Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 184 Entry 3

And Cao Kui is a little sad. Since He Zonglian escaped under house arrest, there have been more guards guarding him. In fact, Cao Kun has not thought of switching to Feng Guozhang, but to be honest, it is too risky to do so.

Although he does not serve in Fengtian, he is a high-level general in the Soviet system. He has a personal experience of the hugeness of the Soviet system. Except for the three towns of Fengtian on the surface, in fact, many young officers in Beiyang towns, especially those who studied abroad and returned to China, are mostly dedicated to Zhao Dongyun. .

Once Zhao Dongyun led the army into the customs, Cao Kun did not think that Feng Guozhang and Wang Shizhen could resist Wang Duan and Zhao's allied forces.

If Cao Kun turns to Feng Guozhang at this time, the future will be very bad. Even if Wang Duan and the two don't kill him, Zhao Dongyun will still kill him.

And the reputation of mutiny is not good. In fact, Beiyang people in this era are still relatively traditional. Because of their prestige, they also cherish their reputation very much. If you wear the hat of 'traitor', you can't take it off in your life, and don't let your men serve for themselves.

So after thinking a lot, Cao Kun still resolutely refused the solicitation of Feng Guozhang and Wang Shizhen. Anyway, the two of them are unlikely to kill him. At most, they are under house arrest. In the future, if Zhao Dongyun enters the capital, Cao Kun will be able to immediately change and immediately fight with Meng Enyuan in the Soviet system. Chen Guangyuan and others are on an equal footing. . Ten thousand steps back and say that if Zhao Dongyun is defeated, the Soviet system will become the yellow flower of yesterday. Then Cao Kui was put under house arrest for a period of time at most, and then went to the concession to be an apartment.

Since his life is not in danger, Cao Kui will naturally feel at ease!

But on the evening of the 10th, Cao Kun, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly heard several gunshots outside. He frowned and got up in his clothes. Then as soon as he got up, the door of the room had already been opened. He saw a person coming in the dark. The man said, "But Commander Cao is in front of him?"

Cao Kun is also a man who has been in the army for a long time. Although he was a little panicked, his face remained unchanged and immediately said, "It's me, who are you?"

The man breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then said, "I'm from the Fengtian Intelligence Department. I've been ordered to come to rescue Commander Cao!"

At the same time in Jinzhou, Zhao Dongyun had already seen He Zonglian. When he first arrived in Jinzhou, He Zonglian was a little tragic. In order to avoid exposing his whereabouts, he dressed as an ordinary person who broke into Guandong. When he arrived in Jinzhou and reported his name to see Zhao Dongyun, he was almost regarded as a liar.

"Chunjiang, you have worked hard all the way!" Zhao Dongyun went to He Zonglian, who had changed into an officer's dress again, and then greeted him with a smile on his face and held his hand.

When He Zonglian saw Zhao Dongyun's personal greeting, the pain she had suffered in the past few days suddenly dissipated and said, "As long as I can come to Jinzhou to work for adults, my hard work along the way will be worth it!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "Have a good night's rest. I'll take you to meet a group of colleagues tomorrow!"

After saying that, Zhao Dongyun pondered a little, and then said, "I'm also preparing a mixed association recently. Since you come, please help me build up the shelf of this fourth mixed association in Fengtian first!"

Zhao Dongyun knew that He Zonglian escaped alone, which took the risk of her life to rely on him. If this is not treated well, how could Zhao Dongyun attract talents?

Besides, He Zonglian is also one of the senior generals in the Beiyang system. According to the original history, he should be promoted to the position of standing army control of the Beijing flag in the past two. Although history has changed, no matter which side he relies on, he is at least a co-chief position.

Now that the commander of the infantry association has become the leader of the mixed association, which is also a half-step promotion, and according to the tradition of the expansion of the army in Beiyang, this mixed association will become a town sooner or later, so He Zonglian will be separated from a town control in the future.

"Zonglian will do her best and live up to the high expectations of adults!" He Zonglian also did not expect that Zhao Dongyun would generously give a position as the leader of the mixed association when he came to Jinzhou. After all, although he is also a Soviet person in the eyes of outsiders, his personal relationship with Zhao Dongyun is far less than that of Cao Kui.

"It's a pity that Zhongshan is trapped in Beijing now. If only he could come to Jinzhou with me!" He Zonglian couldn't help but want to go to Cao Kun, who was software with her. Naturally, she sighed when she thought that he was still under house arrest by Feng Guozhang.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dongyun said, "Don't worry about Chunjiang. If nothing happens, Zhongshan will be able to go to Jinzhou in two days!"

He Zonglian wondered, "Did Zhongshan also escape?"

Zhao Dongyun said, "I asked the intelligence department to save him!"

After this conversation, He Zonglian came out of Zhao Dongyun's temporary official residence with satisfaction. It was really right to come to Jinzhou. Looking at Zhao Dongyun's arrangement for himself and sending someone to rescue Cao Kuang, this is obviously not to treat them as outsiders, which is a good thing!

Humph, now that I have arrived in Jinzhou, after a while, I will train the gangster under my hand, and I will kill the capital to avenge Feng Guozhang. The humiliation of house arrest must be repaid to them ten times.

He Zonglian went back in high spirits, but Chen Guangyuan, Wang Zhanyuan and other people beside him had different faces. Chen Guangyuan turned around and whispered to Meng Enyuan, "He is lucky. He is a leader of the mixed association!"

The envy in the words is very obvious.

According to reason, Chen Guangyuan's qualifications in the Soviet Department are in the top three, but now he is still the leader of an infantry association. Although he knows that Zhao Dongyun can't hold the position of commander of the third town of the army forever, in a few months or two years. Sooner or later, he will give him the position of commander of the third town, but He hasn't come for a day, so he is still just a co-chief, and he is envious and jealous of other people's superiors.

Meng Enyuan did not answer his words. He knew very well that Zhao Dongyun did this for others, especially for Beiyang officers in other towns, just to let people know that as long as they come to turn to him, Zhao Dongyun, senior officials can get it at their fingertips!

Compared with the envy of Chen Guangyuan, Meng Enyuan and others, Wang Zhanyuan's inner thoughts are much more!

Why? Because although he is the commander of the sixth association of the third town, everyone knows that he is Wang Yingkai. You should know that there is no place for him in the so-called Soviet system!

A few days ago, when Zhao Dongyun had not announced that he was going to enter the customs, a group of Soviet generals guarded him like anti-thieves and almost sent people to put him under house arrest. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Zhao Dongyun announced his entry into the customs, and then Wang Duan and Zhao Beiyang's three bosses successively issued telegrams, the three parties Reach an alliance.

Wang Zhanyuan's life in Jinzhou is getting better, but Wang Zhanyuan knows that this is just better, and it is impossible to control the real power.

He just wanted to learn from He Zonglian and secretly left Jinzhou and returned to Baoding!

But in this situation, he is also reluctant to give up his current position. This time, Baoding is easy, but there is no extra cooperative position in Baoding to arrange him!

In a word, Wang Zhanyuan's mood can be described in one word, that is: worry!

On the morning of the 11th, Zhao Dongyun held another military meeting between senior generals, which was different from the previous military meetings. Today, they discussed a formal battle plan to enter the customs!

After waiting for the generals to sit down, Zhao Dongyun first said, "You may find that there is one more person here today, that is He Zonglian, my Beiyang talent! I just arrived in Jinzhou yesterday.

After Zhao Dongyun said, He Zonglian stood up: "Zonglian is shallow and talented, and I would like to ask your colleagues for more advice in the future!"

No matter what other people think, on the surface, they all smile and say welcome, welcome and so on.

This is also a public introduction, and the next step is to talk about business. After Zhao Dongyun gave Fang Biyong a look to the general office of the staff office, Fang Biyong stood up with a report.

Then said: "Because most of the departments under the jurisdiction of the Third Town and the departments of the Fengtian Supervision and Training Office are the same, and the personnel and tasks overlap, in order to further improve the efficiency of streamlining, according to the instructions of the adults, from now on, the departments in the Third Town and the departments of the Fengtian Supervision and Training Office will be merged, and the Fengtian Army Command will be newly established, with the adult as the governor. Do it.

There are the General Staff Department, the Quartermaster Department, the Ordnance Department and the Ministry of Education. Its staff department is in charge of daily training, exercises, operations, intelligence, communication and other departments, the military personnel are in charge of grain and salary, military animal husbandry, construction and other departments, and the Ordnance Department is in charge of firearms, procurement and other departments.

The general office of each department is as follows. The general office of the General Office of the General Staff Department is appointed by Fang Biyong, and the General Office of the Quartermaster General Office of the Quartermaster Department is appointed by Pu Hongtao. The Ordnance Department is held by Zhao Dongping and Wang Zhanyuan holds the Ministry of Education.

After Fang Biyong's words fell, most of the people were shocked. What they were surprised was not the reform of the Third Town and Fengtian Supervision and Training Office. In fact, there had been a lot of these reforms before. After Zhao Dongyun became General Shengjing, all of the Third Town and Fengtian Supervision and Training Office have always had the same authority and overlapping tasks. The temporary solution of Qian Zhao Dongyun is to let the chiefs of all offices of the third town directly serve as the position of Fengtian Supervision and Training Office, but it can't always be like this. This time, he took the opportunity to completely reorganize, which also avoided the embarrassing situation of Zhao Dongyun's two headquarters under him.

What surprised everyone was that Wang Zhanyuan was transferred to the Ministry of Education as the general office?

Although everyone knows that this General Office of the Ministry of Education is a real position, you will know from Lin Yongquan, the previous General Office of Education. He controls all the recruitment and training of new recruits in Fengtian Third Town. Other towns have to please Lin Yongquan when they want to supplement new recruits.

But if Wang Zhanyuan goes, the situation will be different, because everyone knows that Wang Zhanyuan is Wang Yingkai. At this critical time, Wang Zhanyuan was transferred from the sixth assistant of the Third Town to the Ministry of Education as the general office, and it is already clear that he will be completely empty.

Even if he is an outsider and the General Office of the Ministry of Education, he can't have much real power.

Although Wang Zhanyuan blushed and wanted to say something, he looked at Zhao Dongyun with a calm face. He swallowed all his words. It's better not to stand up to Zhao Dongyun at this critical moment, otherwise he would probably be completely driven out of Fengtian.

At the same time, Fang Biyong, who has just changed from the General Office of the General Office of the Staff Office to the General Office of the General of the General Staff, continued: "Due to the different numbers of our army, in order to facilitate management, the third town of the Army has been changed to the third town of the Fengtian Standing Army, and the Fengtian Cavalry Association has been changed to the First Cavalry Association of the Fengtian Standing Army. The rest of the first and second towns of the Fengtian Standing Army are as usual.

In addition, in order to cope with the tension in the future, the fourth and fifth mixed associations of the Fengtian Standing Army are specially prepared, with He Zonglian as the leader of the fourth mixed association, and Cao Kun as the commander of the fifth mixed association!"

Although Cao Kun has not yet arrived in Jinzhou, Zhao Dongyun has received information from intelligence personnel in the morning that he has successfully rescued Cao Kum and is currently rushing to Jinzhou, so even if others have not yet arrived, Zhao Dongyun is still ready to leave this position for him.

Fang Biyong's series of words are all about Zhao Dongyun's adjustment to Fengtian's military, mainly to rectify the command structure to facilitate future entry into the customs. As for Wang Zhanyuan's overhead, it is only in case that Wang Zhanyuan will fall back and hook up with Wang Yingkai in front of the array.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun said again, "Now that our army is about to enter the customs, Zichun will shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Ministry of Education, and the Sixth Association can't be left unattended. In this way, Gu Lanyu, please help me manage this Sixth Association first!"

Gu Lanyu, who was below, had not got the mouth of Zhao Dongyun before. Today, this was completely an unexpected joy. Immediately, he stood up: "The Ministry vowed to die for the adults!"

This sentence is completely flattered. Although other senior generals are loyal to Zhao Dongyun, in fact, most of them are still relatively self-retained, and Zhao Dongyun also treats them as brothers, peers and so on, which can be seen from their names.

When Zhao Dongyun called Chen Guangyuan, Wang Zhanyuan, He Zonglian, Cao Kun and others, they usually shouted, and this word was generally a name between his peers, that is to say, Zhao Dongyun deliberately lowered his identity in their names to show his encirclement. Of course, they absolutely dare not reply to 'Ziyang'. There are not many people who can call Zhao Dongyun 'Ziyang' in modern times, and only a few other bigwigs in Beiyang are qualified. As for other ministers, they either hold their own identities and call Zhao Dongyun directly as a junior, or replace them with the word 'Zhao Suqian'.

In the Soviet system, the relationship between Zhao Dongyun and most of his subordinates is generally a relatively normal subordinate relationship, and it is generally said that "no longer has high expectations!" Such words are rarely said directly.

But today Gu Lanyu has made this start. Don't you have to learn it in the future?

Don't mention these small details. After talking about these major events in the military meeting that day, the follow-up discussion was still mainly based on the detailed plan of the entry battle. Three hours later, Zhao Dongyun took a sip of tea to moisten his voice: "Since it has almost been discussed, this matter has been settled. Now the first town and the fourth town have been After taking action, we can't postpone it too much!"

Speaking of this, he looked around and looked cautious: "I order that from now on, the Third Town and the First Cavalry Association will immediately follow me into the customs!"