiercely, and immediately pulled back her hand with her teeth. After biting her lips and taking a few breaths, she tried to soften her voice. "I know it's wrong. I'm back. I want to come back to you. Is that okay?"

Because of the force, the fingers that stopped the blood burst out a few drops of dark red. The blood stains remained on the same dark red table, but were ignored because of the similar colors.

"I just came back now. I have no savings, no work, and I'm about to live on the street. I can understand if you don't accept me, and I didn't ask you to give me a good job! You can arrange one for me, even if it's sweeping the floor! Help me tide over the difficulties in front of me. Although Su Nuannuan looked at Duan Chengyu with a little begging, she has the momentum that I won't leave if you don't arrange it for me.

Who knows that Duan Chengyu not only did not sympathize with her, but picked up the phone and dialed a string of numbers: "Security..."

Su Nuannuan cried when she saw that he was going to be expelled from the guest and went forward to hold down Duan Chengyu's internal phone: "You are not Duan Chengyu! Where is my Duan Chengyu? Duan Chengyu, come out! Do you know? Nuannuan misses you so much!"

The bright red on the phone made Duan Chengyu suddenly stand up and grab Su Nuannuan's hand. The expression on his face flashed with a trace of pain, but he immediately put her hand down.

Su Nuannuan was secretly happy and took the opportunity to hug Duan Chengyu, who was stiff. Regardless of whether the blood stains got on his precious clothes or not, she just shed tears: "My hand hurts so much!"

Duan Chengyu tried to push her away, but finally didn't do it hard.

"Cheng Yu!" A soft voice came from the outside. Yan Ruoyan, who had just walked in, looked at this scene and couldn't believe her eyes, "Chengyu, you are..."

Su Nuannuan let go of the sound and turned her head to find the source of the sound, because she just heard that the woman called him Chengyu.

"Xiaoyan, take her to treat the wound on her hand." Duan Chengyu pushed Su Nuannuan away, but showed a faint smile to Yan Ruoyan, and her tone of voice also warmed up from winter to spring.

Su Nuannuan was stunned. Why didn't she hear the change in Duan Chengyu's tone? It's just that she knows very well that this change is not because of herself.

"I know." Yan Ruoyan also slowly swept away the shock on her face.

There are often many women who come to Duan Chengyu, most of whom are also for money. She has seen more self-harmful women like this.

Su Nuannuan understood the sarcasm in Yan Ruoyan's eyes. She was very angry and forgot to cry. She just stared at Duan Chengyu: "You have changed. You said that you only love me in my life!"

Duan Chengyu snorted coldly and didn't say anything or look at her.

"Let's go!" Yan Ruoyan took a few steps forward, gently wrapped around Su Nuannuan's arm, and smiled faintly, "Mr. Duan has said this to many women!"

Yan Ruoyan's seemingly gentle words stabbed Su Nuann's chest with bursts of pain. She shook off Yan Ruoyan's hand, stared at Duan Chengyu in disbelief, and slowly shook her head.

He has changed! It has really changed! No wonder Aunt Chen didn't ask him in front of her and stopped asking about the details between them. It turned out that Aunt Chen knew everything!

But she doesn't believe it! She doesn't believe that the proud and calm man of the past could become like this?

Without waiting for her to speak again, Duan Chengyu's voice without a trace of warmth flashed across her ear, but he didn't say to her: "After treating the wound, give her over to Song Ping."

Su Nuannuan gritted her teeth and held her words into her stomach.

If you change again, you are just the Monkey King. Look at how the Buddha will make you change you back!

Since I can work here, I have the initiative!

Duan Chengyu, the future is long. Let's take a look. In your heart, you will only engrave the name of Su Nuannuan alone in the future!

If Su Nuannuan can't catch you, I will change my surname to Duan!

Just as Su Nuannuan was still swearing fiercely in her heart, Yan Ruoyan grabbed Su Nuannuan's arm after responding to Duan Chengyu and secretly took her out of Duan Chengyu's office.

The moment the door was closed, Duan Chengyu turned around, and his slender fingers brushed a few drops of stains on the table and sighed slightly.

Why are you so big and still so irritable? Still can't take care of yourself?

Why do you still want to come back?

Don't you know that I have really forgotten you?

Duan Chengyu's seemingly insignificant face caused more than a slight ripple.


The fifth floor of Yuri Group is the staff restaurant.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the restaurant was empty.

Su Nuannuan and Song Ping are sitting in the corner of the restaurant, with a delicious table in front of them.

"Come on, eat more." Song Ping moved the plate in front of Su Nuannuan as much as possible.

Su Nuannuan smiled reluctantly, stretched out her right hand and slowly picked up her chopsticks. The finger wrapped in white gauze looked particularly eye-catching.

"Uncle Song, I don't have any appetite." Su Nuannuan, who had just picked a few chopsticks, put down the chopsticks again.

"Nuannuan, don't worry. The strangeness precipitated in the past five years will naturally melt in a day or two. But don't worry, Uncle Song will try his best to help you. Song Ping sighed gently, "Alas, you don't know how important you were in Chengyu's heart before. He can't even take the Yuri he painstakingly founded for you. But you left without saying a word. He blames you in his heart.

"Uncle Song, I know I did something wrong before." Su Nuannuan's eyes were filled with tears again, "So I'm back to find him now."

"Actually, I always feel that the reason why he has so many women outside is to forget you. Now that you are back, it's not easy for him to believe your feelings for him again.

"I know, Uncle Song. But I won't give up!" Su Nuannuan looked at Song Ping with firm eyes.

Song Ping also nodded: "Since you left, Chengyu has never returned to live in his old house. Now he lives in another house. I think it's not good for you to live in Xiao Chen's house. He also has a family. Why don't you go back to the old house and live in it first? I've been there. Xiao Chen takes good care of it and is very clean, just like when you used to live there.

Su Nuannuan thought for a moment and nodded.

"Nuannuan, come on! Uncle Song supports you without hesitation!"

Song Ping smiled and encouraged Su Nuannuan. Duan Chengyu's feelings for Su Nuannuan. He has always seen it. Now it's good. Su Nuannuan is back. Although Duan Chengyu looks like such a tough attitude, Song Ping never believes that it is Duan Chengyu's true love.

Su Nuannuan also smiled, and her heart finally raised her confidence and made an OK gesture to Song Ping: "Uncle Song, I will definitely do it!"


After breaking up with Song Ping, Su Nuannuan exchanged a simple salute back to Duan Chengyu's old house with the help of Chen Qiaolan.

The two cleaned the inside and outside, and Song Ping also sent people to send many necessities.

When they were busy until midnight, the two sat on the sofa gasping and looked at the old house that looked like home again. Su Nuannuan and Chen Qiaolan looked at each other happily and smiled.

Su Nuannuan leaned against Chen Qiaolan and gently rubbed her arm: "Aunt Chen, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Qiaolan looked at her lovingly: "Stupid daughter, say such a thing. Alas, Aunt Chen is really old. She has never been tired of doing these things before.

Su Nuannuan looked at Chen Qiaolan, who was a little fat, and joked with a smile, "Now Xiaowei is also promising. Uncle Jiang doesn't have to worry about you. Aunt Chen is naturally relieved and fat."

"I'm fat, but after so many years, I still haven't seen you grow one or two meat. Look, my body is full of bones." Chen Qiaolan pinched and pinched Su Nuannuan's body, "It's not as fat as when I was at home before."