Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

116, vent

Su Nuannuan sat on the Ferris wheel and looked up. The bright stars decorated the night sky like a big curtain, like a gorgeous coat set with countless diamonds, dazzling.

Looking down at the city also decorated with colorful lights, it is as dazzling as the night sky.

Have you ever been on this Ferris wheel? Where is your happiness?

Su Nuannuan shouted Duan Chengyu's name countless times in her heart.

If she hadn't left City A and left his side because she didn't believe him five years ago, would she not have been such a person sitting alone on this happy Ferris wheel and looking up at their happiness, but only envy?

Why do you want to say if?

Su Nuannuan cried bitterly at the small round table in the middle of the pavilion.

God knows how much she hates the word if, because there is no if in her world. No matter how hard she works and suffers more grievances, she still can't get back the if!

Finally, I have arrived in my own world. I don't need to disguise myself, I don't need to be low, I don't need to take care of other people's mood everywhere, and finally let tears flow freely.

Why are you crying?

Is it because of the lost love? Because of the lost happiness? Or is it because of the passing of time?

There is no reason, because this "because" is a bitter fruit brewed by herself.

Who told her to brew it herself? Now that you have brewed it, you must taste it yourself.

Chengyu, what did you think when you raised this Ferris wheel?

Did you still love me at that time?

Is the Ferris wheel built to commemorate our amorous love? Or just to fulfill that promise to me?

Or is it because you have been hating me, just to remind yourself of the pain I have caused you?

Chengyu, do you know how much I regret it?

Regret the waywardness of those years, the stubbornness of those years, and the confusion of those years!

When you indulged me again and again, I ignored your love and regarded your love as grass mustard.

When I reflect, you are getting farther and farther away from me, so far away that I can't catch up with your fading footsteps.

Do you know that I'm really tired and hard to chase?

I'm so weak, do you know?

If you make a mistake, you really have to pay a price to make up for it. I am willing to make up for my mistakes at any cost, but why don't you even give me such an opportunity?

I always thought that we could be very close, but why are there always so many invisible forces in the middle of us?

In the past five years, has this flying Ferris wheel really turned all my beautiful memories in your mind away from the sky?

Really, as you said, you don't love me anymore. Have I already been kicked out of the trajectory of life by you?

Su Nuannuan vented all her bitterness in her heart in the loud crying.

The aunt waiting for the Ferris wheel opened the door of the pavilion. Seeing Su Nuannuan's sad appearance, she closed it directly, making her pavilion rise slowly into the air again and slowly fall down.

When the Ferris wheel entered the last turn in the middle of the night, the aunt opened Su Nuannuan's door and said softly, "Little girl, this is the last lap. You have to come down, or you will be locked up here until tomorrow morning."

Su Nuannuan, who circled three times in the Ferris wheel, has calmed down a lot. Listening to the aunt's caring words, she reluctantly smiled and slowly walked out of the pavilion.

Looking up at the Ferris wheel called happiness again, he closed his already red and swollen eyes and took a deep breath.

"Little girl, have you had a conflict with your boyfriend? Young people should understand each other and understand each other. Don't be uncomfortable because of a little thing. When they are really separated in the future, there will be no medicine for regret. The good aunt helped open the pavilion behind and comforted Su Nuannuan.

The aunt has seen a lot of people who are disappointed in love like this coming to cry in the Ferris wheel.

Many young people often come to sit in the Ferris wheel when they are passionately in love, grind their ears, wait for their parting hands, and another person comes here to cry once to pay tribute to their faraway love.

At this time, according to the regulations, the toll collectors do not have to charge their money.

Listening to her aunt's comforting words, Su Nuannuan just sighed deeply.

Indeed, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

I don't know why the tears in Su Nuannuan's eyes flowed out again.

She is not a weak person, but in a specific environment, a specific mood, and a specific atmosphere, people are easily vulnerable.

"Little girl, is that your boyfriend? He has been standing here for a long time. You two have a good communication and understand each other about the little things. The aunt secretly pointed to the outside of the guardrail and talked to Su Nuannuan.


Su Nuannuan was stunned.

Turn around and searched outside the guardrail and saw that it was Gao Qun standing straight outside. With the light as bright as day, Su Nuannuan saw the concern on Gao Qun's face, and his eyes were full of a kind of regret because of concern.

I don't know why Su Nuannuan's heart suddenly softened, her nose was sore, and she ran in the direction of Gao Qun.

Is it true that only Gao Qun is the best person in the world and the person who cares about himself the most?

In Gao Qun's arms, Su Nuannuan cried again.

Her crying is just a vent, just a kind of vent around the closest people, like a disoriented child, suddenly seeing her long-lost relatives and involuntarily rushing to that warm embrace.

Because that embrace can give you the warmth and support you want.

At this moment, she was just instructed by shallow consciousness. She didn't want to think back and think twice. She regarded herself as a simple-headed three-year-old child and cried without any worries.

Gao Qun hugged Su Nuannuan tightly and let her be presumptuous in her arms.

Gao Qun, who was heartbroken, knew that Su Nuannuan was the most helpless and needed his own embrace most.

He also knows that this is her trust in herself, and this embrace has nothing to do with love.

But he is not sad about it, because he always knows that she doesn't love him and she only has friendship with him.

In the face of love and friendship, he will choose love without hesitation. But when love never existed, he was willing to maintain this beautiful friendship. As long as he had the opportunity to accompany her, give her such a hug in time, give her warmth and comfort, which is also a kind of comfort to his heart.

What he is afraid of is to lose her forever, and he doesn't even have such a chance to have such close contact.

To take ten thousand steps back, when she is lost, she is willing to give herself such an opportunity, which is also a little place in her heart.

Some people may complain about the weakness of the high group and criticize the uselessness of the high group. But in the world of love, no one is more patient, and it can't be said that anyone is humble. The only thing to say is that whoever loves more is and whose heart is more tolerant.

Su Nuannuan cried until her eyes were painful and her legs were weak. Her whole body was in Gao Qun's arms, allowing Gao Qun to hold her tightly to support her body balance.

"Nuannuan, don't cry, okay, it's okay."

"Nuannuan, I know you feel uncomfortable. Believe me, I will do my best to help you do anything."

"Nuannuan, you have to be strong. I like to watch strong Nuannuan the most."

"Nuannuan, my arms are open to you at any time, and I will always be your strong backing."

Nuannuan, no matter what you want to do, I am the first to support you unconditionally."

"Nuannuan, I want you to be happy, you must be happy."

Gao Qun hugged Su Nuannuan and kept whispering in her ear, comforting her and encouraging her.

Su Nuannuan raised a pair of red and swollen eyes and stared at Gao Qun. Her eyes were a little lax: "Gao Qun, I can't do anything well. I'm not as good as you think."

"Fool, in my heart, you will always be the best and the most perfect."

"Gao Qun, why do only you think I'm the best? Why don't others think so?" When Su Nuannuan said this, she still cried a little, but because of her tone, it made people feel coquettish, just like flirting between little lovers.


Far from the two tightly hugged each other, a handsome and straight figure has been standing aside, gently sipped his thin lips, staring at them closely, and his cold face gushed out.

Although the dialogue between Su Nuannuan and Gao Qun was very small, because it was early morning and there were almost no people in the square, it seemed particularly quiet, so that Duan Chengyu, who stood aside, could hear their words clearly.

It turns out that Duan Chengyu is also a regular guest of this happy Ferris wheel.

When he is in a bad mood or misses the girl at the bottom of his heart, he will come here to sit on the Ferris wheel, sometimes even for one night.

The staff who charge the door guard here know Duan Chengyu. Every time he comes, he will pay special attention to which small pavilion he is in and will not disturb him. He will sit for a long time. Unless you see Duan Chengyu stand up, he will open the door.

It's the same today. Since sending Cheng Fei away, Duan Chengyu has come to the Happiness Square and sits on the Ferris wheel. He is still used to venting his mood here.

Just when the last person walked off the Ferris wheel, he passed by Su Nuannuan and Gao Qun. At first, he didn't notice the two people, but the sound of warmth called to the tip of his heart, which made him stop.

In Duan Chengyu's opinion, Gao Qun's words are all deeply affectionate, but Su Nuannuan always snuggles in Gao Qun's arms and sobs in a low voice. Isn't this a little couple who are in love?

This scene made Duan Chengyu only feel that countless steel needles flew to his heart at the same time, which made his words painful.

He didn't want to hear the sentence "Because I love you" behind Gao Qun, so he took a big step and went straight to the outskirts of the square.