Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

115, Happy Ferris Wheel

What did Zhang Han say? At the beginning, she stood on the absolute united front with herself and betrayed her friends so quickly!

"Nuannuan, I'm telling the truth." Wu Xintian obviously understood what Su Nuannuan was thinking. "If we can't fall in love with each other, if it were me, I would rather choose a person who loves me, not a person I love."

When Zhang Han heard Wu Xintian's words, he couldn't help straightening his back and looking at Wu Xintian with a smile.

Su Nuannuan was stunned by Wu Xintian's words: "Why do you say that Duan Chengyu doesn't love me?"

Although Su Nuannuan seemed to be righteous when she said this, she was actually very guilty, because she already had such an idea, and now she is still a little unacceptable for Wu Xintian to say it.

"Nuannuan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stimulate you like this. My feelings have always been inaccurate. Wu Xintian has seen Su Nuannuan's changed face. Knowing that she has encountered many troubles recently, she quickly comforted and changed the topic. "Today, Zhang Han and I went out to play. We went to sit on the Ferris wheel. Although the Ferris wheel has been built for three or four years, it is still the first time to sit. There are a lot of people."

"Yes, I heard that this is the highest Ferris wheel in China. It feels very good. Next time I will ask Xintian to take you to sit down, so that you can see the whole scenery of City A. I heard that it looks better at night. Zhang Han suddenly understood what Wu Xintian meant and quickly followed her words.

Su Nuannuan also didn't want to listen to their happy words. She shook her hand and got up and walked out.

"Nuannuan, don't do this, I, I know I shouldn't say such a thing now, just..." Wu Xintian took Su Nuannuan's hand, and her eyes were full of concern and guilt.

Su Nuannuan reluctantly smiled: "Xintian, I know what you are thinking. I need to calm down now. Don't worry about me. Stay with Zhang Han."

Su Nuannuan patted Wu Xintian's hand, then let go, turned around and walked out slowly.

"Nuannuan, Gao Qun will come back early tomorrow morning. Don't worry, he can solve anything when he comes back." Zhang Han and Wu Xintian were relieved to see her appearance and followed.

"I'm fine. I'll go back first." Su Nuannuan smiled and said, "Xintian, don't you know me yet? I am Xiaoqiang, who can't be beaten to death, and I will soon be resurrected with blood. When I'm free, you can take me to ride the roller coaster.

"A roller coaster?" Wu Xintian was stunned, "Are you going to take the roller coaster?"

"Hmm." Su Nuannuan nodded.

"I never dare to ride a roller coaster. Didn't you mean to make me do this?" Wu Xintian has dared to play anything in the amusement park since she was a child, but she dared not take a roller coaster.

Looking at Wu Xintian with a sad face, Su Nuannuan was stunned and didn't say anything more. She didn't really want to take a roller coaster, but began to hear Wu Xintian say that she took the roller coaster to say so casually.

"Warm, don't take the roller coaster. Next time let Xintian take you to take you on the Ferris wheel. I think the Ferris wheel is much more fun than the roller coaster." Zhang Han quickly helped Wu Xintian speak.

Wu Xintian's head is also like pounding rice and garlic: "Yes, yes, the Ferris wheel is fun. I heard that people who sit on the happy Ferris wheel will be happy, and you should sit down better. This happy Ferris wheel is the pride of our A city, which is the highest in China.

"The tallest Ferris wheel built in A city?" Only then did Su Nuannuan know that she had lost her mind when listening to Wu Xintian and casually thought of sitting on the Ferris wheel as a roller coaster.

However, thinking of the Ferris wheel, Su Nuannuan's mind suddenly became hot and remembered that one night many years ago, Duan Chengyu asked himself how much money he made.

I remember that my answer at that time was that it was a lot of money to build the tallest Ferris wheel in China.

"Nuannuan, I will build you a Ferris wheel of the height you want and give you the maximum happiness I can give you. Nuannuan, give me your happiness!"

Although after so many years, that sentence that moved me for a long time is still fresh in my memory, as if Duan Chengyu's voice is still circulating in my ears.

I didn't expect that after five years, this A city would really build the highest Ferris wheel in China.

Thinking of the promise related to the Ferris wheel, Su Nuannuan smiled bitterly.

"Don't you believe Nuannuan? It's really the highest in China." Wu Xintian thought that Su Nuannuan felt that she was coaxing her.

"I believe you. You should also go home early. I will take a taxi back by myself. Su Nuannuan also had no intention to chat with Wu Xintian here. Her mood was really bad.

Wu Xintian looked at Su Nuannuan's background and said helplessly to Zhang Han, "I really didn't expect that the Ferris wheel could not bring warmth and happiness. This sun is really true. What is the happy Ferris wheel when you spend so much money to build a broken Ferris wheel? Where is happiness? It's a false name!"

"Okay, don't be angry. It's about the Ferris wheel and the sun." Zhang Han looked at the indignant Wu Xintian and walked in holding her hand with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the two hands held together were suddenly pulled tightly by the other two hands.

The two quickly looked back, but it was Su Nuannuan who had gone back.


"What's wrong with Nuannuan?"

Wu Xintian and Zhang Han asked at the same time.

"Where did you say the happy Ferris wheel was built?" Su Nuannuan stared at them with big eyes and waited for their answer seriously.

"Yu-Da, what's wrong?" Wu Xintian looked at Su Nuannuan confusedly.

"You mean that the only Ferris wheel in our city A was built by Duan Chengyu?" Su Nuannuan has a little trill.

"Yuri is Duan Chengyu's, which can be said to be built by Duan Chengyu. What's wrong with you, Nuannuan? Wu Xintian obviously felt that Su Nuannuan's hand on her arm was trembling.

"Where is the Ferris wheel?" Su Nuannuan did not answer Wu Xintian's words and directly asked her the specific location of the Ferris wheel. After getting Wu Xintian's accurate answer, Su Nuannuan ran out like smoke.

"Warm, warm!" Wu Xintian reacted and ran out to chase Su Nuannuan with Zhang Han. However, when she ran to the door, Wu Xintian accidentally twisted her foot.

"Ouch- hiss--" The sudden great pain made Wu Xintian take a breath.

Zhang Han was so scared that he quickly helped Wu Xintian and sent her to the hospital nervously.

And Su Nuannuan sat alone in a taxi, like fifteen buckets in her heart - up and down.

Did he really build a tallest Ferris wheel?

That's his promise to himself!

Su Nuannuan only felt that her eyes were sore, and there seemed to be something to rush out. She tried her best to endure it, because she had not seen the promise with her own eyes.

The mobile phone in the bag kept ringing. Su Nuannuan saw that it was Wu Xintian who called and connected it.

"Nuannuan, are you all right? Don't scare me." Wu Xintian's voice came

"Xintian, I'm fine. Please let me be quiet." After saying that, Su Nuannuan hung up the phone and turned off the phone again.

"Little girl, go to Happiness Square? Are you still going to take the Ferris wheel so late? The driver was a man of about 50 and was very talkative. As soon as he saw Su Nuannuan saying that he was going to the Ferris wheel, he asked him.

"Hmm." Su Nuannuan answered gently, and she didn't want to talk much at this moment.

"This Ferris wheel is good. It is the pride of our city A. Thanks to the Yuri Group, it has benefited the people of our city A. Sometimes during the weekend, I also stop working for half a day and take my little grandson to sit down together.

"Little girl, you young people should sit more. They say that this is called the Ferris wheel of Happiness. Whoever sits will bring happiness."

"When the Ferris wheel was built four years ago, I heard that the government went out to build the Happiness Square, and the Yuri Group invested in the construction of the Happiness Ferris wheel. I heard that it costs 50 yuan to sit on this shorter Ferris wheel in other cities, but it only costs 30 yuan to take a ride on the Happy Ferris wheel in City A, so that everyone can sit down, and the old, weak, sick and disabled don't charge for it. In addition, the 30 yuan is not required by government departments and Yuri Company. In addition to daily expenses, it is used for the Yuri Love Foundation to help poor students go to school, treat seriously ill patients, help everyone in need, and donate a lot of money to orphanages and nursing homes. Little girl, do you think this Ferris wheel is a happy Ferris wheel? Isn't it accumulating blessings for the people in City A? How can we not come here often?

The driver chattered alone, regardless of whether Su Nuannuan responded or not, but it can be seen from his words that he obviously praised Yuri's kindness.

A smile slowly appeared on Su Nuannuan's face. I really didn't expect that Duan Chengyu, who had always been cold, would make such a move for the Ferris wheel!

I remember that Wu Xintian once asked herself why she loved a man like a thousand years of ice.

He is not cold at all, but many times he must be cold.

Since he was able to take care of Ji Keyin in the last few years, this is the heart of people.

Su Nuannuan stood at the foot of the high Ferris wheel and looked straight at the huge thing like a big windmill.

Is this the happy Ferris wheel he built?

Can it be understood that this is the Ferris wheel he built for his promise to himself?

He did it! He really built a Ferris wheel that can give people the greatest happiness!

Su Nuannuan suddenly felt that her throat was getting harder and harder, and her eyes were getting drier and drier.

"This girl, are you going to take the Ferris wheel? If you want to sit down, come here and queue up. A middle-aged woman stood by a small house and shouted at Su Nuannuan, who was standing outside the guardrail in line.

Que up? Su Nuannuan looked sideways and saw that there were still many people queuing up in the wooden guardrail, but they were all two or three people, and even four or five people entered a small pavilion on a Ferris wheel. When they came down, there were not many people standing.

"Little girl, are you sitting alone?" It was obviously strange for the aunt to see Su Nuannuan alone, because the person who came here to sit on the Ferris wheel was either a couple or a family.

Seeing that Su Nuannuan nodded, her aunt opened the car of a small pavilion. After a couple came out of it, she quickly carried Su Nuannuan in and closed the door.

Just at the moment of closing the door, the aunt said, "There are really not many people who come to sit on the Ferris wheel alone. Two people came at once tonight."

However, Su Nuannuan, who was sitting in it, did not hear this sentence.