mutation killing

Chapter 154 · Enlightenment

"Next? Hey hey..." Bai Ze smiled mysteriously again. If it hadn't been for the fact that he couldn't beat Bai Ze, Li Jiaming would have slapped him.

"Well, did you see the stone tablet when you just came in?" Stared at by Li Jiaming with a very resentful look, Bai Ze coughed unnaturally and continued to say.

"I know that the stone tablet is engraved with a locked demon. Is there any mystery in this stone tablet?" Li Jiaming nodded his chin with his finger. At that time, he remembered that the stone tablet was very mysterious and almost fascinated himself when he stared at it.

"Lock the nine heavens and go down to the 18th floor of hell, which is the original meaning of the stone tablet engraving. As for whether the following refers to this, it is another matter, but for us, as long as we don't enter the lock demon tower normally..." Bai Ze pointed to the stone table with his finger.

"As for your identity confirmed by the guards, just to confirm your strength, don't you think the test of each level of guards is more powerful than the previous one? Whether it is an ancient fierce beast or an ancient spirit beast, even if this is their divine idea to kill you..."

"Why?" Li Jiaming also has this doubt.

"See if you can take on the heavy responsibility! Dayan fifty, its number 49, variable is one, this one can't make mistakes, if it becomes a day, and if it fails, it will be a loss of life! We can't afford this responsibility. It's also death. We just want to seek this only hope.

"Well, what you said is too serious. Do you think I'm one of these variables? NONO, if you think so, I have to say that you think too much..." Seeing Bai Ze looking at himself seriously, Li Jiaming quickly shook his head.

"Don't worry, are you one of this variable? It's not my final say, but..." Bai Ze pointed to it, and then continued with a smile, "Come and see..."

Bai Ze stretched out his hand, and some hazy natural forces around him gathered in his hand.

"What is this?"

"The power of nature." Li Jiaming took a look at Bai Ze and didn't understand why he asked such an idiotic question.

"Yes, the power of nature is your name. This is also known as fairy spirit, or spiritual power. It is full of nature. Everyone is born with some natural power, but not everyone can find that this spiritual power is used as second-class energy at the energy level, and the first-class energy is your own body. Cultivated energy, such as fighting spirit and magic. As for the later equivalence energy, let's not talk about it, you see..."

Bai Ze's outstretched hand began to gather a lot of natural forces, knowing that the whole palm was covered with green energy.

"This is the second-level force of nature, and then..."

The power of nature condensed into a small dagger in the palm of Bai Ze's hand.

"This is the three-level natural force..."

Then the short sword extended an inch of sword.

"This is Level 4..."

Bai Ze waved gently with a short sword extending the sword light, and a faint sword gas shot out, and then dissipated in the air.

"This is the fifth-level natural power, and you can only reach the fifth-level natural power alone, am I right?"

"Yes." Li Jiaming nodded. Without the strength of his left arm, he could only reach this level.

"Although I don't know what treasures you have, you can actually produce a lot of aura. You can use these auras to advance to the six-level natural power. I want to do this..."

The dagger in Bai Ze's hand suddenly became very huge, and the tip of the sword even extended 100 meters.

"Once again condenses, the energy of the formed weapon becomes larger. This is the sixth-level natural power, and the seventh-level natural power is to use this larger weapon to cut out the sword light of the same power. This once again requires the support of a lot of natural power. Now you can only do it with the help of your treasure. That's the point, right?"

Li Jiaming nodded, but he thought to himself that Bai Ze didn't know everything. At least he didn't know what the treasure he said was, and Li Jiaming also wanted to tell him about his left arm.

"Then think about what the eighth level of the power of nature will look like?" Hearing this, Li Jiaming immediately understood that Bai Ze was mentioning himself.

With Bai Ze's question, Li Jiaming fell into meditation, but he thought about several times that he might shake his head and deny it. Li Jiaming wrinkled his hair in distress.

"Do you try to condense the power of nature now?" Seeing that Li Jiaming was puzzled, Bai Ze opened his mouth to remind him.

According to Bai Ze's words, Li Jiaming began to condense the power of nature, but was surprised to find that he could clearly feel the power of nature around him, but these natural forces were completely out of his control. No matter how hard he tried, he could not attract any of the power of nature.

Suddenly, when Li Jiaming saw Bai Ze's smiling smile, he suddenly realized that the eighth level of the power of nature was the control of the power of nature in the region.

As long as you are in this area, the natural power will only listen to your own control, and others can't call it at all. This is also a watershed for the seven-level and eight-level natural forces. The eight-level natural forces can almost kill the seven-level power controllers.

If it is the same level 8, it depends on their understanding of the power of nature, directly divide the natural forces within the region and then compete with the use of the power of nature.

"I see!" Li Jiaming knew why Bai Ze could point out the Xuanyuan sword before. All the natural forces here were under his control. If Bai Ze did not want to, Li Jiaming could not use a trace of natural power at all.

"Very good, is that level 9?" Bai Ze is quite satisfied with Li Jiaming's understanding ability. Although he is not a genius without a teacher, it is good to understand it easily with a little bit.

"Level 9?" Bai Ze's question made Li Jiaming distress again.

Do you know why immortals are surrounded by immortals? Because..." Bai Ze's body suddenly released a lot of natural power, and the aura around him suddenly became stronger.

Is the ninth level of the power of nature itself? That's right. If the eighth level controls the natural power of the region, then only the ninth level that produces its own natural power can completely suppress the eighth level!" After Bai Ze said this, Li Jiaming immediately woke up. Bai Ze looked at Li Jiaming and nodded with a smile.

Thinking of Li Jiaming's eyes and immediately beginning to feel the previous epiphany, Bai Ze let go of the control of the natural forces around him, and the strong natural forces around him converged with Li Jiaming.

The power of nature constantly changed its shape in front of Li Jiaming, and soon soared directly from level 1 to level 7. However, by level 7, the weapons condensed by Li Jiaming constantly cut out the sword spirit in the air, and the sword spirit did not shoot far and then dissipated directly in the air.

Bai Ze shook his head as he looked at the weapons that kept cutting off the sword spirit in the air. Li Jiaming had not grasped the key points of the eighth-level control area of the power of nature.

Suddenly, the weapon in the air seemed to cut out a sword spirit again, but when it was just cut out, it stopped in the air, and the sword spirit on the blade was also in an unreleased state. Suddenly, the whole huge sword exploded into a natural force and dissipated in the air.

Then the energy form of the natural power from level 1 to level 7 was staged again in the air, but after level 7, the blade exploded, and the surrounding space was full of strong natural power, and the natural power did not condense again. There seemed to be a gust of wind around. How could it be wind in this closed lock tower? What?

And this is Bai Ze did look at Li Jiaming with a smile. This wind turned out to be caused by the movement of the whole natural force. Although it is not as violent as the original energy storm, it means Li Jiaming's eighth-level natural power.

But this ninth level is troublesome. Bai Ze told Li Jiaming that the ninth level is just to let him understand in advance. After all, this is the full equal form of second-class energy. He doesn't want Li Jiaming to enter the misunderstanding. In his opinion, it is good for Li Jiaming to successfully master the eighth level with the strong natural power around him, but Li Jiaming, who closed his eyes and sat on the other, actually wanted to rush to the ninth level, but it was difficult to break through the ninth level without a certain opportunity. After all, he had to release the power of nature with himself as the main body.

Suddenly, the strong natural force around him converged into Li Jiaming's body, and soon the natural power of the nine floors of the lock demon tower was instantly emptied by Li Jiaming.

"Is he going to go to level 9? The natural power here is not enough!" Bai Ze frowned. He was hesitating whether to release his natural power to help Li Jiaming go to level nine.