Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 21 Mother's Condition

Life is still flat and can't stand any waves. Long Xiaoqi trains as usual every day, competes with the clan, and listens to Long Jingdao tell him some things that have happened in the past. Long Xiaoqi, who traveled through time, learned a lot about the history of the Long family from Longjingdao, and also understood the kindness and resentment between the eight major families. Although she didn't say anything, she realized a lot from it.

The 12-year-old dragon family's ancestor worship began again. Twelve years of reincarnation is not only the end of the old, but also a new beginning. This is the first time that Long Xiaoqi has participated in a large-scale event of the Long family since he remembered it. I remember that Long Jingdao told him that he had also had an ancestor worship in his 100 days, but this time it was different from that time. As the eldest grandson of Long Jingdao, the future of the Long family is particularly important when offering sacrifices, because offering ancestors is the memory of the ancestors and praying for the ancestors to bless the prosperity of the family, and the future of the Long family can be said to be in the hands of Long Xiaoqi.

The people have been busy for nearly a month. It can be said that they are waiting for this day. The unified gray thick-colored clothes are engraved with an ancient seal dragon character with gold thread on their chest, and everyone's status in the dragon family is engraved on the right chest. Gorgeous silk and satin, countless gold and silver jewelry, as much as cow hair fruit sacrifices, bustling crowd, and Long Xiaoqi is dazzling. Although his face was as calm as ever, he had already been extremely surprised. He didn't expect that his family was really just an ancestor sacrifice, just like what his grandfather said.

Although there are thousands of people in the Long family, only dozens of people can really participate in the sacrifice of ancestors, no more than 100 people. These people must be the direct family of the Long family, as well as the direct wives, or unmarried daughters. But among these familiar people, there is a beautiful figure missing, that is, Long Xiaoqi's mother - Zhang Lingfei.

Since the last time she was found to be carrying the SAQ virus, Zhang Lingfei can be said to be increasingly haggard. Although Long Jianhui bought the corresponding drugs abroad, such drugs only have a delayed effect, and the side effects of this drug on the human body are very large. Zhang Lingfei not only ate less and less, but also vomited from time to time. Several times, she even spit out blood. The Long Zhanjun did not know medical skills and could only worry beside him. In the past few days, the Long family has been sad. If it hadn't been for the 12 years of ancestor sacrifice, the Long Zhanjun might have been overturned.

"Jianhui, how is your aunt's situation now?" In Zhang Lingfei's side room, Long Jingdao, Long Zhanjun and Long Jianhui sat around the table. Uncle..." Long Jianhui wanted to stop talking, but finally struggled to say it. The aunt's condition has deteriorated sharply, and the SAQ virus has eroded the bone marrow. Now the aunt's blood contains a lot of SAQ virus. Isn't it enough to change the bone marrow?" The Dragon Army really can't wait to have three heads and six arms to bring Zhang Lingfei's life back from the abyss of death. It's not as simple as changing the bone marrow. Now the blood has spread all over the body, that is to say, the aunt's body is full of SAQ virus. However, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the SAQ virus has been transferred from the heart to the brain. At present, there is no technology that can remove the virus from the brain, and it is also a new type of virus. After saying that, Long Jianhui sighed heavily. He also felt very weak about Zhang Lingfei's condition. He asked almost all his classmates and teachers, not to mention a way, not even any hope.

"Is it true that there is no medicine?" Long Jingdao asked one after another, but he still couldn't believe everything in front of him. Did the gentle, beautiful, kind and virtuous Zhang Lingfei really attract God's jealousy? He is even willing to use all his strength to save Zhang Lingfei's life, because she is a complete family. The most important thing is that Xiaoqi, who is only six years old, has to watch her meticulous mother leave her. Is it true that God has a good life?

Unfortunately, the reality is like this. Even if you have the most powerful power, even if you can end thousands of lives in the blink of an eye, you can't save a loved one.

Long Jianhui didn't say anything. First, he nodded gently, then gritted his teeth and nodded heavily. Can't even the patriarch's token save her?" The patriarch's token is the last hope of Long Jingdao. This is a treasure that can save a clan. Can't it save a person's life?

Long Jianhui thought for a moment and didn't say anything. He just sighed softly and then shook his head again. The patriarchal token is only in the hands of successive patriarchs, and I don't know what role he will have. However, according to the records and descriptions of the patriarchs, I don't think the patriarch's tokens have a rebirth effect. Long Jianhui is an atheist. He only advocates technology. He does not believe that there are really gods in the world, and there are really diseases that cannot be solved by science, but can be solved by that mysterious method.

"So, isn't your aunt hopeless?" The Long Zhan Army roared at Long Jianhui, and the anger accumulated over the past few days finally broke out today. Uncle, don't be angry. I'm not saying that my aunt is helpless, but I know too little about patriarchal tokens to say anything more. However, I can go back and check the classics of the Long family to see if there are any similar examples. Long Jianhui knew that the Long Zhan army was not coming for him, so he poured a cup of tea and handed it to the Long Zhan army.

" Besides, although my aunt's health is getting worse and worse, can't it be delayed for a while through drugs? Maybe the medicine to cure the SAQ virus will be used soon. I have told my classmates that once it is officially put into use, no matter how much it costs, I will buy it for me. Long Jianhui's words really warmed his heart, and the Long Zhanjun slowly calmed down. During this period, he was really tired. Not only did the big and small things in the clan need him to deal with, but Zhang Lingfei's condition also made him restless. If it hadn't been for Long Zhanhua to help him share part of it, he would have been afraid he would have been earlier. Just lying on ** and vomiting blood.

"Jianhui, this matter depends on you, alas! I don't know if Ling Fei can survive this time. Long Zhanjun's face was calm and his eyes looked out of the window, as if he wanted to see through the whole world. Well, I know. However, I have a sentence, I don't know..." "Say it! At this point, what else can't be said? Long Zhanjun sat down, half closed his eyes, put his hands on his forehead, and gently rubbed his temples with his fingers. Just now, what we think is only a good side, but we have to be prepared to face everything at any time. Aunt's illness is very likely to die suddenly.

Death is an ordinary word, no different from others, and it doesn't even need to be hard to read. Death is another terrible word. No one can face death without scruples, do whatever they want, and die as they want. In the hearts of loved ones and loved ones, death is an untouchable boundary. They would rather bear all this than see their loved ones die in front of them.

For a moment, all three of them were silent. Death, an inevitable reality, no one could escape, and those who wanted to live forever were deceiving themselves. In the night, the stars flashed, and the desolate moonlight emitted a faint sadness, which made people confused and sad.

"Okay! That's it. From now on, I will try to treat Ling Fei with patriarchal tokens. Jianhui, don't relax on your side. As soon as there is a situation, report to me immediately. If there is any difficulty, just say it. As for other aspects! Let's not worry too much. The most important thing is to live. Also, don't tell Xiaoqi about this matter. Through my observation of him for nearly a month, the child is worried, but he refuses to tell us that if he has been thinking about Ling Fei's condition, when he breaks through the realm of war, the heart demon will definitely come back, which will ruin his life!" Long Jingdao looked out of the window and then sighed helplessly.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the young Long Xiaoqi was squatting under the window at this time. Long Xiaoqi could hear the conversation of the three people clearly. Although he could not understand it for a while, he could vaguely feel that his mother was terminally ill.

Thinking about your inadvertent passing by, you actually know your mother's condition. Maybe this is God's will! Even if the demon finds himself again, his mother's illness is not hopeless. In this case, it's better to let the demon come more fiercely! Instead, I don't have to live so painfully every day. I don't dare to cry even if I want to cry. I have to squeeze out a smile every day when I see my mother. Who can really understand myself and who can give myself a generous embrace?

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoqi stood up and left step by step along the road in front of the door, leaving only a depressed back. Under this faint moonlight, it became more and more desolate.