Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

063, I have forgotten you

"In the past, Li's mother, Lan's mother and Aunt Chen raised me as a pig. Of course I will gain weight." Su Nuannuan spit out her tongue.

As they spoke, there was a trace of sadness in their tone.

"Oh, it's been five years in the blink of an eye." Chen Qiaolan sighed, "Today we sit here and chat. Why do I feel like five years ago, we waited here for Mr. Duan to come back to eat Yuanxiaoyuan."

"Okay, Aunt Chen, didn't we agree to only talk about happy things?" Su Nuannuan tried to smile, "The days will only get better and better in the future."

"Yes, it will get better and better." Chen Qiaolan blinked his eyes, making the fog rising from the corners of his eyes dissipate again.

"That's right."

Do your fingers still hurt? I told you not to do anything before. Chen Qiaolan touched Su Nuannuan's fingers and asked sadly.

"It doesn't hurt for a long time." Su Nuannuan put her arms around Chen Qiaolan with a smile, half tilted her body, and buried half of her face in her arm, looking very enjoyable.

It's just that my thoughts floated to the moment when the house was full of laughter five years ago.

Wait for me, don't let your heart go too far! Su Nuannuan read back silently from the bottom of her heart.


Just when Su Nuannuan and the others were busy in the old house, Duan Chengyu had also returned to his new home.

At this time, he was sitting in a swivel chair in front of the large desk in the study, leaning against the back of the chair and staring at the computer screen with cold eyes.

The picture of the computer is a set of photos. The background of the photos is a world of pink makeup, and the protagonists are all close-ups of the same girl.

It was a very beautiful girl, with big clear and bright eyes under her curved eyelashes, and a sweet smile on her fair face. It was a kind of happiness from the bottom of her heart, as if all the troubles and sorrows in the world had nothing to do with her. Especially the high ponytail makes people feel an indescribable youthful vitality!

The chill in Duan Chengyu's eyes gradually faded away, and the lines on his face gradually softened. In the end, a deep smile appeared in the corners of his eyes!

He slowly sat up and stretched out his right hand to touch the girl's face, but was abruptly separated by the incomprehensive computer screen!

A slight sigh inadvertently spit out from Duan Chengyu's mouth. Somehow, his heart actually twitched!

Many years of shopping mall career have made him use silence, calmness and disguise well. And he, who has been trying to forget her, didn't find out until today that she was always the one who could touch his deepest heartstrings.

Why do you still want to come back? I spent so many years trying to forget the past, but when I was about to forget you, you came back!

Why did you come back! Why do you still want to come back?

No matter how entangled Duan Chengyu asked at the bottom of his heart, the girl in front of him still only showed him the most touching smile.

From the day she left, he moved out of the old house and did not take away everything related to her, except the laptop closely related to her work.

When he replaced the computer, he was reluctant to delete the group of precious photos stored in the computer.

In fact, deep down, he was afraid that the only information related to her would be lost, and that he would really forget her completely.

Even if she left so decisively!

He resisted all the entanglement in his heart. He put her photo in the plate he never used and never opened it, because he wanted to forget it.

I only opened it today and found that I had never forgotten her! Not a moment!

It was a scab knotted in his heart, which grew stiffly there. It couldn't be erased, removed, or touched, and it didn't hurt. When he touched it, he found that it was piercing.

Closing his eyes, Duan Chengyu's memory floated to the scene he saw at the gate of the school four years ago.

He still remembers clearly that it was drizzling that day.

He stood so far away at the school gate, but he did not dare to step in, because he knew that the lovely figure was in the school. For more than a year, he has been thinking about her all the time. In fact, a long time ago, Gao Yizhe helped him find out where Su Nuannuan was, but he couldn't bear to come to her.

Because he hates her! I hate her and don't believe in myself! Hate her for saying goodbye! There is no love and nostalgia for him in her heart!

But he can't help thinking about her!

365 days a year, for him, every day mixed with resentment makes him endure suffering like a hot pot and live like a year.

Finally, love occupied the peak, and he still decided to put down his body to come to her, hoping that after such a long time, she could become wiser. He even bet with himself that she loved himself! Gambling time can dilute all hatred and settle her love for herself!

When he finally decided to go in to find her, he saw that Su Nuannuan came out!

Even in the crowd, he still recognized her at a glance. She was still so thin, so beautiful and so eye-catching!

Because of excitement, he forgot that it was still raining, and the rain wet his hair and clothes.

He wants to rush forward and tell her about the pain of lovesickness this year. He wants to hold her tightly and feel her breath again.

However, just as he was about to call out her name, he swallowed the word "jody" naturally, because he saw that she came out with Gao Qun!

Gao Qun held an umbrella in one hand and put his arms around her shoulder with the other, letting her lean on her side as much as possible.

And she seemed to be accustomed to it, and almost her whole body huddled in Gao Qun's arms. The two looked at each other and smiled from time to time, and the eyebrows in their eyes were self-evident!

Their steps are so harmonious, full of an absolute tacit understanding!

The umbrella, which is mostly biased towards her, seems to proudly tell people that the boy holding the umbrella has a deep love for her!

When they passed by Duan Chengyu with a smile, he was leaning behind the tree with a gloomy face.

Looking at the smile on her face, it was completely from the bottom of her heart. His heart was in pain. It turned out that she forgot herself so quickly. It turned out that her feelings for him were not equal to one or one thousandth of him!

In this self-righteous bet, I have already lost a lot!

At that moment, he couldn't tell whether the water on his face was rain or not.

When the following classmates whispered about this beautiful lover with a little envy and jealous tone, he was unable to turn around and keep a lonely background for people...

suddenly opened his eyes, Duan Chengyu stretched out his hand, held the right button of the mouse, clicked the delete button, clicked the "Yes (Y)" button, and "brushed", and the whole folder disappeared in an instant, leaving only a blank!

Since you decided to leave five years ago, I know that there is no place left for me in your heart.

You said that you came back now because you knew you were wrong, but it was only five years later that you understood your mistake. Isn't it too late? Or who did you know the "truth" from? In your heart, I will never have any "who" worthy of your credibility.

You have never cared about what I'm thinking and what I want!

The days of waiting for you have long been a thing of the past, and now I don't love you anymore! And you are just to make up for the so-called "debtedness", so it doesn't make sense for you to come back. I don't need what you want to do or do now.

There should be no intersection between us. If we have to say that there should be something between us, maybe there is only one word of hate!

Instead of reminding me of this word, why don't you appear in front of me?

Closing his eyes again, Duan Chengyu tried to empty his mind and get rid of this annoying little.

The mobile phone rings properly.

I touched the mobile phone on the table and saw that the caller was Yan Ruoyan and crossed the phone.

"Chengyu." Yan Ruoyan's soft voice came over.


"What are you doing?" Perhaps when she heard that Duan Chengyu was silent for a long time, Yan Ruoyan said softly, "Chengyu, I miss you very much."

Slightly distracted, Duan Chengyu said lightly, "I'll be there later."

Maybe there is a better reason not to love her!

"Really?" Yan Ruoyan seemed to be unbelievable, and her tone was full of joy, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Hanging up the phone, Duan Chengyu glanced at the computer screen again and didn't see anything to see. He withdrew his eyes without any nostalgia and got up and left.


Su Nuannuan, who got up early in the morning, was wearing loose casual clothes and exercising in the yard. In fact, she was walking slowly.

In fact, she is also a lazy person and has not been very keen on sports.

I remember that when I was abroad, at six o'clock every morning, Gao Qun's phone as an alarm clock would call her on time and ask her to get up.

Then she wore sportswear and went downstairs. Gao Qun was always waiting downstairs to accompany her to jog on the playground for a few laps.

He always insists that the reason why she is too thin is that she doesn't exercise.

Sometimes because I'm playful at night, I go to bed late, and I can't get up in the morning, and the next day I will be chattered by Gao Qun all day.

Over time, it has become a habit for her to get up and jog or walk slowly every morning.

Gao Qun's appearance flashed in his mind, and a wry smile appeared on Su Nuannuan's face.

She hasn't contacted him for a few days since she came back. Since returning to China, she has changed to a local mobile phone number and accidentally lost the previously stored high-level domestic phone number.

In fact, she can imagine that Gao Qun can't find herself, and she can also go to Hongda to find Gao Qun, but she doesn't want to tell him that she is back, and she doesn't want to regenerate his endless thoughts about herself.

"I'm sorry." Su Nuannuan read it again in her heart.

I have said to Gao Qun many times that he will only treat him as a friend, and it is impossible to fall in love with him, but he is so stubbornly by his side.

He always likes to say: I can't open your heart because I haven't worked hard enough!

Thinking of this, Su Nuannuan shook her head gently. It's not that your efforts are not enough, but that my heart has been filled by one person. My world is enough with him.

Standing next to a cluster of blooming moon, looking at the flowers of several colors with dewdrops, Su Nuannuan took a closer look, reached out to gently take off the largest and most red moon, took it into the inner room, found wrapping paper, imitated the appearance of a flower shop, wrapped it, and floated it below. Bright bow.

Lift up and look to the right. It feels like a rose. Su Nuannuan nodded with satisfaction, went into the room to change his clothes, then picked up the satrap bag, took the "rose", closed the door and walked out.

When she came to the road, Su Nuannuan saw the bus she was going to take from afar. She quickly glanced left and right. No vehicle was driving by, so she ran across the road.

It's just that a car that had been parked on the roadside suddenly started and crashed into Su Nuannuan!