Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 64 `Third Mixed Association`

Lin Yongquan said, "The main reason is that since last year, our recruitment has been fixed in several places. When we built machine gun camps, with the current Third Association, we have recruited 4,000 to 5,000 people in those prefectures and counties, and high-quality soldiers are already relatively rare!"

"Then change to another place to continue recruiting!" Zhao Dongyun said so.

However, Lin Yongquan said, "Our Zhili is so big, and we are not only recruiting soldiers. The Wuwei Right Army, the vanguard of the Wuwei Right Army, the self-improvement Army, and the standing army Zuozhen are recruiting new soldiers. Usually, everyone is a fixed place. I'm afraid it's not good to cross the border. Moreover, in recent years, we have recruited a lot of soldiers. The quality of the staff is also high, and it is estimated that there are not many suitable candidates to go to other places!"

Hearing Lin Yongquan's words, Zhao Dongyun also frowned. The requirements of the Beiyang New Army for new recruits are very high, especially the requirements for ordinary poor children in terms of physical quality are actually difficult to meet, and the recruitment of Beiyang New Army in recent years is also limited to Zhili Province.

Although it is not a problem to recruit hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the population base of Zhili, the environment of Zhili has been not good over the years. Natural disasters have led to a serious decline in the quality of soldiers. It is not easy to select tens of thousands of qualified soldiers from these low-quality sources. If you think more, you will probably have to reduce the recruitment requirements.

Of course, this is also related to the recruitment system of the Beiyang New Army. There are many people who meet the physical conditions in Zhili, but if this group of people do not take the initiative to recruit, Yuan Shikai can't forcibly recruit them into the army.

Zhao Dongyun thought for a moment and said, "Let me see, Zuozhen has become an army now, and the Wuwei Right Army can't recruit many new soldiers every year. I'll go to the top and tell them to vacate a few counties. But even so, it is estimated that the situation is not good to go there. In this way, you can find the two provinces, Shandong and Henan, which have simple people and many good families. At that time, I will ask Lord Duxian to see if I can go to other provinces to recruit soldiers!"

Although the standing army in the military system has always said that it will recruit the indigenous people of the province, the Beiyang New Army is not an army in Zhili Province. Its defense scope is the whole of Northern China, so it cannot be treated equally with the standing army of other provinces. In addition to the soldiers of Zhili Province, it is also possible to recruit soldiers from other northern provinces. .

It's just that Zhao Dongyun can't decide these things by himself. He has to go to Yuan Shikai and tell him that he can only go to Shandong or Henan to recruit soldiers after getting consent.

I have to say that the recruitment requirements set by the Beiyang New Army are actually very high. In addition to the physical requirements, it is also required that the recruited soldiers must have family members, report to three generations, and be guaranteed by the local village chief, the head, the local protection, etc. It is strictly forbidden for the brave exiles to apply for recruitment, and then the candidates will be gathered by the local government to deliver them to recruit. Only when the officers of the Beiyang New Army are selected and allocated will the selected qualified soldiers be brought to the garrison of each unit for training.

With the large-scale continuous recruitment in recent years, qualified soldiers on the ground began to become scarce. Yuan Shikai did not feel about this problem at first, but when Zhao Dongyun said that the number of recruits had declined continuously in the past two months, he also frowned.

However, as Zhao Dongyun imagined, Yuan Shikai did not hesitate for too long. He quickly said, "Well, then do as you said. You send people to Shandong to have a look and choose several prefectures and counties as the recruit places for soldiers of your Third Association!"

Due to China's vast territory and many dialects, even local dialects in a province are also different, and soldiers are basically illiterate and do not know the official language of the whole country. Therefore, no matter what troops are actually conscripted, they try to put soldiers in one place as much as possible. To avoid the inability of the soldiers to communicate verbally.

Because the soldiers recruited in the Beiyang New Army are all from Zhili Province, although the dialects of Zhili Province are also different, they are similar to official dialects on the whole, so they did not pay much attention to this problem in the past, but if you want to recruit troops in other provinces, you need to consider this problem in advance, so Yuan Shikai will let Zhao Dongyun chose to fix several prefectures and counties as recruitment sites for soldiers.

After talking about this recruitment, Yuan Shikai looked at Zhao Dongyun and found that Zhao Dongyun looked a little different from his impression. After looking at it for a long time, he found that Zhao Dongyun actually had an eight-character beard.

He said, no wonder Zhao Dongyun looks much more mature and stable than before. You know, two years ago, Zhao Dongyun looked like a young man who made Yuan Shikai feel very energetic. To put it bluntly, he is a hairy young man.

However, now, Zhao Dongyun has been blackened a lot, and the two-headed eight-character beard makes him look like he is in his thirties.

"You young man, what do you do from those people so old!" Yuan Shikai casually said. After saying the business, he casually said a few gossips. Of course, this was not that Yuan Shikai was so idle that he wanted to talk nonsense with Zhao Dongyun, but to show his closeness to win over Zhao Dongyun.

Well, it can be regarded as a means to control it!

When Zhao Dongyun heard Yuan Shikai suddenly say this, he didn't react, but soon found that he was talking about his beard. In fact, he didn't like to grow a beard, and he still had such an ugly eight-character beard, but many things had nothing to do with his preferences.

The more he climbs, the more he feels the trouble caused by his young age!

If Zhao Dongyun can choose, he would rather be more than ten years old than 24 years old now, but there is really no way to change the age, so he can only change slightly from the appearance. Beard is only one of them. Usually, he will deliberately choose some old-fashioned clothes to talk. It is also stable and heavy.

So after a long time, it is difficult to see his real age in him!

Now that Yuan Shikai said this, he immediately said awkwardly, "I just want to make myself look older!"

Yuan Shikai laughed and said, "That's right, I've been there. Most of your subordinates are older than you, but it doesn't matter. You can't change your age. You don't have to deliberately do this. Young people should look like a young man!"

Yuan Shikai actually admires Zhao Dongyun, and this appreciation is actually related to Zhao Dongyun's age. When Xin Chounian saw Zhao Dongyun for the first time, his first feeling was that he was a talented young man and wanted to cultivate him.

This mentality is similar to the mentality of elders looking at the younger generation.

Just as Zhao Dongyun wanted to speak, Yuan Shikai said, "Only young people like you have such energy. I'm afraid they will be too busy if others come to the Third Association!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "Your excellency is serious. Although there are more things to do in the Third Association, there are rules for those things. After set the rules, there will naturally be people below to do it. Dongyun himself will not be too busy!"

Yuan Shikai smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to say that, but well said that as a superior, you don't have to do everything by yourself. Just set the rules and let the people below do it! But you also said that you are not busy. If only I could add more burdens for you!"

Zhao Dongyun didn't expect Yuan Shikai to suddenly say so. That burden-dening words were meaningful! It may be that he was told to do something, or he may arrange himself to another position, and no matter which one it is, it will break the existing balance. Zhao Dongyun can't predict whether it is good or bad at all.

While many ideas flashed in his mind, Zhao Dongyun said without hesitation, "Your Excellency, please tell me, Dongyun is omniswerving!"

Yuan Shikai smiled: "Don't worry, it's a good thing for you!"

Zhao Dongyun relaxed and immediately said, "I don't know what's good?"

"You also know that we have been missing a right town. A few days ago, I wrote to the court to request funding, but maybe, I estimate that the fourth association will not be held until this winter. However, without this Fourth Association, the right town can't do it.

It's just that even if the right town waits, it will be built by the end of the year at the latest. Before that, the shelves have to be built first. The walking team has your third association, the horse team also has a right logo, and there is also a battalion for machine guns, but the artillery team, engineering and lavering have not been officially started yet.

I'm thinking that in your third association, start first, practice a gun battalion, an engineering team, and a heavy team, and build up all arms first. In the future, after the establishment of the right town, you can also take the opportunity to expand, so that you can become an army as soon as possible!"

Yuan Shikai continued: "Anyway, you are also in charge of a horse team and machine gun team now. Just work harder to manage this artillery battalion, engineering team and heavy team."

Zhao Dongyun couldn't help showing joy after hearing this. If this is not a good thing, what else is a good thing?

As for the hard work that Yuan Shikai said? Don't say it's not hard, even if it's really hard, you have to do it!

Earlier, Zhao Dongyun just thought that according to the fierce factional struggle within Beiyang, and Yuan Shikai could not get too much money for a while, so that the right town could not be established in a short time, then Yuan Shikai was likely to set up the right town first in the Third Association, and then directly establish the right town after getting military expenses.

After the establishment of the right town, Zhao Dongyun could not predict how much benefit he would have, but it is certain that the wing chief position must not be related to him.

However, in this process, Zhao Dongyun has many benefits!

If the Third Association joins another artillery battalion, an engineering team and a heavy team, it will become a de facto mixed association, which will have two infantry standards, a cavalry standard, a artillery battalion, a machine gun battalion, an engineering team, a heavy brigade and other troops. In the above units, the soldiers and the chief husband If included, the total number of troops will reach about 7,000.

And how many people are there in the Beiyang New Army today? There are only more than 7,000 left, and how many people are there in Zuozhen, which is not yet fully compiled, and it is only more than 10,000.

When Zhao Dongyun served as the leader of the Third Association last year, he did not expect that his Third Association would become a mixed association with nearly 7,000 troops. Although there is no official name as the Third Mixed Association, it is also a real mixed association!

The only pity for Zhao Dongyun is that this mixed association may be disorganized in a few months, and then those cavalry and artillery units will be incorporated into the right town, and his third association will also become a pure infantry association.

Zhao Dongyun felt very unhappy when he thought that this kind of thing would happen in the future!


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