Beiyang Xiaoxiong

The second investment is not to invest in new industries, but in the ash industry that Fuyuan Company is already working on, which is also cement. In recent years, China's cement market is almost in short supply. Military demand and the infrastructure of large-scale projects require a large amount of cement. Fuyuan Company has invested in three foreign ash factories in Zhili and Fengtian provinces. These three foreign ash factories have started construction almost day and night since they were put into production, but they still cannot meet the needs of the market. When the supply of this product exceeds the demand, the profit is naturally rising.

Driven by profits, under the circumstances of Zhao Dongyun's request to invest in heavy industry, Fuyuan Company is ready to gamble and invest in the construction of six new foreign ash factories in Zhili, Fengtian, Shandong, Henan and Jiangsu at the same time. Among them, it is optimistic about the market in Jiangnan, especially the civilian cities of Shanghai. In the construction market, Fuyuan Company has made a lot of money and intends to build two large-scale ash factories in southern Jiangsu at the same time.

Once these ash factories established in many provinces across the country are put into operation at the same time, it will announce that China's first large-scale ash industry group will be established, and it may even form a trusted cement enterprise in the future.

The third investment is smaller. Fuyuan Company is going to invest in the establishment of a hardware factory. The products of this hardware factory are mainly some parts, which are mainly for those large machine factories in China. This can be regarded as an attempt by Fuyuan Machinery Factory to enter the basic industry, not to mention the size of these small parts. Not big, but the technical content is not low, such as the simplest screws and springs. At present, there is no domestic manufacturer that can make screws and springs to meet military needs. Whether it is Fuchang or Jiangnan Arsenal, these parts they need must be imported uniformly.

Once Fuyuan Company makes these basic parts, it will be the only one in China. On this basis, it will be much smoother to officially enter the domestic basic industry.

Fuyuan Company's three investment plans are the largest investment in the expansion of production of the foreign gray factory. Fuyuan Company itself can't take out too much funds for a while, but Fuyuan Company wants to firmly control the foreign gray industry in its hands and is unwilling to find too many joint ventures, so it has taken the method of loans and prepares to start from Huatong. Industrial bank loans, in addition, also use its own Fulong Bank to issue bonds in Shanghai to raise funds.

Fuyuan Company took the lead. As for Fuyuan Machinery Factory, another leading heavy industry enterprise in China, is not idle, but their first move is not investment, but their own reform!

The board of directors of Fuyuan Machinery Factory quickly approved the proposal for the establishment of Tangshan Industrial Company, which is wholly owned by Tangshan Machinery Factory, Tangshan Iron and Steel Company, Tangshan Institute of Technology, Fuyuan Machinery Factory Affiliated Hospital and other subsidiaries. All the shares of the former Fuyuan Machinery Factory are transferred to Tangshan according to the original ratio. Shares of industrial companies.

This reform is the development needs of Fuyuan Machinery Factory itself. Today, the scale of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is not just an arsenal, but a collectivized enterprise that includes defense industry, iron and steel, timber, chemical industry, scientific research, education, medical care, electricity, water conservancy and other aspects, although the national defense industry is still It's a big head, but the management model has to follow the times.

Speaking of this reform, this reform is also imitating Fuyuan Company. In the early years, Fuyuan Company also only used one Fuyuan yarn factory to manage many industries. Later, after finding that this management model had too many restrictions, it directly established Fuyuan Company to unify many, including Fuyuan. Subsidiaries including yarn factory.

After completing the reform of its own management model, Tangshan Industrial Company quickly announced three large-scale investment projects.

The first is to announce that it will invest in the construction of a large-scale steel plant 'Anshan Iron and Steel Plant' in Fengtian Anshan. The planned investment will reach tens of millions. After completion, the output will even exceed the existing Tangshan Iron and Steel Plant.

The second is to announce that it will expand investment in coal and iron mining, including increasing investment in coal mines in Fushun and increasing investment in Anshan iron mines. These two capital increase plans add up to 5 million, the purpose of which is very obvious, that is, to further expand Tangshan Industrial Company's leading position in the domestic steel industry and ensure the source of iron ore and coal mines of Anshan Iron and Steel Company.

The above two investment cases are regarded as investments in the steel industry, and the steel industry is also the second pillar industry of Tangshan Industrial Company after the defense industry. It is natural to attach importance to it.

The third has little to do with the national defense industry and the iron and steel industry, because the third investment prepared by Tangshan Industrial Company is the machine industry. Tangshan Industrial Company is ready to invest 3 million to expand the Huludao machine branch of the original Fuyuan Machinery Factory and prepare to take advantage of the strong technical strength of Tangshan Industrial Company. Quantity, R&D and production of industrial machine tools is crucial for a country.

There is no need to say more about the importance of industrial machine tools. Whether in this era or later generations, the level of industrial machine tools in a country directly determines the overall industrial level of the country.

Fuyuan Machinery Factory has actually been involved in this industry a few years ago. Huludao Machinery Branch is engaged in this. At first, it was just a small mess and engaged in the repair of machine tools. After a few years of repair, Tangshan University of Technology also successfully reversely mapped the design drawings of many machine tool equipment. At the beginning, Tang Shan Industrial Company only produced a small amount to meet its own needs, but later found that most domestic manufacturers were importing various types of machine tools on a large scale. Naturally, the board of directors of Tangshan Industrial Company, which saw business opportunities, would not let go of this opportunity and prepare for large-scale investment and then get involved in the domestic industrial machine tool business. I want to take food from foreigners.

Tangshan Industrial Company is rich, technical and ambitious, which is not surprising.

Zhao Dongyun was very gratified when he learned about it. He supported the ambition of Tangshan Industrial Company. Of course, there is no money and no technology in his support. All he can give is policy.

Immediately, he gave the newly listed Huludao Machinery Company a special tax-free preferential policy, and even issued a document asking domestic industrial and commercial enterprises to support domestic machine tools.

Under the leadership of the two leading enterprises, Fuyuan Company and Tangshan Industrial Company, other domestic capitalists also saw the government's determination to support heavy industry. For a while, many capitalists began to get involved in heavy industry.

Some of them invest in mining, some invest in small-scale steel mills, and some invest in small-scale machinery factories. Although the investment amount of these private capital is not large, the large ones are only hundreds of thousands, and none of them are more than one million, and those only invest There are more small factories with tens of thousands of yuan. In addition to civilian products, some industrial products produced by these manufacturers are mainly for those large factories. For a while, small-scale manufacturers in Zhili and Fengtian and other provinces have sprung up.

Seeing these, Zhao Dongyun had to sigh that there is a super-large-scale leading enterprise to take the lead, and the industry will be much smoother. Without the lead of Fuyuan Company and Tangshan Industrial Company, even if those supporting manufacturers are established, the products produced will not be sold.

During this period, the industrial model supported by the Soviet system is somewhat similar to the industrial model supported by Japan. It is to promote the expansion of the entire industrial scale by establishing several leading enterprises and then attracting a large amount of capital to establish small-scale manufacturers and even family workshops-style enterprises.

China's current economic model is very unable to keep up with the times, especially the products that can export to generate foreign exchange rely heavily on raw silk, tea, soybeans, etc.

As for industrial products, not to mention heavy industry, they can't be produced by themselves, let alone export. In terms of light industry, the well-developed domestic textile industry is actually mainly domestic sales, and exports are nonsense.

If the task of exporting and exchanging foreign exchange is not urgent, then the large-scale import of industrial products from foreign countries now puts China's international trade in a very unfavorable situation. A large amount of money is used to buy equipment, arms, etc. from foreign countries, resulting in a large outflow of real gold and silver, which is good for China's current economy. Development is very unfavorable, not to mention that large-scale imports of foreign products will suppress the sales of domestic products.

However, if you want to change the current situation, you need China to be able to produce these industrial products by yourself. No matter whether the quality is good or bad, you have to have it. If the quality is bad, you can buy cheaper and rely on low prices to compete with foreign products.

Based on a variety of considerations, Zhao Dongyun has the idea of vigorously supporting heavy industry. He does not require several scientific research giants such as Siemens and General Electric to emerge at once, nor does he require any enterprise's products to be sold to the world in a short period of time in China, as long as there is a large number of domestic products. As long as the products of these factories can occupy a certain share of the domestic market, he is very satisfied.

The most important task now is to be self-sufficient and avoid the outflow of funds caused by large imports.

However, when it comes to this task, in fact, the development of contemporary China's heavy industry is still difficult to meet this task. If heavy industry is to develop, it will not be able to form a scale in less than 10 or 20 years. At this stage, it depends on light industry to develop a lot in a short period of time, enrich finances, compete with foreign products, and prevent a large amount of capital outflow.

Textile industry, flour industry, daily chemical industry and other light industries are all fast-money industries, and light industry has a common characteristic, that is, it is a labor-intensive industry, which can train a large number of industrial workers, and these industries can in turn carry out daily industrial products after getting wages. Consumption is equivalent to expanding the consumption market of domestic industrial products.

Although China now has a population of hundreds of millions, the market for daily industrial products is not large, because the social model of contemporary China is a very typical small peasant economic society. Rural areas are full of men and women who are self-sufficient. Those foreigners in modern times have opened up China's trade. Ports, but it is difficult to open the rural market of hundreds of millions of people in China. The most obvious is cloth. Although all kinds of foreign cloth and domestic mechanism cloth are rampant now, they actually occupy what domestic people wear, especially farmers wear all kinds of hand-woven hiking. Even if they buy cloth, many people prefer cheap ones. , thick cloth. Those beautifully patterned mechanism fabrics can generally only be sold in cities.

To put it rudely, the Chinese textile market in this era still has great potential to explore space, and the problem cannot be explored under the current social model.

A few other commodities such as flour, soap and matches are also the only light industrial products that can be sold in large quantities in contemporary China. Flour and soap are mainly facing cities, while matches, a seemingly inconspicuous small commodity, are aimed at the whole country. People in rural areas in China are not interested in mechanism cloth and flour, and are also eliminated. I can't afford it, but I will still buy matches

In addition, kerosene lamp is also a large consumer product, but this product involves oil. Now it is basically controlled by those foreign banks. It has nothing to do with domestic enterprises. At most, it is just an agent.

Although he has great expectations for heavy industry, he also knows that if he really wants to raise the country's taxes and improve the living standards of ordinary people, he still has to rely on light industry and agriculture.