Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 65 The Angry Youths at the End of the Qing Dynasty

Guangxu's 29 years have not changed much completely compared with the previous years. The rule of the Qing Dynasty still looks very stable, but for forward-looking people, they already know that this dynasty, which has existed for more than 200 years, has been full of cracks, and a little wind and clouds will break. , become a historical noun.

However, in this country full of corruption, corruption and ignorance, a small group of people are struggling. They try to break the shackles on **, tear open the curtain of the sky, and let the sunshine of civilization shine on this country.

Just as Hitler said, 'There are always only a few people who dare to sacrifice for the country and the nation'. These few people act as the eyes, mouths and hands of the people, look at what ordinary people can't see, say what people dare not say, and do what others don't do.

"Those Russians are really bullying. Seeing that the second phase of the withdrawal deadline is about to expire, they still have no movement to withdraw their troops. Instead, they have put forward many unreasonable conditions for us. In my opinion, they clearly see that we are easy to bully and want to do things in Russia!"

In Baoding Chongyu Building, a large group of Beiyang officers sat around and poured down a glass of wine, all kinds of words were also said, including many comments on the current situation, and the most talked about the Northeast.

Cao Kuan put down his glass and continued, "In this situation, if we still do nothing, what's the use of the millions of military resources that the country spends on us every year!"

As soon as Cao Kui's words fell, there was a humane: "That is, even if we don't send troops directly to the east of the Liaohe River, it is still necessary to send troops to the west of the Liaohe River and Fengtian in case of accidents!"

This is Li Chun, who is also an old man who trained soldiers in the new station. Previously, he served as a transfer in the coaching department of the Beiyang Military and Political Department. At that time, Zhao Dongyun had a little relationship with him when he was a helper in the coaching office, but he did not have deep contact. At the beginning of the year, this person was transferred to the belt of a cavalry battalion of the Beijing Flag Standing Army and barely stepped into the Beiyang body. Only under the threshold of the second echelon are qualified to come to today's party.

After saying that, the man looked at Zhao Dongyun again: "Brother Ziyang, do you think this is the reason!"

Zhao Dongyun did not answer immediately, but looked at the officers present. They were all young middle-level officers, mainly led by management and unified belts. They are truly young and strong in the Beiyang system. Although these middle-level officers have a little understanding of the current situation, they have limited knowledge. At least the people present today are Few people mentioned Japan, and they were all worried that Russia would not retreat, and they were worried that the major general could not drive Russia away.

However, as one of the organizers of this party, the number one in the second echelon in the Beiyang system, and the leader of the young and strong faction in the Beiyang New Army, Zhao Dongyun naturally would not say those words that embarrassed everyone.

He held these parties to build connections and accumulate fame, not to embarrass people, so he will never say: You don't have to worry about the Russians. I am now expanding military preparations. We can just sit and watch a play next year! This kind of words come from.

Immediately said, "The Russians' invasion of the three eastern provinces will not die, and we also have to defend it. If we can send troops to the northeast, it is naturally the best. However, now our Beiyang New Army is only tens of thousands, and we have to guard the important land of Beijing. I'm afraid it will be difficult to squeeze out enough troops to the northeast!"

At this time, Wang Zhanyuan also said, "Speaking of this, I am angry that my Beiyang has been building a new army for several years. It is time to allocate more military funds to expand more new troops, but the princes in the imperial court have hindered my Beiyang army expansion and refused to pay for a long time. Money, otherwise we can hold at least three or five standing troops today!"

No matter what faction Wang Zhanyuan, Cao Kui and Zhao Dongyun belong to in Beiyang, the factional struggle belongs to the factional struggle, but they are still a whole, and they usually have private contacts. At least Zhao Dongyun has a good relationship with Cao Kuan. Cao Da's stupid and cheerful personality is very appetizing for him, and he often has nothing to do. A pile of people mixed together to drink together.

For today's gathering, because Zhao Dongyun is positioned as a young and middle-level officer, and has a relatively high status as the initiator, coupled with Xu Bangjie, Wang Zhanyuan and Cao Kun, there are more people who can be invited, and because most of the current situation and military and political events in the country are discussed at the party, It will not involve some small details in Beiyang, so people will not be too formal when they speak. Basically, they can say what they want.

To put it bluntly, this kind of party is like the angry youth in the forum discussing the destruction of the United States and Japan, but now these young officers still don't know much about the United States, and they don't hate Japan as much as later generations think. In fact, the Chinese people in this era still have a lot of goodwill with Japan, which is from countless You will know when you go to Japan to study and support Japan during the Russo-Japanese War.

In recent years, what these young officers hate most is Russia!

In these past gatherings, one of the most frequently discussed issues between Zhao Dongyun and Wang Zhanyuan is how to recover the three eastern provinces once they go to war with Russia!

This time is no exception!

"as we said in previous times, if there are ten towns of troops, it will naturally be easy to recover the three eastern provinces, but now there are only 30,000 elite soldiers in Beiyang, and I'm afraid it will take ten years to build ten towns of elite soldiers. However, it is not a problem to build five towns in recent years.

If we have five towns, the five towns will send together, and the two towns will attack Lushun on the Liaodong Peninsula, and the other three towns will go north to break the contact between Fengtian and Lushun. After the two towns go south to conquer Lushun, the five towns will gather troops to attack Fengtian, and destroy 100,000 Russian soldiers in the first battle. At that time, the northeast will be determined!"

This is what Yang Shande said. The five towns recover the northeast. This is basically as strong self-deception atmosphere as using the J8 to hit F22, as if it would become a reality if he said too much.

"Five towns are a little less. If there is one more town, it should be more than 90%!" Cao Kuan is also full of lies.

"Well, there are too many troops in the six towns. Now even if the strength of our Beiyang standing army is not as strong as that of Germany and France, it is also a first-class army in the Far East. The three towns are enough to sweep the three eastern provinces!" Wang Ruxian also joined the ranks of talking big for free

After drinking too much, they spoke without going through their brains. Finally, Wang Zhanyuan even said, "If I take a town of troops eastward, he promises to take down Vladivostok.

After saying this, Wang Zhanyuan was unsteady, and then fell down. When he looked closely, he found that he had fallen asleep. Looking at the others, they were also crooked. He also shouted that he waved millions of troops to flatten Moscow, rowed the wooden ship landed on the Japanese island, and slaughtered the European continent, but But when no one said that they robbed the European Ocean Horse, well, in the aesthetics of today's Chinese people, those foreign women really made them unable to raise their sexuality, so they killed all women and men together.

In short, their slogan is: as long as the land doesn't want people!

Zhao Dongyun also drank a little too much. Looking at the angry youths of this era, he wanted to laugh. In fact, they are also quite cute!

After supporting each other, or simply rolling out of the Chongyu Tower, the soldiers waiting on the side quickly picked up their adults, and then picked up the carriage or the oriental car and left. Some of the soldiers followed the trot, accompanied by a tall horse, and some sat on the accompanying carriage.

At this moment, the past was full of cultural atmosphere, and the quiet and noble Chongyu Building was as lively as the door of a brothel. With the sound of horses' hoofs and the bells of the oriental car gradually subsided, Zhao Dongyun was also coming out. He also drank a little too much. Standing at the door and let the wind blow the wine wake up. Half.

Li San, a personal soldier beside him, helped Zhao Dongyun get on his four-wheeled carriage, and then he rode the horse with several other soldiers. The sound of horseshoes and the sound of oriental wheels crushing the slate were intertwined, constantly echoing on the long bluestone street.

Zhao Dongyun sat in the Dongyang car and his eyes fell on the streets on both sides as usual. Only two years have passed, and there doesn't seem to be much change, even the driver is still the same.

The driver's name is Yuan Jiu, who originally pulled the Dongyang car for Zhao Dongyun. Yuan Jiu is only 43 years old this year, but his hair has turned white. He is strong and dark. He is a typical farmer. In the past few years, he has been pulling the oriental car and became a semi-fixed driver of the Zhao family. He will come to wait when the Zhao family needs a car.

He used to be the only one in this family. In the past, he rode horses faster and spent more time on Yuan Jiu's oriental car. But last year, Zhao Dongyun got married and this way was not good, because he was at least a senior executive in Beiyang and the leader of the three-grade new army, which made his wife appear in an oriental car to travel. In addition, he did not like transportation such as two-wheeled carriages or sedan chairs, so he simply bought a four-wheeled carriage and I raised a few horses pulling carts.

Then he invited Yuan Jiu to be a private driver. Yuan Jiu almost made the man cry when Yuan Jiu heard that housekeeper Xu said that he would hire him as a private driver.

For a farmer who wants to gain a foothold in the city and doesn't know anything, how difficult it is to have a fixed job with a low salary. What's more important is that he didn't know how to drive this Western-style four-wheeled carriage at that time. Butler Xu also sent him to another home with a four-wheeled carriage to learn. After studying for more than half a month, I was officially on duty.

Maybe for others, this is Zhao Dongyun's great kindness to Yuan Jiu, but for Zhao Dongyun, he doesn't have this feeling. The reason why he uses Yuan Jiu is that the driver is the same as the driver of future generations. If he can use acquaintances, he can use acquaintances, otherwise there will be many troubles!

The four-wheeled carriage of the two horses was very fast. In the sound of pedaling the horses, everyone quickly returned to Zhao's mansion. Originally, the manor did not hang any signboard at the door. There was only one word 'Zhao' representing the surname of the main family. Later, as Zhao Dongyun gradually rose, Zhao hung on the gate of the fence outside the manor. The sign of the house always looks strange, so Zhao Dongyun personally changed a signboard called 'Zhao's Mansion'.

is very modern, and as soon as it sounds, you will know that there is a warlord in it.