mutation killing

Chapter 90 · The Temptation of the Earth

When Li Jiaming, Panson, Sams and Morgana came to the castle hall of Parliament, ten other parliamentarians were already surrounded by their round table.

Pansen, Sams and Morgana found their seats one after another. Li Jiaming was not among the 13 MPs, so he had to stand next to Pansen.

"My compatriot, Li Jiaming, are you all right? You know, we were very worried about you at that time. After seeing Li Jiaming, Fedetic asked with a concerned face

"Thank you for your concern. Li Jiaming is fine." Li Jiaming politely replied, but he was worried about why I was not killed at that time!

"He's fine! But our whole blood clan has something to do! The dark cloud generator has been destroyed! Let my blood clan be exposed to the sun during the day! That feels so good!" Sean's voice sounded coldly.

"I'm deeply sorry for this, and I will definitely try to compensate for it!" Li Jiaming frowned. Although he was unhappy, what Saien said was true, and Li Jiaming could not defend it.

"Ha? Compensation? What compensation should be used to bring the holy book of the bleeding clan? Sean sneered.

"Saen, you old man, just want Li Jiaming's holy book! The dark cloud generator was invented by the Remer people. What does this have to do with you? Even if I am unhappy, I will turn off the dark cloud generator so that you can bask in the sun every day. If the dark cloud generator is broken, we will naturally fix it!" Although it was said that Li Jiaming would assist him in his research, Sams still helped Li Jiaming decisively at the critical moment.

"Since the dark cloud generator was invented, it should belong to the whole blood clan!" Sean still seemed to give up his argument.

"Oh, is it? Then I will consider doing some tampering on the dark cloud generator to make you enjoy more sunshine in the Cappadocia castle." Samus's evil smile

"You..." Sean wanted to continue to say something, but he didn't say it. He really couldn't intervene in the alchemist's things.

"Okay, Sean! Since Sams promised to fix the dark cloud generator, forget it! Don't forget that the purpose of this meeting of our class is to discuss everything about the earth, so that we can make a corresponding plan for saving Panson's father, the Spartan lord!" Fedetic said seriously, and then he looked at Li Jiaming

"My compatriots! Li Jiaming, what do you think about this? I hope you can tell us all the details of the earth, which will give us appropriate reference value for our next action.

"as you wish" Although Li Jiaming knows that many of these old guys in front of him are on fault, he still has to be polite.

"Before the invasion of those eight-clawed aliens, there were at least 6.6 billion people on earth!" Li Jiaming's first sentence made thirteen parliamentarians around him exclaim.

64 billion? You're not kidding, are you? You should know that the population of the whole Arad continent is only 500 million at most. Is the population of a planet 15 times that of the Aland continent?

The talking blood clan is wearing a gray windbreaker, which looks much simpler for the blood clan who are used to wearing noble clothes.

"Your Excellency, Li Jiaming didn't say anything. The earth does have a population of 6.6 billion, and my country has 1.3 billion of them on earth," Li Jiaming said seriously

6 billion people? Do you know how much land and how much food it takes to feed these people? This is not the exploitation of landlords!" He is still such a blood clan, and he looks very excited when it comes to population

"I don't know how big the continent is, but the total area of the earth is 510 million square kilometers! Among them, the land occupies 1.49 billion square kilometers. Li Jiaming knows what the unit of area is calculated on the Aland Road, but according to the data of the earth.

"1,900 million square kilometers of land?" The blood clan in a windbreaker suddenly stood up and said, "Oh, my God! This is the area of at least 15 Aland continents!" It seems that the unit of area of the earth and the continent are the same, so there is no troublesome explanation.

"Singid! Are you sure?" Fedetick asked

"Of course! I guarantee with the honor of the Referno family that as long as what Li Jiaming said is true, the land area of the earth is 15 times that of the landland! Our Refno family has traveled to all corners of the Aland continent for tens of thousands of years and has already calculated his area!" Sinjid said confidently.

"I'm just curious. Although the earth has such a large area, what can it rely on to feed so many people? You should know that the Sphin Kingdom, which has more than 500 million people in Arland, is difficult to feed, and millions of people starve to death every year! A large number of people are in a state of not having enough to eat," Sinjid continued to ask

"Don't worry about this! I can swear to Cain that what I said is completely true. As for how to feed so many people, to be honest, many people will starve to death on the earth every year, but because there are no swordsmen and no mythical beasts on the earth, all we have is technology, which can greatly increase the production of crops, so as to feed the people on the earth, and The ocean of 360 million square kilometers will also provide us with a large amount of food." The Li family smiled faintly.

"Do you think there are no swordsmen or mythical beasts on earth? What is the defense power on earth? The talking blood clan wears a simple crown on his head. It seems that the crown is at least tens of thousands of years old.

"The earth uses technology as a weapon, so the earth's defense force is very weak, and it will be defeated repeatedly when the octopus alien invades," Li Jiaming explained

"Can you describe your so-called technological weapons?" The crowned blood clan continued.

For example, I can shoot out a small iron block at a very fast speed, but not through the energy of the blood clan, but through mechanical operation, mechanical operation, understand? It is probably similar to bows and arrows, at least the structure is more complicated than bows and arrows." Li Jiaming compared it and tried to describe the bullet, but he wanted to explain * but found that it was too difficult.

"Ha, if this is technology, it's too simple. No wonder such a weak defense force will be invaded by aliens!" The crowned blood clan smiled contemptuously.

"Casadin, are you Vontuon interested in becoming the king of 63.4 billion people on earth?" The talking blood clan has huge gold on its neck and ears, just like an upstart.

"Guragas, aren't you Resenbra interested in controlling the population of 6.6 billion? How many delicious virgins should there be in this huge number!" There was a trace of yearning in Casadin's eyes.

Hearing Casadin's words, Li Jiaming's eyelids jumped. If he led the blood clan to the earth to repel the aliens, would he lead the wolf into the room?

Li Jiaming is not sure that the remaining human beings on the earth can fight against blood attacks. If he repels aliens, but the earth has become a place where blood families hold human beings, he will not become the sinner of the earth.

"Li Jiaming, do you have anything else to add?" Fedetick reminded

"No more!" Li Jiaming's expression was very solemn, because he had to think about the problem he had just thought about carefully.

"Then start voting now and agree to send troops to save the Spartan lord to repel the aliens!" Ferreck said seriously

"Ha, of course I will go for the 6.6 billion people" like the upstart Gulagas laughed and raised his arm happily. After that, the thirteen blood clans in the audience also raised their arms one after another.

"Very good! Pass with all votes! Then Li Jiaming told us how to go to the earth!" Fedetic's question drew the attention of the whole audience again to Li Jiaming.

But Li Jiaming fell into his own thinking and did not hear Fedetic's words.

"Li Jiaming told us the way to go to the earth" saw that Li Jiaming did not respond and Fedetic raised his tone.

Ah? The way to go to the earth" Panson secretly touched Li Jiaming to wake him up.

"Li Jiaming seems to have something that you need to think seriously, but before that, please tell us how to get to the earth!" Ferryck repeated it again.

"I don't know. My father only sent me back and didn't tell me how to go back!" Li Jiaming said truthfully that thinking of the disaster that the blood clan may cause to go to the earth, Li Jiaming went back in less hurry.

"What? Didn't your father tell you how to go back?" Pan Sen couldn't help standing up after listening to Li Jiaming's words

"Nonsense! Since we don't know how to get to the earth, how can we go to the rescue?" Fedtick's voice seemed to be a little annoyed.

"I really don't know!" Li Jiaming said seriously, "But I know someone knows the way to get to the earth!"

"Who is it?"

"Aylock!" Li Jiaming said Master Liluo's name

"Alok, the holy beast master of the continent of Aland? Nine-star alchemist?" Sams stood up and asked in surprise

"Yes! When we went to the west, Liluo and I went to the Mythical Beast Forest to find his master Elok. At the same time, in order to gain trust, I also told them that I was from the earth, but I omitted the blood clan. I asked them for help. Ellot agreed, and I had a vision and was studying the way to go." Li Jiaming put the truth The matter has been deleted.

"This is not easy to do!" Ferratik rubbed his temples.

"There is nothing difficult to do. Although Elock is a holy beast master, he agrees to be a nine-star alchemist. He is obsessed with research consent. If Sams dares to go to Eluo ke to study together, there will be no problem." Said Saen said and looked at Sams with a smile.

"Saen, you fucking old man! Do you want to kill me?" Sams looked very angry when Saen said this.

"Sams, I'm telling the truth. Don't you want to contribute to the rescue of the Spartan lord? Or are you timid! Oh, it doesn't matter. After all, the other party is a ninth-order mythical beast master. Although you are also the lord, you may not have beaten others! And Elok has the eye to go to the earth, but you know nothing about it. What else can you compare with others? You have lived in vain for tens of thousands of years!" Sean constantly stimulated Sams with words.

Sams stood up from his seat, and his blue veins beat on his old face, which seemed to be very angry with Sain.

"Sams, we don't doubt your ability, but as Sean said, you are worth trying to save the great lord," Fedetic said.

"Save the Great Lord? I think it's for the population of 6.6 billion, you old foxes!" Samus said angrily.

"You're right to say that. There are 6.6 billion people, and then you will have a share!" Instead, Fedek admitted Sams's claim.

"Sams, I need your help!" Panson stood up and looked solemnly at Sams.

"Panson, you too..." Sams didn't expect Panson to want to go, and then sighed, "Okay, I'll go, but Li Jiaming must go with me."

"Oku, no problem! Thank you!" Panson looked at Sams gratefully.

"This is the end of today's meeting. Sams arranges time to leave as soon as possible! The Spartan lord is waiting for us," Fedetic got up and left, and other parliamentarians also went out.

"Thank you" Panson walked to Sams and said thank you again

"Well, Sams is miserable now. I hope the living can come back." Sams sighed and then gritted his teeth and said, "Sane old man, I must make him look good."