Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 48 Prestination

In five years, Long Xiaoqi may return to the world. Of course, she may also die in the demon world, but in any case, Long Xiaoqi has at least hope. I just don't know if I can see my father again, and the name that has been haunting him - Ma Yujia.

It has been nearly a hundred years since he came to the demon world. Long Xiaoqi naturally does not know Ma Yujia's current situation. However, human life expectancy is limited after all. If Ma Yujia is still alive now, she will be at least more than 100 years old! Thinking about it, my father should also be in the realm of blue gas. If there is no accident, it should still exist in the world, but with the help of the Dugu family, even if the dragon army is invincible, it will definitely be able to find the protection of Duguyun.

Long Xiaoqi stroked the yin and Yang jade, because there was a remnant on it that he brought from the family. The remnant jade marked the rise and decline of the Long family and recorded the bits and pieces of the Long family. This is also the only thing that has accompanied Long Xiaoqi from beginning to end. This yin and yang jade is not only a treasure in Long Xiaoqi's eyes, but also a memory and a kind of missing.

"Hey..." I don't know how you are doing now. Long Xiaoqi sighed, and there was an indescribable sadness in her words.

If Long Xiaoqi knew that Ma Yujia was dead and would die like that, I don't know what Long Xiaoqi would think and be angry? Passed by a smile? In the current realm of Long Xiaoqi, it can be said to be an invincible existence in the world, but Long Xiaoqi does not think so. Since there has been such an existence as the god of gods, how can there be a person who can take the position of the gods?

The past is like clouds. Now that it's over, let him go there! Stay in your heart, just add a lot of sadness. At present, I still want to think about how to stabilize the spirit of war. It would be best if I could learn the skill of blood sacrifice. After all, this is the same way to save his life as preparing for the final battle.

Slowly got up, Long Xiaoqi came to the window and looked at the monsters in the past. Why can't those who hold power or monsters live the life in front of them? Are those false names really so important to them? Thousands of years, or ten thousand years later, just leave a bunch of white bones for future generations to comment on!

Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi's mind moved, as if she felt something. After being silent for a long time, a surprise expression suddenly appeared on her face, as if she had found some secret.

"Canglong, are you really awake?" Long Xiaoqi asked in an unbelievable tone. He didn't expect that Canglong, who had been sleeping for ten years, would wake up at such a critical time.

"Emp..." Canglong's voice seemed pale and weak, and it seemed that he had not fully recovered.

"Ha ha, that's good." Long Xiaoqi heard Canglong's helpless tone and didn't say much, so she had to stabilize Canglong's mood first.

"Although I woke up now, I can't leave the yin and yang jade, so everything depends on you, but your current realm also have the strength to break through. As long as you enter the realm of the fourth level of golden spirit, Youfeng will wake up, and then you will have another powerful helper. With the strength of the two of us, if we work together, it is still possible to fight against the magic blood. Canglong said slowly, as if he didn't care much about this matter.

"In this way, that's naturally the best, but I don't know why the war spirit in my body suddenly became unstable, and I would like to ask Elder Canglong to take a look for me." Long Xiaoqi even changed her name for Canglong when she asked for something.

"What do you think?" Canglong did not answer Long Xiaoqi, but asked Long Xiaoqi.

"This..." Long Xiaoqi really didn't think that the fluctuation of the spirit of war was not a good thing, so he had always thought about how to stabilize the spirit of war.

"Hmm! Stupid! A born idiot! I don't know why I chose you to be the new owner of this yin and yang jade. Cang Long xiaoqi sneered at Long Xiaoqi, as if he was very dissatisfied with Long Xiaoqi's answer.

"I also hope that Elder Canglong will make it clear." Long Xiaoqi bowed her body and said it in a regular manner.

However, it seemed that Canglong did not mean to embarrass Long Xiaoqi. He hummed and answered Long Xiaoqi.

It turns out that the fluctuation of the war spirit does not happen to everyone. Among millions of people who practice the war spirit, there will be more than a dozen, which shows that the fluctuation of the war spirit is rare. Although this fluctuation of war spirit does not seem to be a good thing, if you are not careful, there is a possibility of going crazy at any time, or even retreating to the realm. However, because of this, the instability of the war spirit may also make people break through several levels in an instant and step into a realm that they can't even imagine. As for what can be done, it depends on personal fate.

A few words, but solved the question in Long Xiaoqi's heart. If it hadn't been for Canglong's words, Long Xiaoqi would not have known that the fluctuation of the original war spirit had such a great effect in her life. Risk and harvest always coexist. Long Xiaoqi now seems to be standing in front of a wheel, either the regression of the realm or the progress of the realm. As for what position this wheel can turn to, it depends on God's will.

It's no wonder that Canglong scolds himself so much. Thinking about ordinary people, I'm afraid they don't even dare to think that they will encounter such an opportunity. It's a once-in-a-lifetime, becoming a god and falling, only in one thought.

"Senior Canglong, what should I do? We won't let the spirit of war continue to fluctuate!" Long Xiaoqi was in awe of the dragon in front of her, and her tone naturally seemed to be much more sincere.

"Of course not, but I haven't experienced the fluctuation of the war spirit, and even this record is extremely rare, so everything needs to be explored by yourself. As for the rest, I can't help much." Canglong said irresponsibly and almost tilted Long Xiaoqi's nose, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't help it.

"Oh... According to the predecessor's words, it's really a matter of opportunity. It's really a pity that there are empty treasures but can't be mined..." Long Xiaoqi shook her head and said in a good way.

"However, yin and yang jade is the most precious treasure between heaven and earth. Maybe it will play a magical role. What's more, since you can't master the law of the fluctuation of the war spirit and step into a down-to-earth practice, as for the rest, it depends on God's will. God's will is unpredictable!" In the last sentence, Canglong actually said to the sky. Maybe he is still indignant that he is trapped in the yin and yang jade.

Long Xiaoqi could only shrug her shoulders, and then stopped talking. For a moment, the house returned to the original silence.

Long Xiaoqi sat on ** and felt the fluctuation of the war spirit in her body, but did not suppress it as at the beginning, but allowed the fluctuation of the war spirit and felt its unique law. But for some reason, sometimes the spirit of war fluctuates like the sea, with huge waves; but sometimes it is like a stream, gurgling constantly; and sometimes, the spirit of war even disappears completely and returns to silence.

Long Xiaoqi looked at everything in front of her and stared at everything in front of her. She was very calm. Maybe she would break through, or maybe she would fall into the realm of white gas. Everything is the arrangement of fate. Even if she has a strong heart, I'm afraid it will be difficult to control herself. The lifeblood of

Still as usual, wearing a black robe and a homemade hat above his head, he will look at the Blood Demon Palace twice every day. He doesn't believe that the war is approaching. As the Blood Demon Palace is the most important place in the demon world, there will be no change.


Blood Demon Hall.

At this time, the magic blood did not mix with those enchanting female humanoid monsters, but sat upright on the couch. I don't know when the curtain was pulled up.

"What else do you have to add to this plan?" The sound of magic blood sounds in the blood demon hall. If it is a monster with a low level, I'm afraid it will produce a feeling of soul.

The following monsters look at each other. Who will have any objection? The demon blood personality in front of him is erratic. I don't know which sentence will make him angry. If he says it well, he will naturally have no worries about his life, but if any sentence is inappropriate, I'm afraid the consequences will be terrible.

Looking at the monsters below without saying anything, the magic blood nodded, as if they were satisfied with the immediate result.

But at this time, suddenly a voice came from the void, which really changed the faces of all the monsters, and then incredibly threw into the magic blood.

However, the magic blood did not feel any strange, as if he had known the existence of the owner of the voice for a long time. He nodded and seemed to be extremely satisfied.

"Lord Blood, a strange monster suddenly appeared around the Blood Demon Palace recently. He would walk around the Blood Demon Palace every day, and then disappeared again. The monster is wearing a black robe and a hat. He can't see his true face clearly, but it seems to have a purpose. The guards guarding the city have already mentioned it to me. I told them not to act rashly and observe it. After all, I'm afraid there are few masters who dare to make trouble in front of the Blood Demon Palace. Then, the sound completely disappeared, as if it had never existed at all.

Magic blood nodded and signaled that he knew. Now that the war is approaching, it's better to be careful.

"You send someone to keep an eye on him. If anything happens, report it to me immediately. If he makes any action, it can be solved. I don't want to see anything else happen." After saying that, the demon blood never mentioned the demon again. However, all this made all the monsters present feel moved. There was still a master hidden in the Blood Demon Hall, and even the three generals who were about to enter the realm of God did not feel it.