Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

114, question

How can these people you trust most use such a means to themselves one by one?

Su Nuannuan suddenly felt sad.

You should know that everyone in this is the person she cares about!

No, Xintian won't do this to me!

If Gao Qun does this because he loves himself and can't get it, it is possible to make such a small means, but it is absolutely impossible for Xintian not to stand on the same line as himself! She knows her mind well and has no reason to do so.

Xie Wei couldn't hear Su Nuannuan's voice on the phone and snorted, "Su Nuannuan, did I agree with you? You are amazing! On the one hand, Gao Qun was stunned, and on the other hand, it attracted Duan Chengyu to Xili.

"It's not like this!" Su Nuannuan quickly explained, "I only have friends with Gao Qun. I didn't know that this jade pendant was handed down from their family. When Gao Qun gave it to me, he didn't explain it. Maybe he didn't know that there was such a thing."

Su Nuannuan explained to Xie Wei in detail, as if the person who called her was Duan Chengyu. She was explaining everything to Duan Chengyu.

"Nuannuan, in fact, I also hope it's a situation like what you said." Xie Wei, who has always been obedient, suddenly sighed, "I know Gao Qun loves you very much, so I'm jealous. I'm jealous because I love him as much as he loves you. He has loved you for six years, but I have loved him for more than ten years. Do you know how much I envy you from six years ago to now? I envy you that you can always live in the heart of Gao Qun and that he can always be by your side. I put down my pride for him and silently followed his back and looked at his back, but when he looked at me head-on, there was never a trace of friendship other than my classmates, no matter how hard I tried..."

On the phone, Xie Wei's tone was choked, and every word was sad.

Su Nuannuan couldn't help sighing. There are too many infatuated people she has seen recently.

Wen Xiaojuan has been staying in this city for Gao Qun, waiting for him to come back, just to look at him from afar; Cheng Jue doesn't care who Yan Ruoyan once belonged to, and has been waiting for her to turn around and find that he has actually been waiting for her in place; Duan Chengfei's eyes is only Duan Chengyu, Xie Wei's eyes only Gao Qun, Yu Mi Jiang Wei is the only one in his eyes, and Zhang Han is the only one in Wu Xintian's eyes.

So, who is in Duan Chengyu's eyes?

I have always thought that he only has his own eyes, but why is he less and less confident now?

The world is really chaotic. The people you love don't love you, and the people you don't love are absolutely infatuated with you!

After a long silence, Su Nuannuan slowly said, "Xie Wei, Gao Qun likes introcious and implicit girls. I have always felt guilty about Gao Qun. I hope this incident is a misunderstanding. I hope he can also find the happiness that really belongs to him, but I am definitely not the person who can bring him happiness. We all stubbornly pursue what we love, but we are not happy with each other. This is destined that the relationship between us must be a tragedy. It's impossible for me to let go of Duan Chengyu, but I really hope that Gao Qun can let me down.

"You..." Xie Wei seemed to be a little surprised by Su Nuannuan's words, but he was moved by Su Nuannuan's sincere words. "Nuannuan, I'm sorry, in fact, I have always known what you are thinking, but there are many things in front of me, and I have to doubt."

In fact, when she was studying, Xie Wei's relationship with Su Nuannuan was still very good. Su Nuannuan also gave her a lot of help in learning. If there were no Gao Qun, they would definitely be best friends.

It's just that in front of love, there are a lot of entanglement.

Xie Wei can also vaguely feel some disharmony between Gao Qun and Su Nuannuan from the attitude of Gao's parents towards him.

Gao Qun has always been the heart of Gao's parents. If he really likes him and likes him, as long as he insists, no matter what the girl's family background is, the girl's own conditions are, Gao's parents will never be more than Gao Qun.

The reason why Gao Qun has not established a relationship with Su Nuannuan, Gao's parents still try their best to set themselves up with Gao Qun, it must be that Su Nuannuan did not accept Gao Qun, or there is something that Su Nuannuan really makes it difficult for Gao's parents to accept.

After this period of understanding, Xie Wei also knew that Gao Qun just liked Su Nuannuan willingly. She was very happy to know this news, especially the "my woman" that Duan Chengyu said to Su Nuannuan made Xie Wei excited for a long time.

I thought there were no competitors, but Su Nuannuan suddenly caught her off guard. When Xie Wei saw the evening newspaper that day, he was really dizzy. He smashed from the study to the bedroom and from the bedroom to the living room, but there was nothing he could do about Xie Zhengsheng.

Xie Zhengsheng has been comforting his daughter not to be so excited. Many things may not be true.

So after Xie Wei vomited the weather, she began to call Su Nuannuan. In fact, she wanted to ask Su Nuannuan about it, but somehow, as soon as she answered the phone and heard Su Nuannuan's voice, her anger popped out and couldn't help cursing, so that Su Nuannuan didn't even call her later. Only then did she realize that she had scolded for a long time and didn't ask for the right words, so after adjusting her state, she changed her number to call Su Nuannuan's phone number.

Su Nuannuan listened to Xie Wei's words and smiled bitterly at her mobile phone: "There are many people who believe in newspapers, and you can't be blamed. I sincerely hope you are happy too.

Xie Wei was stunned, nodded at the other end of the phone, and said sincerely, "Nuannuan, I also hope you are happy."


Su Nuannuan was about to hang up the phone, but she heard Xie Wei's voice from the microphone: "Nuannuan, I'm sorry about the last time I was in the cafe."

"I forgot everything. However, Xie Wei, emotional things can't be obtained by such means. If you don't behave well, even if there is no woman around Gao Qun, he won't love you. Take care of yourself."

After Su Nuannuan hung up the phone, she wanted to call Wu Xintian again. Wu Xintian told her that she and Zhang Han were eating snacks outside. After hearing that Wu Xintian gave an address, Su Nuannuan grabbed her bag and walked out.

Walking through Duan Chengyu's door and seeing that there was no one in the slightly open door, Su Nuannuan remembered that he had gone out with Cheng Fei. He was slightly stunned, and Su Nuannuan strode downstairs.

After stopping the car on the road, Su Nuannuan hurried to the place where Wu Xintian and Zhang Han had a midnight snack.

Wu Xintian, who had been waiting for her, saw Su Nuannuan coming from afar. She stood up and waved to her hard: "Nuannuan, we're here. Come here quickly."

Su Nuannuan looked at a pile of delicious food in front of Wu Xintian and Zhang Han, but she did not move. Instead, she stood in front of them and looked straight at them.

"Nuannuan, sit down and eat." Wu Xintian suddenly felt that Su Nuannuan's mood was wrong. She took her hand nervously and looked up and down, "Nuannuan, what's wrong with you? Did Duan Chengyu make you unhappy again?

"Xintian, let me ask you, is it your idea about my birthday party?" Su Nuannuan ignored Wu Xintian's concern and asked.

"Yes, I discussed with Zhang Han at that time, and later Zhang Han told Gao Qun, which was exactly what Gao Qun wanted... Nuannuan, I know it was because of this that caused you to be in the newspaper. Is it that Duan Chengyu won't listen to your explanation? Wu Xintian's face was a little sad.

Su Nuannuan looked at Wu Xintian and stared at Zhang Han and asked, "How do you know that the person who wants to give the shining jade pendant to help put it on can he be spiritual?"

"This is what Aunt Gao told me. Is there a problem with this?" Zhang Han obviously looked at Su Nuannuan with no idea.

"Nuannuan, what on earth do you want to say? Don't beat around the bush like this. It's too tiring. Wu Xintian saw Su Nuannuan's question, but she didn't understand what she meant, but she was anxious.

Su Nuannuan looked at the two of them inexplicably and knew that they were more careful. Originally, they were the people she trusted the most, so she sat down and slowly told them her suspicions.

"Are you premeditated? Nuannuan, you actually doubt me!" Wu Xintian jumped up before listening to Su Nuannuan's words, "Nuannuan, you can't doubt anyone. You hurt my heart too much!"

"Okay, Xintian, if I doubt you, what else are you talking about here? I'm just talking about the matter." Su Nuannuan grabbed Wu Xintian, pressed her to sit down, and comforted her emotions, "I'm so miserable and not excited. What are you excited about?"

"Yuzhuan was given by Gao Qun's mother to Gao Qun, and secretly told Zhang Han that that the hotel was Gao Qun's family. If it hadn't been planned by Gao Qun, it would have been planned by Gao's parents." Wu Xintian calmed down a little, and then slowly analyzed with Wu Xintian.

Su Nuannuan acknowledged Wu Xintian's words: "Actually, I also have doubts. Even if the photos taken at noon, we don't leave until two o'clock. Even if we want to report, we should be on the front page of the next day. How can we be on the evening newspaper so quickly? It is not what ordinary people can do to mobilize the power of the media.

"But why did Gao Qun plan this? Nuannuan, you don't love Gaoqun. No matter how premeditated he is, you still don't love him. And using such a means is not a high-level personality. Zhang Han obviously questioned the words of the two girls.

"Zhang Han's words are also right. Although Gao Qun loves you very much, he really disdains to use such a method." Wu Xintian also agreed with Zhang Han's meaning, "Nuannuan, in fact, I still hope you can accept Gao Qun in my heart. Gao Qun is single-minded to you, and Duan Chengyu..."

"Xintian, what did you say today?" Su Nuannuan stared at Wu Xintian.