
Chapter 93 Bai Jia

Overnight on the grassland during the rainy season, it is essential to have a tent that can shelter from the wind and rain. A tent that is simple but is enough to isolate the rain occupies a large area in a mess. This is the camp flying on the grass. Although it can't be seen how big the whole camp is, Yang Yu knows that Lang Qing has surrounded it with people. A camp.

There was no light in the camp, and there was no person standing guarding. Yang Yu had taken the vanguard camp to the edge of the camp flying on the grass, but no one found their arrival. Despite this, Yang Yu did not launch an attack immediately, although Yang Yu believed that if the other party launched a raid at this time, the other party would not have it at all. There is room for resistance, but Yang Yu feels that it is best to subduing people without fighting.

They all entered the camp of the other party, but they were still not found. Yang Yu, who had no choice but to take the initiative to appear. Taking advantage of the lack of thunder, Yang Yu shouted with full strength, "Is there anyone alive? Get out of here!"

After Yang Yu shouted, there was still no movement in the camp, as if a large tent in front of him was really dead. Even the horse next to the tent turned a blind eye to Yang Yu and didn't even hit him.

Yang Yu was completely speechless. He spread his hands to Ma Liu beside him and said with a wry smile, "Who can tell me what the situation is?"

Ma Liu said suspiciously, "The big owner, is this an empty camp? Did someone set a trap for us?"

Yang Yu shook his head and said, "It's impossible. If it were a trap, Langqing and others would have sent us a letter. Now Langqing is still waiting to intercept the fish that leaked. Then there must be no problem in this camp. Damn, I'd like to see what's strange about these people."

After saying that, Yang Yu patted the horse in front of the tent closest to him, slapped the tent hard with the big iron knife in his hand, and shouted, "Come out, come out."

With the shaking of the tent, there was immediately a movement inside. A man crawled out of his tent. After rubbing his eyes, he looked up and saw a flash of lightning, making the person who had just climbed out of the tent see Yang Yu riding on the horse and a large number of people behind him.

The man who had just woken up from his sleep and looked at the sudden big ticket was stunned. He looked up at Yang Yu, who was tall, but he did not move. After a thunderstorm, the man woke up like a dream, and then a sad and sharp cry cut through the night sky.

"No, they are chasing me! Run for your life."

A sad scream actually brought the effect of an echo. After a scream, Nuoda's camp exploded in an instant, and countless tents immediately began to shake. Shadows rushed out of the tent, untied the horses tied next to the tent, got on the horse and ran away. It seemed that they were ready to escape early and acted skillfully. To the extreme.

Yang Yu, who was a little caught off guard, looked at the people in the camp and called the horses into a mess. Unexpectedly, they fell into chaos in an instant, but for a moment, they didn't know what to do. What happened was completely different from what he expected. These people were like horse bandits, saying that they were a group of frightened rabbits.

"Stop, stop, whoever runs around and kills, throw down the weapons and squat on the ground, come on!"

Yang Yu shouted at the top of his voice. Originally, he didn't expect much effect, but he didn't expect that anyone who could hear him shouting, whether he got on the horse or not, immediately stood still, and then squatted on the ground with his hands on his hands, as if Yang Yu's sentence had some magic for these people. The technique is the same.

When someone heard shouting casually, Yang Yu immediately shouted to the people around him: "Come on, shout with me and speak loudly."

"No movement, throw down weapons, squat on the ground, surrender and don't kill!"

As 100 people shouted at the same time, the sound was much louder. Soon, no one in the whole camp moved, and they all squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms. At this time, Yang Yu stretched out one arm and asked everyone to stop shouting. After the shouting of the Pioneer Camp stopped, a man squatted on the ground and shouted loudly: "We throw Surrender, surrender, please let us live."

Yang Yu shouted, "Who is the master, come to me."

At this time, the person who shouted stood up in a panic. After trotted to Yang Yu's side, he bowed repeatedly and said, "This, my lord, the little grass is flying on the grass. I have seen you. We are willing to surrender. We absolutely dare not disobey your order and beg you for your life!"

Yang Yu and Ma Liu looked at each other. The situation seemed to be completely different from what they imagined. The grass seemed to be a homeless dog. There should have been some change.

Yang Yu coughed gently and said, "Are you flying on the grass? Where are you going?"

On the grass, he said tremblingly, "In my words, we plan to go to Linshan first to urge our lives. After Linshan's rest for a whole day or two, we will find a way to go to the ghost gate. We will never dare to fight against you."

Flying on the grass almost didn't let Yang Yu spit blood. He ran for a long time and made various arrangements. As a result, he wanted to go to Linshan and still wanted to defect to him. If he had known that he would have waited for the rabbit in Linshan, he would have been depressed. Yang Yu did not forget to ask who forced the grass to fly to Linshan. Of.

"What happened that made you go to Linshan?"

As soon as Yang Yu's words came out, he felt something wrong. He looked up at Yang Yu with a surprised face and said, "You, you, you are not from the Bai family!"

A sentence of flying on the grass screamed, and Yang Yu's heart also sank. It turned out that it was the Bai family who forced the grass to become a homeless dog.

"Don't care who I am. You just need to know that your life is in my hand now. Why, only the Bai family can kill people, can't I?"

After looking at Yang Yu in surprise, he turned his head and said repeatedly, "I dare not. At this time, I can only admit defeat, but I dare to ask who you are?"

It can be seen that after flying on the grass, after knowing that Yang Yu was not from the Bai family, he seemed to be much bolder, but now all his people have left their weapons and sat in the muddy water. Looking at the other party, they are waiting. In any case, the general trend has gone and there is no room for resistance.

"Don't care who I am, I ask you, what's going on with the Bai family? Why did you come here again?

The grass flew with a sad face and said with a sad face, "I don't know what's going on. A team suddenly emerged from Hukouguan to find us to beg for food on horseback. They kill them when they see people. They don't let any of them go there. They will kill there when they go there. Really, they don't leave behind. They rely on the tiger's head and hundreds of their men at Hukouguan. All the people were killed, and none of them ran away. The heads were cut off and put them in the carriage. The team went west like pulling a net and killed one by one. Fortunately, after those people killed the territory of the golden iron rooster, several of the golden iron roosters ran badly, so I got a letter.

At the beginning, I wanted to figure out what was going on, so I took dozens of brothers to go and see what was going on. As a result, I happened to meet the group of people and touched the place of the debt collector. Oh, that's terrible. The debt collector was also a famous figure on the grassland. As a result, he was killed and bloodshed in the whole camp, even There is no one who can leave the whole body. Those people cut off their heads without killing any of them. If they are the head of the family, their heads are still hung on the pole. Oh, my God, the head of the golden-haired iron rooster, and the head of the debt collector are hanging on the pole. I recognized it at a glance, and I was so scared that I ran away and waited. After going back, I took my brother and immediately ran to Linshan, but we walked in a hurry and didn't bring enough food. If we wanted to go to the ghost gate, it was not enough, so I wanted to turn to Linshan first, and then find a way to get some food and grass from Ureng Biao and then run away.

Yang Yu frowned and said, "Then how do you know that the person who came from Hukou is the Bai family?"

The grass gasped and said, "A few people under the hands of the debt collector also ran out and found me. Thinking that I was looking for a way to find a fire, I also listened to them. There were several magicians in the killing gods. Before they started, they also asked if they were close to the Dinghai Bridge by the Jinshui River. He did it, his grandmother's. You said that we didn't do it by the Jinshui River that day, and whether we did it or not, those people would kill people. A leader said that he killed all the bandits on the grassland and buried Mr. Bai Si. Mr. Bai Si was also a magician with a large number of magicians, don't you think? It's the team of the Bai family. Alas, I don't know what's wrong with the fourth son of their family, so we have to bury him all. His grandmother's. There is a reason to go there to talk about it.

Yang Yu and Ma Liu looked at each other and saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes. The Bai family actually started so quickly, and they were so determined that they wanted to kill all the horse bandits on the grassland and bury Bai Sizi.

Flying on the grass still cried and said, "Do you think we can afford to provoke the Bai family? What happened to Mr. Bai Si? What does it have to do with us? They have to vent their anger on us."

Although Mr. Bai Si was indeed killed by Yang Yu, Yang Yu refused to be buried with him. Now he began to be glad that he found the grass in advance and got this shocking news. Yang Yu said quietly, "How many people in the Bai family can make you so afraid?"

"There are not too many people, only about 300 people, but there are at least 50 magicians among 300 people, 50! In addition, the Bai family also said that a team of people went west from Hukouguan, and a group of people went east from the ghost gate to the east. They would never give up if they didn't kill the horse bandits on the grassland. Now the team on the other side of the ghost gate should not have reached Dinghai Bridge, and there is still a chance to escape to the ghost gate. This brother, I think you should also be with us. All the way, right? Let's not say anything extra. Just please let me live. I'm willing to leave all the gold and silver for you, okay?