
Chapter 92 found

More than 20 people were killed and injured in the battle between the Jinshui River and the Bai family. After Ma Liu returned to Linshan, he was ordered by Yang Yu to make up the number of 100 people in the vanguard camp. In terms of combat effectiveness, these horse bandits are not as good as werewolves and leopard men, but Yang Yu did not want the orcs to appear in front of the world too early, because Under unnecessary circumstances, Yang Yu will only let the vanguard battalion in his hand appear and hide the orc troops in the dark.

In order to build the power on the surface, Yang Yu gave priority to the vanguard camp of 100 people with the best equipment captured on Linshan. The weapons and armor are all picked up, and there are many horses on Linshan. If you just call 100 people, you can also do one person and two horses.

As for werewolves, although more than 500 people have weapons, werewolves' weapons are not their usual weapons. The most important thing is the lack of throwing guns, so werewolves cannot be used as long-range arms, so among the power Yang Yu can use now, the leopard man with the smallest number of people is the most powerful. Although there are only 90 people, Yang Yu believes that as long as these 90 leopards rush into the local array, it is enough to play a decisive role.

Exactly because although the number of people in his hands does not have an overwhelming advantage over the bandits flying on the grass, Yang Yu is still very confident that more than 400 people can fly on the grass with only the more than 700 people in his hand, but Yang Yu's idea is that one of the other party can't escape, and the teams flying on the grass are all One person and three horses, not to mention combat effectiveness, this power is first-class, so whether 400 people can be encircled with 700 people has become the key.

With 700 to 400, it is difficult to encircle and annihilate all the other party. If the trace is found by the team flying on the grass early, it will be difficult to surround and annihilate the other party, and it is even likely to be completely escaped by flying on the grass. In order to catch all the horse bandit team flying on the grass, the best way is to The only way is to attack at night.

For the night attack, Yang Yu has a great advantage. The vision of the werewolves and leopard people at night is almost completely unaffected. Yang Yu believes that as long as he can find their traces of flying on the grass and launch an attack at night, he will definitely be able to wipe out one of them.

According to the estimate of the wolf's white-eyed, it should be a day's journey from Linshan. If they fly on the grass as fast as possible, the two teams should meet at night about a hundred miles east of Linshan, but this premise is that the grass has been flying towards Linshan, and the wolf's white-eyed stay to monitor the people flying on the grass. There is back, that is to say, the team flying on the grass has always been heading towards Linshan. Even if the destination flying on the grass is not Linshan, if the direction is changed halfway, there will be a surveillance werewolf to come back to report. With the talent of the werewolf and the help of the extremely keen sense of smell of the mad wolf, the horse bandit team flying on the grass will never escape Yang. Yu's tracking.

Under the leadership of the wolf's white eyes, a team of more than 700 people quickly set out and rushed to the place where the wolf's white eyes found flying on the grass. Because it was going to attack at night, the speed of the team was not very fast. Yang Yu even had time to enjoy the scenery on the grassland.

After entering the rainy season, there are many large and small water fields on the grassland. On the green land as far as you can see, it seems to be a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, which are beautiful, but there is also a crisis hidden in the beautiful scenery. While the extremely abundant rain has formed many water fields, there are also many large areas. Low-lying areas form swamps. Although these places look no different from ordinary grasslands, people will fall into the mud when they step on them. However, although the depression on the edge of the swamp is not as exaggerated as being swallowed up by the swamp, it is inevitable to toss for a long time to get out. If you ride on a horse If you accidentally step on the swamp while galloping at high speed, it is very likely to be thrown out of the horse's back. The horses trapped in the swamp are extremely difficult to get out.

Whether it is a werewolf leopard man or a horse bandit, they are used to living on the grassland. During the day, they will not have the trouble of falling into the swamp with a good vision, but at night, the werewolves and leopard people will not be affected, but the horse bandits are difficult to walk, and And it will also start to rain on the grassland at night, and it can't even hit the torch. It can be said that it is difficult to walk, so the team flying on the grass will definitely camp and rest at night.

While the scene on the grassland made Yang Yu feast his eyes, it also made Yang Yu more confused. Although Yang Yu was still unable to let go during the march, he said to the people around him: "I have been strange about one thing for a long time, but now it is even more strange when I come to the grassland. I never thought of it before. Half a year is the rainy season, and it rains almost every day. How can it be a desert? With so much rain, plants and trees can't grow, how can it be a desert? Well, even if it rains in the desert, nothing can grow, but the grassland is so full of rain. Why have we gone so far? Except for some trees on the forest and mountains, there is still only grass in the rest of the place. Who knows why? What's the matter?"

After hearing Yang Yu's words, several people shook their heads one after another. Lang Qing said, "We don't know what's going on. I knew that this grassland was a grassland from the time of our orcs. Although the rain is abundant, it seems that the soil on this grassland is extremely barren, and nothing can grow except grass. However, I heard from my father that the original dead desert and the Jedi Desert seem to be not desert at all. The dead desert on the mainland of China was originally far away from the Jinshui River. As for the Jedi Desert on the other side of Xiyi, it is very rich. I don't know that hundreds of years ago, these two places suddenly became Desert.

Ma Liu also nodded and said, "I know the same. It seems that the vitality of the Jedi Desert was cut off overnight, but no one knows why it is like this."

"It's weird. It's really weird. I'm getting more and more curious. The place that shouldn't have become a desert is a large desert. No matter how much rain there is, it doesn't even grow grass. Moreover, it was originally a place with rich water and grass, but it can become a desert overnight, which is even more strange. If I have a chance, I must figure it out. What's going on?"

After sighing, Yang Yu no longer explores how the desert was formed. Now it's time to fight. It's not too late to satisfy your curiosity. Seeing that the sky has arrived in the afternoon, clouds have appeared in the distant sky. Seeing that tonight is another rainy night, in order to be able to send it early Now that the trail of the horse bandits flying on the grass, Yang Yu ordered the team to speed up a little, and at the same time sent 50 werewolves as scouts to avoid encountering on the grass in case they were still in the daytime.

With the passage of time, when the evening came, large dark clouds also began to cover the sky, and there was a faint thunder in the sky. Although the sun had not yet set, the sky quickly darkened. In order to avoid driving in the heavy rain, Yang Yu immediately ordered the speed of the team to be raised to the extreme. .

It didn't take long for the team to go forward at full speed. When the sun set, the sky was completely dark, and the heavy rain was about to fall, the scouts sent by Yang Yu finally brought back the news. They had met and got in touch with the werewolf who left their white eyes to monitor, and the team flying on the grass was in front of Yang Yu and others. About ten miles away, the camp has begun to rest, and once these bandits begin to camp and rest, they are not afraid that they will suddenly leave.

Finally found flying on the grass. Yang Yu's spirit was refreshed and slowed down the team. After walking about five miles, Yang Yu stopped the whole team.

When the team stopped, the heavy rain had begun to fall, and the heavy rain accompanied by lightning and thunder could excellently cover up their tracks. Even if Yang Yu ordered people close to him, Yang Yu could only hear it by shouting others.

Because it came all the way, although it was pouring down, Yang Yu still decided to take a break, but the rest time in the rain could not be too long. The orcs were not serious, but the vanguard battalion composed of human beings was drenched by the cold rain after galloping for a long time. Maybe he will have a serious illness.

After a short break, when Yang Yu felt that his hot body had begun to feel cold, he knew that he could no longer rest, so Yang Yu raised his voice and shouted to Lang Qing, "You take all the clan and surround the other party first. If you want to do it, you must not let one go. Remember, Your main task is not to rush, but to never let go of each other, understand?

Although Lang Qing is very want to take the lead, Yang Yu's order has been given, but Lang Qing will never have any complaints. As long as Yang Yu's order is carried out very thoroughly, he will be fine. At present, he held his fist and shouted to Yang Yu, "Yes, don't worry, the leader will never run."

After saluteing Yang Yu, Langqing turned over and rode on the mad wolf, set out with 500 werewolves first, and soon disappeared in the night.

"Ma Liu, inform the brothers of the Pioneer Camp to change horses and set off now."

Because the thunder was too loud, Ma Liu could only inform the people in the vanguard camp one by one to replace the horses that had saved horsepower. After everyone was ready to stop, they were surrounded by 90 leopards and began to walk slowly to the camp flying on the grass.

Although there are 100 cavalry in his hand, Yang Yu did not intend to let the vanguard battalion charge at the forefront. First, the heavy rain made the grass extremely muddy and soft, unable to give full play to the speed advantage of the cavalry, and the vanguard battalion was almost useless. Secondly, in the dark, let the leopard man be the first force to attack is the best choice. In this weather, there is no better choice than the leopard man. Although there are only 90 people, Yang Yu believes that as long as he rush into the camp, these 90 leopard men can definitely kill 400 horse bandits. At present, it is correct. Under the location, time and climate, the leopard can be said to be invincible.