Gossip God

Chapter 76 Another Year

Yi Qianxiang destroyed Yu Chengwen's array and grabbed the Xinpai Zen Pavilion. At the moment before he successfully escaped, he was hit in the back by Yu Chengwen with a soul bell. Although he successfully entered the Zen Pavilion, his life and death were uncertain. After the Xinpai Zen Pavilion fell into the water, it disappeared. Yu Chengwen searched for a long time and did not find it.

Yu Chengwen had nowhere to vent his anger, and he thought of Zhang Qingyang and others. When he returned to the place where he fought with Zhang Qingyang and others, Zhang Qingyang had disappeared. Yu Chengwen jumped back to the big pit blown out by the yin gas, grabbed the soil in the pit and cried, "Second sister, I'm sorry for you, second sister, I will definitely avenge you for my brother..." With a cry, he raised a handful of soil, then cried, and then raised another handful of soil, just like a bullied child, who let Looking at the current Yu Chengwen, I'm afraid I have to be moved by him.

After crying for a long time, Yu Chengwen jumped out of the pit and looked at the dark sky and said to himself, "Second sister, rest in peace. I will definitely avenge you. Yi Qianxiang, Longhushan, wait for me." Yu Chengwen has learned Yi Qianxiang's name from Zhang Erzhuang.

Yuchengwenjie's array also collects boys and girls in order to heal their second sister. That night, when he was fighting outside Wanqiu City, the ghost was injured by Yi Qianxiang and was almost dead. At that time, Yu Chengwen wanted to see whether Yi Qianxiang was dead or not, but a dragon suddenly appeared. Yu Chengwen did not dare to stay for a long time and immediately took Zhang Erzhuang and Ghost Second. Later, Yu Chengwen happened to ask where the ghost Taoist priest was from the soul in the soul bell. The ghost Taoist priest can escape several times under the virtual monk, which shows that the cultivation of the ghost Taoist priest is very good, and there are also unique and desirable places. Yu Chengwen brought his second sister here to find the ghost Taoist priest, hoping to get some secrets to continue his second sister's life.

As a result, the search for the ghost Taoist priest was frustrated. Yu Chengwen could only use the secret method of the yin school, hoping to save the life of the ghost second. Unexpectedly, being disturbed by Zhang Qingyang and Yi Qianxiang, the ghost second actually ended up with a soul. Originally, whether this method can save the ghost second is still between two, but now it is completely hopeless. How can Yu Chengwen not hate Yi Qianxiang and Zhang Qingyang?

In a blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed, and it will soon be the Mid-Autumn Festival again. In the past half of the year, the disciples of Longhu Mountain have been attacked many times. Although they are not fatal, they have made people panicked. Not only the Longhu Mountain family, but also Maoshan's disciples who continue to go out are attacked, which is much less than Longhu Mountain, but the piles are fatal. Most of the attacks on Longhu Mountain are the methods of the yin spirit faction, and there are also other monsters. Those who attack Maoshan are much simpler. They are all done by the yin spirit faction.

Of course, Maoshan and Longhushan will not sit idly by and send capable disciples to search for traces of the Yinling School, which has never had any effect. During the Dragon Boat Festival, Feng Qingyu, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly went down the mountain in a high profile and killed Lao Si and Lao Wu among the five ghosts in Xishan Mountain in less than ten days. However, he still let Yu Chengwen run away. With Yu Chengwen, there was also a descendant disciple of the Yin Ling School. According to Feng Qingyu, this little guy looked young. However, there have been scattered people practicing, and the Yinling faction also take good care of him, otherwise they would not have died of two of the five ghosts in the mountain, but saved this little guy.

Since then, the disciples of the two factions have received much less attacks. However, there are rumors in the practice world that Feng Qingyu got the ancient artifact town magic tower, so that he could defeat the five ghosts in Xishan in one fell swoop. Feng Qingyu of Maoshan did not deny this. He said that he only got the incomplete Zhenmo Tower. Later, the leaders of all factions had been to Maoshan and nominally visited the Taoist Taoist priest, but in fact, they all went to see the Zhenmo Pagoda. But after the leaders of each faction went back, they were silent, which was very unspeakable.

Later, several junior disciples and even celebrities in Sanshu challenged Feng Qingyu to see the demeanor of the magic tower, but unfortunately, the wind and thunder fan in Feng Qingyu's hand was not vegetarian, and even the long-famous immortal could not beat Feng Qingyu. Later, there was gradually a saying in the practice world that Feng Qingyu was already the second master of Maoshan.

During this period, a big thing happened in the world of practice, that is, a rookie came out on Taihang Mountain. He can be said to be a free practice without schools, but he has his own teacher. He built a divine arrow villa on Taihang Mountain. The hall is dedicated to Emperor Houyi, but Feng Qingyu of Maoshan is his teacher. There is a difference between this teacher and the master, just as scholars all over the world regard Confucius as their teacher, but Confucius cannot be said to be their teacher. Who is this person? It's Ning Changfeng.

It is said that Ning Changfeng got Maoshan's Shangqing Canon, which should take Maoshan as his teacher. I don't know why. Ning Changfeng claimed that he took Feng Qingyu as his teacher. The predecessors could not understand and disapprove of Ning Changfeng's approach. The descendants felt that Ning Changfeng took Feng Qingyu as his teacher and wanted to express his admiration for Feng Qingyu and take Feng Qingyu as an example. Of course, Ning Changfeng's own cultivation is already scattered people, and coupled with his golden talent and magical power, he can't be provoked among scattered people. Of course, there is another reason why no one provoked him, that is, Feng Qingyu said that they had a master-apprentice relationship. No one will risk offending the youngest fairy to provoke a loose man who has no threat to him.

Under this disturbance, the small Yi Qianxiang disappeared and naturally did not know. For most of the year, Yi Qianxiang has no news, and even the mouthful Taoist priest Lv Pin has no news. Of course, there are few people looking for Yi Qianxiang. Feng Qingyu is one, and Yu Chengwen is one. In fact, Lv Pin Taoist priest himself is also one. Of course, he looked for Yi Qianxiang for his baby. However, none of these people could find Yi Qianxiang, because Yi Qianxiang could not find himself.

Yi Qianxiang was put on his back by Yuchengwen, and then entered the Xinpai Zen Pavilion. Then, Yi Qianxiang was broken, broken into light spots in the Xinpai Zen Pavilion, and scattered around the Xinpai Zen Pavilion. Why was Yi Qianxiang smashed? It is because he is a fairy body and a mortal heart, and the soul is one, that is, his body and soul have been perfectly united. The soul bell is a magic weapon that has a miraculous effect on the soul. If you hit Yi Qianxiang, who combines the soul, Yi Qianxiang will naturally be hurt.

Last time Yu Chengwen wanted to accept Yi Qianxiang with a soul bell, which caused the counterattack of the bell, but failed. Why? Gun Zhong is an amazing treasure. How can he tolerate other magic weapons to take himself? This time, Yu Chengwen attacked Yi Qianxiang from behind, but Gun Zhong did not respond and let Yi Qianxiang be smashed. Generally speaking, Yi Qianxiang's cultivation is already a fairy, so it won't be so useless, just because Yu Chengwen took action with hatred. This blow exerted 200 percent of his strength, and Yi Qianxiang was also unlucky. It is true that the Xinpai Zen Pavilion fell into the sea, but Yu Chengwen searched for a long time and did not find it, because when it fell, Genzhong buttoned the Xinpai Zen Pavilion underneath. After falling, it directly collapsed to the bottom of the sea, and Genzhong and Xinpai Zen Pavilion were buried in it.

The smell of the bell is already very obscure, and Yu Chengwen is not good at treasure hunting, so he was naturally deceived. Don't say it's Yu Chengwen, even if Taoist priest Lu Pin and Mr. Mengzui have been here, haven't they got nothing? Why did Lu Pin come here? Since Lv Pin Taoist priest is called a "poly-mouthed Taoist priest", the means of listening to the news is naturally unique. Although this war is secret, Lv Pin is not difficult to find out one or two, and then speculate that he can guess the matter. He also believes that Yi Qianxiang must be more evil and lucky.

Feng Qingyu has also been here. He has an intuition that Yi Qianxiang is here, but he can't find it. Feng Qingyu didn't do it and went to Ning Changfeng. Feng Qingyu knew that Ning Changfeng had gone to Huashan, but he didn't know where he went. Fortunately, Feng Qingyu found Ning Changfeng. Unfortunately, Ning Changfeng happened to enter an empty state and closed the gate. Feng Qingyu did not dare to disturb Ning Changfeng. Instead, he did protection there for half a year and said to the people in Maoshan that he er Closed.

After that, there was an incident of the Yinling faction attacking Longhu Mountain and Maoshan disciples. When Ning Changfeng got out of the customs, he and Feng Qingyu went to find trouble with the Yinling faction. With Ning Changfeng's fiery eyes, coupled with Feng Qingyu's Tongtian cultivation, he seriously injured Yu Chengwen and killed the ghost four and the ghost five in the five ghost immortals in Xishan. Then Ning Changfeng didn't know what went crazy and insisted on going back to Taihang Mountain to build some "God Arrow Villa" first. Feng Qingyu can't force it, but can only provide convenience to Ning Changfeng as much as possible. After finishing these miscellaneous things, it will be August 15th.

On the fifteenth night of August, Feng Qingyu and Ning Changfeng came to the battlefield where Yi Qianxiang plotted the fish at that time. Ning Changfeng got angry and searched for a long time and found nothing. Instead, they found the wonder of the big pit blown up by the yin gas and studied it for a long time. When the moon was in the middle of the sky, a golden light leading to the sky suddenly appeared in the sea.

Feng Qingyu shouted in surprise, "It's the heart-style Zen Pavilion, it's Yi Qianxiang, and the long wind is fast!" The two rushed to the seaside like lightning, and the sea rolled violently and had already boiled. The sea began to rotate, forming a huge whirlpool, and then slowly formed a vacuum void. A big clock flew away, but there was no light, as if the huge movement had nothing to do with it. After the big bell, a small golden pavilion slowly emerged, shining brightly, as if afraid that others would not know that he made the movement. Then, Yi Qianxiang slowly floated out naked, just like when he first came back from the disaster.

Such a big movement naturally shocked many hidden masters. In just half an hour, seven magical people have appeared, but they did not come from the road, but from the sea. These people looked at them for a long time, and one of them said, "The clock belongs to me." He reached out and turned into an empty palm and grabbed the floating bell. Feng Qingyu shouted at this: "Maoshan Qingyu Taoist priest is here, who dares to be presumptuous?"