Gossip God

Chapter 183 Long Flat Array

The master came to him to help him do something. Naturally, he will not refuse, and he is not afraid that the master will rob the fruit of his victory, because in his opinion, his master is a fairy-like figure. How can he let the master see the emperor of the world? Then since his master's immortal-like figure looks down on the throne of the world, why did he still run to help him do things? This guy doesn't know where to find out about a tragedy in the past. The village that was slaughtered by the imperial court because the prince was killed is the hometown of his master.

Zhang Erzhuang naturally looked down on the throne of the world, but Zhang Erzhuang also reported the hatred in the past. After all, the people who ordered the slaughter of the village have also died. As for overthrowing this court, Zhang Erzhuang is also a ghost practicer. Naturally, he knows the role of the thoughts of all sentient beings on cultivation, but he is talented and intelligent, and he has obtained the orthodox inheritance of the infinite sword school. His Taoism is relatively high, and he has reached the realm of immortals early. When you get to the realm of immortals, you can naturally see that the spirit of the dynasty has come. Although there was a great chaos in the past few years, the spirit of the court is not exhausted. Naturally, Zhang Erzhuang will not do this thankless thing.

Of course, it's nonsense to say how much Zhang Erzhuang has affection for these disciples. He is already the only descendant of the Yinling School. Originally, he wanted to leave a disciple for the master Yu Chengwen, which was also to live up to the master's teaching, but these disciples are too stupid. It can't be said that they are better than himself and the master, even better than the incompetent Xishan Five Ghosts, so his mind is also faded.

As for this disciple who wants to be an emperor, he can't hold the mud on the wall. Although he is a little cautious, he is not a great wisdom. He can still be well-off. If he wants to rebel and make a prosperous, he can only die.

At this time, it is also the time when Zhang Erzhuang wants to start the Changping evil spirit. There must be a living sacrifice to start the evil array here, at least 10,000 young people, right? When Zhang Erzhuang was worried about where to plunder 10,000 Qingzhuang, this incompetent disciple came to his door. Zhang Erzhuang thought to think that instead of sending military workers to those officials who ate people and did not spit bones, it was better to use these lives to repay his master.

As for how to gather his apprentices people to the position he wants, it's simpler. He just needs to tell them that they have boundless power, and they are all sent by God to help their apprentices do things. Naturally, they are all heavenly soldiers and generals, just like those immortals in Romance of Gods. . Of course, "Romance of the Gods" has not been released at this time, but there are always some similar myths, aren't there?

Since you want to become a divine general, you have to be recognized by God. How to get God's recognition? Naturally, it is a sacrifice to the sky. Even if everyone doesn't know about Jiang Ziya's division of the gods, does everyone know that the emperor sacrifices to heaven? Naturally, the common people know that they have nothing to do for a few days. Now that there is such a reason, everyone trusts this sudden sage more.

It's easy to do. Zhang Erzhuang drew a figure and let his disciples arrange them neatly with all the people. Then each person pulled out a knife and gently cut his arm. As long as the blood drips on the ground, there will naturally be a blessing. In the future, these people will be invulnerable.

The villagers are ignorant and have been fooled by his cult for a long time. Naturally, there are some good and evil that do not distinguish between right and wrong. Moreover, how can the villagers know Zhang Erzhuang's ghost method?

The youth brought by the fake emperor reached 15,000 people, and with the fake emperor himself, after this magnificent blood appeared, it could no longer be suppressed. Their position has already become a formation, and they still trust their leader, the fake emperor. At this moment, it is a sacrifice to heaven, and naturally they will unite as one. In addition to the diffuse blood and the power of all sentient beings, this method became in an instant. Once the formation is completed, these strong blood will be as uncontrollable as the flood of the breach. At this time, it was too late for some people to react.

When ordinary people die, they go to the hell. Naturally, they have meritorious calculations, and then settle clearly on the reincarnation wheel and reincarnation. These young men are drained of blood, but their souls are also inseparable.

Where is this place? This is Changping, a place where countless ghosts are buried. Hundreds of years of resentment have accumulated to what extent. As long as it doesn't break out, no one can know. Now the resentment has been stimulated by these young people, but their souls are also inseparable.

Zhang Erzhuang attracted this boundless evil spirit, and naturally knew how to use it. At this time, he sat in a small array and operated these evil spirits to wash himself. When he could fully accommodate these evil spirits, then he could break through the air and fly away. Of course, this is not the serious method of the yin school. He can't fly to heaven and become an official in hell, so he can only go to become a free heaven.

Just when the evil spirit was just halfway through, the Fang sisters broke in.

The Fang sisters also have the ability. Although the cultivation of the immortals are not extreme, they are not good friends, especially their sister Fang Hong. Since the immortals, their cultivation has soared to the sky, and their combat strength is directly chasing Ning Changfeng. Although they have encountered strange things now, the Fang sisters are still not afraid. Thinking about the two immortals, where is there no place to go?

But this time, the Fang sisters kicked the iron plate. Entering this formation, that is Zhang Erzhuang's world. Zhang Erzhuang is still washing himself with the help of evil spirit, and he can't do it at will to avoid interrupting his practice. But in this way, he can still mobilize evil spirit to attack the Fang sisters.

The Fang sisters have also seen the formation. Naturally, they have seen this kind of attack with the help of the formation, but it is the first time they have seen such a powerful array. In fact, it is not the first time, and Tianluo Blood Robbery is also on this scale. This array is still different from Tianluo Blood Robbery, not only the power is different, but also the power is different. However, when the hostile power is too large, those differences cannot be seen.

If there are many people, even if there are more than a dozen immortals, Zhang Erzhuang can't do anything with the help of this fierce formation, because Zhang Erzhuang himself can't play well. Tianluo Blood Robbery is different. Even if the earth fairy fills the whole Tianluo Blood Robbery, Tianluo Blood Robbery is still as powerful.

However, in terms of a single attack, Zhang Erzhuang's killing is much more powerful. If the Fang sisters stray into the blood disaster of Tianluo, they can still escape with their cultivation and meet this killing array, they will not be able to leave.

By the time the Fang sisters found out, the two of them were already injured. Finally, Fang Hongyin bit his teeth and sent Fang Yu out to the place they agreed to find others to help. Why did Fang Yu go out? Because Fang Yu's skills can't open the gap. It's so urgent that their sisters know that the person who made this formation must be a big devil. If he becomes a climate, won't it be a dozen disasters in the practice world?

Fang Yu went to ask for help, and Fang Hong fell into a hard battle. Now she did not ask for injury, but only wanted to protect herself. For a while, she could still support it, but she also knew that she could not stand her sister to move the rescuers back.

Between this line of life and death, Fang Hong unexpectedly remembered Yi Qianxiang again. Yi Qianxiang went to the yin and yang room with her, and he died together. She still remembers that on the Sansheng Stone, she clearly saw that Yi Qianxiang would marry her, but since then, Yi Qianxiang has disappeared without a trace. She is going to die now and she doesn't see that person. Is what Sansheng Stone said wrong? Or what changed your fate?

Just when Fang Hong felt that he could not hold on, the rolling evil spirit in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then he saw the man he had dreamed of countless times rushing in and gently picked himself up and flew out.

Lying quietly in Yi Qianxiang's arms, Fang Hong did not know whether the dream was true at this moment. If it was a dream, it was better not to wake up. Even if it was a dream, he had a lot of things to say to him, so Fang Hongxing opened his mouth slightly and said, "Yi Lang..." After that, he couldn't say anything. Then, Fang Hong unexpectedly Falling asleep, a fairy fell asleep like this.

Yi Qianxiang has been traveling around the world. Although he doesn't know what the practice of immortals should be, he vaguely feels that this kind of understanding of heaven is his own practice. The practice of the Yi family is naturally different from ordinary people. In the past, isn't it now? Therefore, Yi Qianxiang did not return to heaven, nor did he just travel around the world with red-haired lions.

Originally, Yi Qianxiang came to travel around the world as an outsider. He saw good and evil, but he did not intervene, not unable, but unwilling, because he knew that everything has its own way of heaven. Maybe all sentient beings can't see it, maybe practitioners can't see it, maybe he can't see it himself, but he Just know.

On this day, he walked to Changping, and he also saw the soaring evil spirit. At this time, Fang Yu left for a short time. Since he is an outsider, he can see everything, but he won't do anything, just like an outsider doesn't interfere with the scenery in the painting. He was outside the painting, so all obstacles were not obstacles, so he easily saw Fang Hong and the moment when Fang Hong was exhausted to die.

At this time, Yi Qianxiang couldn't see anything, because his mood was broken. His state of mind was broken because he walked from outside the painting to the inside of the painting. This world he did not want to venture into, but it was Fang Hong who suffered. How could he stand outside the painting? This is his fate.

It's not that Yi Qianxiang also loves Fang Hong in his heart, but because Fang Hong has lived and died with him, which is an unopenable fate. This is also the way of heaven. In a word, Yi Qianxiang took action.