Gossip God

Chapter 182 Chapter 183 Long Flat Array

Zhang Qingyang is not only kind. At this time, he is still willing to give two paths to the Immortals: "First, you continue to resist stubbornly, and we can only kill you; second, your current practice, reincarnation with a blessed fate."

Shui Binghe laughed and said, "Reincarnation? What you said is light. If reincarnation is really so simple, how can there be so many dying immortals?

Zhang Qingyang said, "Water girl, since you don't want to wait, you have to be rude." Originally, Zhang Qingyang wanted to say something, but looking at the people around him, it turned out to be such a sentence. Over the years, Zhang Qingyang also likes water and ice, but what is his personal preference? How can it resist the righteousness of practice? So a thousand words turned into a rude word in the end.

Ning Changfeng has always been a cheerful person, or refreshing and inappropriate. It can be said that he was decisive. Just as Zhang Qingyang's word "disrespectful" was just out, Ning Changfeng pulled his bow and arrow and shot a fairy in the group of immortals.

What they can persist until now are the loyalist of the immortals. This is the way they practice. Even if they die, they have to maintain the way. For Zhang Qingyang and the vast majority of practitioners, they are wrong, but they always think they are right, so they can defend it with their lives. As far as this behavior is concerned, It's also admirable.

Ning Changfeng actually has some admiration for these people. The way to express his admiration is to show his strongest attack method. But Ning Changfeng is not stupid. He knows that Zhang Qingyang and Shui Binghe have something unclear, so he has never dealt with Shui Binghe. Moreover, since he became a fairy, he has no interest in sneak attacks. Although he is an archer, his sharp attack can help him kill anyone who is comparable to his cultivation.

The battle was almost a one-sided situation. Just when the situation was good, a graceful figure stumbled towards this side. Ning Changfeng was so powerful that he saw Fang Yu from afar.

The Fang sisters should also participate in today's decisive battle, but I don't know why they didn't arrive. When the time comes, Zhang Qingyang, as the leader of the alliance, will naturally not wait for the two of them. Moreover, the advantage of the decisive battle is on his side, so there is nothing. But at this time, Fang Yu came and seemed to be injured. What's wrong with this?

Now Zhang Qingyang and Shui Binghe are still fighting. Yun Feiyang is facing an elder of the Five elements Gate, and others also have their own opponents. Only Ning Changfeng is relatively idle. Seeing that Fang Yu seems to be injured, he did not wait for Fang Yu to come and greet him.

Ning Changfeng's eyesight is very strong. When he saw Fang Yu, Fang Yu was still far away from this battlefield, so far away that others could not see him at all. Naturally, Ning Changfeng would not fly away. Naturally, he told Zhang Qingyang before flying away, but he flew away without waiting for Zhang Qingyang's consent. Zhang Qingyang knew that there was no problem on his side and did not care about him. Moreover, he could not control it.

Ning Changfeng rode the white tiger and quickly rushed to Fang Yu's side. Fang Yu just found a black spot in front of him. Before he realized who it was, Ning Changfeng had appeared in her vision. Fang Yu shouted, "Ning Lang, save Cai'er, Changping." After saying that, I fainted.

Ning Changfeng probed Fang Yu's body and was slightly injured, but it was not very serious, but the long flight made Fang Yu a little weak. However, Fang Yu's power has been consumed at all. If it is not treated immediately, I'm afraid it will fall to the root of the disease. However, Ning Changfeng can't ignore what Fang Yu said.

Caier is Fang Hong's small character. Although Fang Yu's words are short, they are relatively complete. I'm afraid that the Fang sisters have encountered some disaster in Changping, and most of the masters in the practice world have come to the East China Sea, so Fang Hong will hold back the enemy and let Fang Yu come back to report. But if Fang Yu is injured like this, the speed will inevitably slow down, so it will take at least two days to fly to the East China Sea. Even if he rushed there, is there still time?

During the Warring States Period, Bai Qi, the general of the State of Qin, killed 400,000 soldiers of the State of Zhao in Changping pit, so that for a long time, it was surrounded by death and resentment. Later, in the Han Dynasty, several heavenly masters went to this place to suppress the death, and it got better here, but the resentment of the soldiers was actually so. Can it be solved? If you have the ability, you can't do it. You must have a predestined method. Therefore, several heavenly masters can only choose to suppress it.

Now this place is not peaceful, or the death and resentment that had been suppressed by the heavenly master have been released, and the man did not know what secret method he used to make this boundless death and resentment boil.

In those years, on the East China Sea, only 100,000 ghosts created an extremely powerful Tianluo blood disaster. If it hadn't been for Xu Yunzi's last decades of Taoism to suppress it, I'm afraid Tianluo's blood disaster would have been twice as horrible. At present, there are not only 100,000 ghosts, but also 400,000. Of these 400,000 soldiers, most of them are experienced soldiers, with a strong evil spirit. In addition, they were killed after surrender, so this resentment is even greater.

In the past, it was often said that "killing prisoners was ominous", which was not unreasonable. Prisoners are also sergeants and bloody men. If these people die unjustly, their evil spirit will naturally be stronger than ordinary people. Generals are murderous, and ordinary resentment can still bear it. Moreover, there is no right or wrong to kill people on the battlefield, and each is their own masters, but no matter how strong his own murderous spirit is, and how can he compare with the evil spirit of 400,000 people? Therefore, after the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi was stripped of his title and then given death, which has to be said to be caused by resentment.

The evil spirit of these 400,000 people will naturally not dissipate in vain. After it was suppressed by the heavenly master, it slowly integrated into this land. Later, there were various wars such as anti-Qin, Chu Han hegemony, etc. How could Changping avoid sword soldiers alone? Therefore, instead of being worn away, this evil spirit has slowly grown up, but the heavenly master is highly capable and has always been able to suppress it.

Now it is not someone else who has aroused this evil spirit, but Zhang Erzhuang. Zhang Erzhuang is carrying the secret method of ghost cultivation, and now he has also survived the sea of suffering. In the bitter sea, he can see the past and present life, and he is actually the useless general Bai Qi.

Bai Qi was born and beheaded millions, but at the same time, he was also blessed by the luck of Qin, so although he suffered some sins after his reincarnation, he was still reincarnated in this life. Coincidentally, among the secrets he knew, there happened to be a supreme method used to attract evil spirits for himself.

In fact, Zhang Erzhuang is not a complete person now. He is full of ghosts, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a ghost. He followed this road, and after flying to heaven, he could only go to hell to be a ghost fairy, or fly to heaven. Of course, others can't peep at what Zhang Erzhuang thinks. In short, he came to Changping to attract this endless evil spirit.

But at this time, the unfortunate Fang sisters appeared.

Zhang Erzhuang's evil spirit that attracted Changping will naturally be guarded by the magic array, but Fang Yu was a sensitive person and unexpectedly found Changping.

Naturally, the evil spirit here can't be stirred up if you want to. In addition to the guarding array, Zhang Erzhuang naturally has to place a magic array. Naturally, this magic array can not be laid casually. The most important thing is to have blood stimulation. Although it is not as horrible as hundreds of thousands, 10,000 people still want it.

Zhang Erzhuang has naturally accepted disciples over the years. These disciples are already cultivated by real people, but there are also those who can only deceive people with a few small spells, but one of these useless disciples has become a climate.

Although this dynasty is very prosperous, there are always restless people who want to find trouble. A few years ago, a military disaster almost disrupted the whole country, which made the people in some places miserable. At this time, Zhang Erzhuang's disciple appeared.

This man also had some brain, but he did not have the root of practicing ghost art. He couldn't learn a few small skills, so he entered the world to practice. The so-called practice of entering the world is just a trap.

When this person saw the suffering of the people, he actually wanted to preach. He was originally capable, but at this time when the people did not know where to go, he preached some nonsense that his immortals could get out of suffering and naturally coax some people. He is also a person who has practiced ghost cultivation. Naturally, he knows that the people's mind power is good for him. Although his roots are not good, as long as he has enough believers, he can still have endless magic power.

But after all, this is not the right way in the world, and private missionary is inherently a taboo of the government. Moreover, other practitioners are also not allowed. Basically, ordinary sects will have a rule similar to "not to gather people to manifest themselves as gods". He dares not make too much trouble. This scale has not been expanded, and his cultivation is also stuck on the scattered people.

If it had been put aside in the past few years, he would have been found on such a small scale long ago. Now it happens that the Free Alliance and the immortals will fight so much that he can pick up a bargain.

The scale cannot be expanded, and his cultivation cannot be improved. In the past few years, his self-motivated spirit in practice has faded, but he has come up with another way to be an emperor.

Since ancient times, there have been many people who rebelled in the name of religion. As long as he no longer shows his magical powers, then practitioners can't trouble him. When he becomes the emperor and gathers the thoughts of all sentient beings, can he become immortals? Just as he was preparing to rebel, a man came to him.

Of course, someone came to him not because he was the son of his destiny. Now that the time has come, the spirit of the king is shocked, and naturally there are heroes from all walks of life to return. However, this person did help him achieve success. This person is his master.