Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 185 Declaration of sending troops

At Zhao Dongyun's last military meeting before entering Jinzhou, that is, on the morning of October 11, Wang Yingkai in Baoding issued another telegram, saying that it was the Qing Dynasty royal family that assassinated Yuan Gong in order to block the implementation of the constitutional monarchy.

Then the telegram asked the Qing court to correct a number of murderers to comfort the grief of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Beiyang and the pain of trillions of people!

In this list of murderers, many dignitaries of the Qing Dynasty are prominently listed, such as Guangxu's royal brother Zaifeng. Well, this person is the father of the future Xuantong Emperor and the regent of the Xuantong Dynasty; then the future minister of the Xuantong Dynasty, Zaixun, the leader of the naval reconstruction plan in the late Qing Dynasty, is also the younger brother of Guangxu.

In the list of murderers listed by Wang Yingkai, the first two are the core people of the contemporary royal family, not to mention five or six well-known Manchu Qing dignitaries, such as Zaize, Tieliang, Duanfang and others who fought to kill Yuan Shikai in the front court.

This list of murderers has almost caught several important ministers in the contemporary Manchu aristocracy. If Cixi really dealt with them according to Wang Yingkai's telegram, it is estimated that the Manchu Dynasty would not have to overthrow them, and she would not last for three months.

So this list is very obvious, and no one expects the court to agree, so this is just an excuse for war!

In the face of Wang Yingkai's accusations, the court will naturally not do nothing. At least it has to compete for the hearts and minds of the world. When Beiyang rises up, it will be able to call on many other provinces to enter Beijing.

Of course, it is not easy for the Manchu royal family to directly defend themselves, so Feng Guozhang came forward to issue a telegram, saying that the Army Department has set up an investigation committee with the patrol department and other government departments, and has launched an investigation and comprehensive search of the assassin, which is bound to return the truth to the world.

At the same time, they also took advantage of Yuan Shikai's body in their hands to immediately organize Yuan Shikai's afterth. All kinds of legal affairs have been done, and Cixi also competed for the hearts of the people, and specially ordered Yuan Gong's funeral to be controlled by princes.

It is the first time since the founding of the Qing Dynasty to let Han ministers enjoy the funeral of the prince. No minister has enjoyed the glory behind the prince before.

However, the actions of the court and Feng Guozhang will naturally not dispel the idea of the three northern bigwigs to rise up. After learning that Feng Guozhang's funeral for Yuan Gong in Beijing, Wang Yingkai, who has always been a North Western heir, endured it!

Although the loss of Yuan Shikai is nominally a private matter of the Yuan family, it has become a political event at this time. Who can do this is quite important for the subsequent competition for the name of justice, but there is no way to be dissatisfied. After all, Feng Guozhang is in Beijing and Wang Yingkai is in Baoding. Wang Yingkai can't Yuan Shikai's false body was made in Baoding for funeral.

Wang Yingkai has been too lazy to fight. In the past few days, Wang Yingkai's first town, Duan Qirui's fourth town, Zhao Dongyun's third town and the first cavalry association have been ready for war, waiting for excuses.

So he issued another telegram, saying that he would never stop the murderer who murdered Yuan Gong, and that he would personally go to Beijing to investigate the assassination case, and telegramed Beiyang generals to go to Beijing with him!

Subsequently, Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun quickly issued a telegram, which was roughly the same, that is, he would also go to Beijing to investigate the assassination case.

Of course, they will all go with their troops!

At this time, in fact, the three bigwigs of Beiyang have issued a formal declaration of military uprising!

Although many people had expected this to happen before, Wang Duan and Zhao's determination was obviously more determined than they thought.

For a while, the domestic electricity was flying all over the sky. As the leader of the governor of the south, Zhang Zhidong once again issued a telegram requesting Beiyang generals to keep restraint!

The Duanfang, who was just been urgently appointed by Cixi as the governor of the two rivers, has not yet arrived in Jiangning, claiming that the two rivers absolutely do not agree with the Beiyang generals to enter the capital, and at the same time declaring that they will dispatch the ninth town of the two rivers, the 27th mixed association of Jiangxi, and the 31st mixed association of Anhui to the king of Beijing.

However, the land of the two rivers has always been unstable, and there are many revolutionaries. Duanfang has just arrived. If he wants to bring all forces together the new army to the north, it is estimated that it will not take three or five months to start.

Moreover, Zhang Zhidong issued a telegram, claiming that the southern provinces should maintain restraint and not be easily involved in the internal fighting in the North Sea. Therefore, few governors in the south, especially those Han governors and new army commanders, are willing to go to the king of Qin in the north, because this time, Duan Zhao, the king of the North, rebelled to avenge Yuan Shikai. Um, there is also the banner of constitutional will, one of which may be to be discredited.

And more importantly, if you want the king of Qin, it means that you want to take the army to fight with Beiyang. Even those civil servants and governors who don't know the military know that the new army in their province and the seven towns of Beiyang are not a concept. It is estimated that before they enter Zhili, they are killed by Zhang Huaizhi's fifth town.

To be honest, the Southern New Army these days is much worse than the Beiyang Army. The most complete is the eighth town under Zhang Zhidong and the ninth town of Liangjiang, but these two towns are full of personnel, and the rifles are also equipped with the Type 88 rifles of Hanyang Factory or Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, but other technical equipment cannot be compared at all. The seven towns of Beiyang and Fengtian are compared with each other.

For example, artillery, the New Army stipulates that 75mm artillery should be used, and the Beiyang New Army uses the latest tube retreat 75mm artillery. As for the eighth and ninth towns, not to mention the latest barrel retreat guns, they don't even have many 75mm retreat guns, most of which are still 57mm mountain cannons, or retreat guns!

For example, the level of heavy machine gun, Beiyang's heavy machine gun equipment level is much higher than in history. The rated strength is 30 pieces, but in fact, each town is more or less overstaffed. For example, Zhao Dongguoyun's third town heavy machine gun has reached more than 70 pieces, and other towns generally range from 30 to 50 pieces.

As for the Southern New Army, although the eighth town has also trained a heavy machine gun team, it is only about ten, and the ninth town is even less.

The level of equipment is enough, but the key is the training level and the quality of officers. The contemporary Beiyang New Army is an army with a complete system, a large number of qualified officers, and soldiers also carry out live ammunition training all year round. And the officers of the Southern New Army are also supported by those non-commissioned officers studying in Japan. There are no large number of qualified officers at all, and there is even less live ammunition training.

So in the past two years, the gap between the Southern New Army and the Beiyang New Army is huge.

Some people say that Beiyang in 1911 was the peak state, but in fact, now in 1906, Beiyang is at the peak state. With brand-new equipment and good training, the officer class as a whole is young and progressive, the promotion system is not rigid, and real talents can easily get the position. Coupled with the previous sufficient financial security, these made the 1906 Beiyang Army at its peak.

In the face of such a Beiyang army, to be honest, those southern governors have a little weak legs and feet!

In addition, this time it seems to be the rebellion of the Beiyang Qing court, but the well-sighted people know that this is Beiyang's own internal struggle, so you might as well move the bench to watch the play first, wait for the vitality of the Beiyang infighting to be greatly damaged, and then pick the fruit of victory.

What is the reaction of the governors of the south? To be honest, it can't affect the current situation, because even if all the governors of the south send troops to the king can't affect the overall situation. The core of this battle has always been between Wang Duan Zhao and Wang Shizhen and Feng Guozhang.

There is no other way to distinguish the winner except to play one game!

On the morning of the 12th, more than 10,000 people have gathered at the school grounds of Jinzhou's daughter's hometown at this moment, and on the high platform next to it, Zhao Dongyun is coming down with a group of senior generals of the Soviet faction. Zhao Dongyun has made a pre-departure speech before, mainly to boost morale and publicize the correctness of his sending troops to Beijing. Let the soldiers know that they went to Beijing this time to avenge Yuan Shikai for the smooth implementation of the constitution.

After all, it doesn't sound good to directly under the banner of rebellion!

After walking off the high platform, Zhao Dongyun took over the reins of the war horse led by the guard, and then turned over and got on the horse!

At this time, Zhao Dongyun was wearing a full set of general's winter dress, but unlike when he wore regular clothes, this time he did not wear leather shoes, but long horse boots, plus the command knife at his waist. At this time, he put on the posture of a military commander.

Immediately after Zhao Dongyun, other senior generals such as Meng Enyuan, Chen Guangyuan, He Zonglian and Lin Yongquan also turned over their horses. The horses they rode were not Mongolian horses that were widely popular in the army, nor were they gradually introduced and cultivated in the past two years. Instead, Zhao Dongyun bought them from Japan in the late Russo-Japanese War. Buy the imported Anglo Arabian horse.

Although this mixed-race horse from France is not the world's top military horse, it is still superior to other existing military horses in East Asia, but the price is also more expensive than Mongolian horses, Don horses and even Anglo-Normandy horses, so in these relatively small quantities The Gelug Arabian horse plays a similar role in the Fengtian Army, mainly as a senior general riding a horse.

After all, when senior generals travel by horse, there is still a big gap between a Mongolian horse of more than 1.6 meters and an Anglo-Arab image of more than 1.6 meters!

After a large number of senior generals got on the horse one after another, Zhao Dongyun gently clamped the horse's abdomen, and then urged the jujube-red war horses under him to run forward, and more than a dozen senior generals behind him also followed.

After the horse came out from the side of the high platform, Zhao Dongyun and his party crossed the infantry phalanx under the high platform. At this time, he controlled the horse with one hand, and pulled out his command knife with the other hand, and then pointed to the west and shouted, "Let's go!"