Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 49 Almost Exposed

When she had nothing to do, Long Xiaoqi toss and turned from **. I don't know why, there was always a strange feeling in her heart. Is it possible that her aunt came to see him in advance? But isn't that something that women have?

Since she couldn't rest, Long Xiaoqi simply sat up and sat down in **. The spirit of war fluctuates as usual. Long Xiaoqi can't see when she can break through. Since she can't be in a hurry to achieve success, it's better to practice her skills.

Although skills such as the palm of the sky are not only perfect mastered by Long Xiaoqi, they are also easy to apply. What's more, in such a place, the flow of people is complex and not suitable for practicing such skills at all. After thinking about it, Long Xiaoqi still feels that it is better to practice blood sacrifice. After all, she doesn't have to worry about what will happen because of practice.

For ten years, Long Xiaoqi has been practicing blood sacrifices very carefully, but for some reason, it is difficult to understand the true meaning of blood sacrifice. Long Xiaoqi also tried to ask Canglong. Maybe he could give his own answer, but Long Xiaoqi regretted that even Canglong didn't know why, but reluctantly said that Long Xiaoqi's realm was not enough to understand for the time being.

However, Long Xiaoqi did not slow down her understanding of the blood sacrifice. First, there is only one skill left in the yin and yang jade. Is there another reason? It's because Long Xiaoqi is really strong. Since Canglong is not sure that it is because of the realm, he wants to see if he can't really understand this skill before entering the fourth level of golden spirit.

As soon as the idea moved, the practice method of blood sacrifice appeared in Long Xiaoqi's mind. Although Long Xiaoqi knew all the words, she didn't know why it was so astringent to read.

As time passed, Long Xiaoqi tried several times, but failed in the end. In the end, she had to open her eyes angrily. However, Long Xiaoqi's mind was recalling the harvest of this practice. Although Long Xiaoqi has tried many times and failed many times, every failure is the cornerstone of success. Long Xiaoqi is building a road and a road to success.

In fact, this blood sacrifice is already the last skill in the yin and yang jade, so the difficulty of cultivation is naturally self-evident. What's more, since the blood sacrifice is to improve the skill of the realm, it is an anti-sky existence. If it is so easy for people to learn, its power will be greatly reduced.

However, Long Xiaoqi was also not easy. He used to sleep for dozens of days, eating or drinking, just to be able to understand the true meaning of blood sacrifice at once, but in the end he failed. Although Long Xiaoqi has already had no need to eat or sleep, practice is extremely exhausting, so normal rest is still necessary.

Carefully recalling the troubles encountered during practice, Long Xiaoqi thought about the solution little by little. Even if it can't be solved in a short time, after a long time of thinking, she is bound to find the problem.

After thinking for a long time, Long Xiaoqi finally breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, put on her robe, put on the hat, and walked out.

Long Xiaoqi came to the front of the Blood Demon Palace as usual to see if there were any new discoveries, but this time, for some reason, Long Xiaoqi always had a strange feeling in her heart, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her. And he seems to be a transparent person, and everything is clearly seen by others. This feeling is very subtle, just a feeling, but it seems to exist in her heart. However, Long Xiaoqi thinks that her feelings have always been very accurate, so she would rather believe it than nothing.

Unexpectedly, Long Xiaoqi was just about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by the monster guarding the city. Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi was shocked and seemed that something bad was about to happen.

Long Xiaoqi stopped and turned around, but she didn't mean to take off the hat. After all, if the guard asks, he doesn't need to look at his face before asking. But why on earth did this guard call himself? Is it true that you have been discovered? Or for other reasons.

"Who are you? Why do you come here every day? The guard's attitude was extremely arrogant, as if it was an unreasonable master.

"I'm just passing by here. I don't know what advice the eldest brother has?" With that, Long Xiaoqi looked like a thief and was about to hand over the demon currency that had just been taken out of her arms.

But who thought that the guard seemed to be reassured. He shook his hand and knocked over the currency handed over by Long Xiaoqi to the ground. It was this action that also attracted the attention of other guards.

"Do you think you can bribe me with just this amount of money? Dream! Say it! Who the hell are you? What's the purpose in front of the Blood Demon Palace? If it's not clear, I'll hand you over to the general and let him control you!" The guard seemed to regard Long Xiaoqi as a bully and fear of the strong, and his tone suddenly became tough. However, for the money handed over by Long Xiaoqi, the guard was in a pain. It was not that he didn't want it, or that he looked down on him, but because this person was of great importance. Even the general had told him that once this person had any movement, he should return to himself in time, between money and his life, The guard chose the latter without hesitation.

Long Xiaoqi is also extremely depressed. It seems that she really met a guy who doesn't eat soft and hard today, but it's not easy to kill him in front of so many guards. Otherwise, it's really easy to be self-defeating.

"Brother, I'm really just a passer-by. I have to pass by here every day. My favorite thing is to buy some gadgets. I have to visit this city every day to see if there is anything new." Long Xiaoqi said submissively. He planned to pretend again. If it really didn't work, he had to be hard. Although this is near the imperial city, Long Xiaoqi believes that as long as the magic blood is not nearby, she is almost 100% likely to escape. At worst, she will live the original life. Anyway, Long Xiaoqi has never been afraid of anything.

"Is that right? Then tell me what gadgets you bought." The tone of the guard was full of doubts, but it was loose.

Long Xiaoqi was very happy to hear the guard talking like this. She quickly pretended to be pitiful, pulled the guard aside and took out a few things from her arms. Usually, Long Xiaoqi really bought something nearby, but it has no practical value. It's just something. It turned out that these things were just simple and beautiful, but he didn't expect them to be of great use today.

Looking at what Long Xiaoqi handed over, the guard's face softened. However, when Long Xiaoqi handed the money in her hand again, the guard's face was a pause.

"Brother, although I don't work hard on anything, it's also because I still have some money at home. Now that I'm so close with my eldest brother, these little things will be given to my eldest brother. There are also some miscellaneous things here, but I can also change some drinks. I hope that my eldest brother can give me filial piety once. Heart's opportunity." Long Xiaoqi almost said all the good words of her life. He even planned to kill him directly if there was any objection to the monster. In this corner, it was easy to escape.

The guard's face changed, but the speed of action was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he took over what Long Xiaoqi handed over, looked around, and pretended to criticize Long Xiaoqi.

"You are not allowed to appear around in the future. I will trust you once now. If I see you again next time, I will definitely give you to the general." With that, the guard waved his sleeves righteously and threw several gadgets handed over by Long Xiaoqi to the ground.

Looking at the things on the ground, Long Xiaoqi only smiled helplessly. It seems that the door of the Blood Demon Palace can't come again in the future. Of course, there are exceptions to everything. When Long Xiaoqi is ready for the decisive battle, he will definitely appear here again.

And the guard also pretended to return to his post, winking at Long Xiaoqi and signaling him to leave quickly.

Returning to the inn, Long Xiaoqi took a heavy breath. If she hadn't reacted fast enough, she would have really fallen down there today. Although Long Xiaoqi was not afraid of anything, it was not easy to hide her identity. Now she has leaked because of an accident, which made Long Xiaoqi feel very much. It's not worth it.

However, seeing that the time is getting closer and closer, but Long Xiaoqi has not made any progress, which is really worrying. Now that Canglong can't come out, Youfeng has not even woken up yet. There are less than four years left. Is it true that Long Xiaoqi is so single-handedly looking for magic blood to fight for? That's no different from dying.

"Blood sacrifice...the fluctuation of war spirit...blood sacrifice..." Long Xiaoqi muttered softly. Now there are only these two ways to make a breakthrough in the shortest time, but whether the regularity of fluctuation is too difficult to find, that is, the method of blood sacrifice cannot be understood at all. Although it seems to be the most possible, it is biased. However, it was far away. Long Xiaoqi was frustrated and upset.

"What should I do? What should I do?" I don't know what happened to Long Xiaoqi. She lost her temper without warning and kept asking herself, like a madman, and ignored other things at all.

"Is it going to sink into the world like this? Is it possible to hide in the demon world for a lifetime? I don't! I don't!" Long Xiaoqi roared loudly, as if she had forgotten where she was.

Suddenly, a golden light came out of Long Xiaoqi's body*, covering Long Xiaoqi's body without warning, and Long Xiaoqi also fell into a coma after the golden light appeared. For a moment, the room fell into a dead silence again.