bi tian jie

Chapter 87 blaming

The oppression on his back has not disappeared, and the power of his whole body cannot be exerted. All he sees is darkness, and Yin Zhu can only let himself be locked up. No matter how hard he struggled, only his strength was slowly drained until he fell into a coma.

I don't know when I lost consciousness. When I felt someone calling his name in my ear, Yin Zhu subconsciously jumped away before opening his eyes and was alertly prepared for defense. Then he realized that he could act.

Without hesitation, Yin Zhu immediately decided to escape from prison and fled to find Bixi. Looking for a flaw in the prison boundary, someone in the dark called him: "It took a lot of effort to remove your confinement, but you want to leave without saying thank you. It's too rude. What a shame."

The voice Yin Zhu was very familiar and stopped. His face was half suspicious and half defensive. He slowly walked out of the darkness and waved to him: "Long time no see, Yin Zhu."

"Why are you here?"

"Naturally, I'm here to save you." Yin Zhu took a step back and took two more steps in the night, smiling innocently. "As soon as I heard that you had exposed your identity, I immediately came to save you. You are so bold. You burn the general with demon fire in front of the Shenxiao Hall. The Jade Emperor is so face-loving that he will definitely not forgive you.

Yin Zhu had thought of these consequences before he took action, and there was no need to remind them at night. In short, everything will be borne by himself and will not be pulled to the tourmaline.

"Didn't you follow General Guangmu to the mortal world, why did you suddenly come back?" Thinking of the growth general he met in front of the Shenxiao Hall, these generals in the heavenly court would never get together for no reason. Yin Zhu took a breath and said, "Is it possible that you have..."

"What have I done?" Jiye blinked his eyes and said innocently, "The Jade Emperor suddenly recalled the three generals in the lower world to the heavenly court. I think there should be something important to discuss. I just followed you back. I heard that you were arrested and came to save you.

You don't have to know that the heavenly court summoned several generals to deal with the abnormal movements of today's demons. General Guangmu even told Jiye these things, obviously trusting him. I don't know that what they have to deal with is the night. If it hadn't been for the momentary ghosts and told that big lie for the night, the night would not have come to where he is today.

It's just that at that time, he thought that Jiye was just a survivor of the war between gods and demons like him, and just wanted to live a peaceful day. At night, when he saw it, he would carefully complete the homework left by the tourmaline, follow the instructions carefully, and be happy with the praise of the tourmaline. It's really like a child.

He thought what Ji Ye did, but in order to keep himself by the tourmaline. It was because he saw the blue seal's love for the night that Yin Zhu was willing to step into the trap of the night.

I didn't expect that the prince of the demon clan, who had just passed away, could have such a great ability to disturb the six worlds. If he only wants to untie the seal of the well of gods and demons and reopen the demon world, it's okay. If he still wants to avenge the years, then Ziyao and the whole heavenly court will be the first to take the brunt. Naturally, the tourmaline can't get out of the matter.

Yin Zhu has already regretted it, but he has never been as firm as he is today. Now that his identity has been exposed, Bixi will soon know that he was a wolf demon and will never stay with her again, and he will be fearless. Escape and find the tourmaline, which explains everything. I just hope that I can still have the opportunity to testify that Zhao Zhiyuanjun was indeed wronged and prove that everything is a conspiracy of the night.

But these emotions must not be revealed in front of the night. Yin Zhu was silent for a long time and said indifferently, "I won't bother you."

Jiye was not angry and walked aside alone. Because of his trust in the imprisonment of the Jade Emperor, Yin Zhu is just an ordinary prison. Jiye stretched out his hand and pushed it gently, and the corner of the wall fell half in an instant.

"You'd better leave early. It's almost time for the patrol soldiers to fight through this. Isn't it good for him to see your appearance?" Jiye patted his hands and stood aside with a leisurely look, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Yin Zhu snorted and asked unmoved, "How can you explain that Tianbing saw you here?"

However, after seeing the situation on the other side after the wall fell, Yin Zhu had to close his mouth and open his eyes, revealing unprecedented panic. On the other side of the wall, there was also a cell. There was a dead man lying on the ground, a dead man who was black and could hardly distinguish his appearance.

This was originally nothing. When Yinzhu was a wolf demon, he was hungry and devoured many people. Compared with death, he was countless. It's just that the person opposite is not an ordinary mortal, but an immortal; he is not an ordinary immortal, but an immortal named Zhaozhi Yuanjun; he did not die under the thunder of killing immortals, but died of demon poison; this demon poison is not a common poison, but the poison carried by his red wolf demon fire.

No matter how stupid a person is, he should see this trick. Yin Zhu roared and turned his head, but the night had disappeared. His roar echoed in the empty cell. He couldn't even imagine how the night left. Yin Zhu circled half a circle in his cell and found no possible exit, except for the big entrance next door.

It's not that you don't know. If you want to clear the suspicion and tell the truth, staying in place is the best choice. But Yin Zhu has a subtle confidence in this matter. In this heavenly court, they absolutely hope that Zhao Zhiyuanjun will disappear quietly like this, and he, the remnant of the demon clan, is the only murderer.

However, after a moment of hesitation, the footsteps of the patrolling soldiers gradually approached. Yin Zhu stepped into Zhaozhi Yuanjun's cell. Sure enough, the boundary of the door here had been destroyed, and the cell door collapsed without even force.

The heavenly soldiers who heard the sound immediately sounded the alarm and rushed this way. Fortunately, Yin Zhu's foot journey is still fast, but some ordinary soldiers can't catch up with him at all. Yin Zhu went straight to Bitian Mansion, hoping that these hours would be enough for him to confess everything to Bixi.

At this time, the tourmaline also seemed to be able to sense what had happened and became impetuous for no reason. In the room, he fidgeted and unconsciously reached the door.

"What do you want to order?" The fairy at the door immediately saluted her.

Bixi shook his head and thought to himself, what else can the grounded man have to do? In the past, how could these people look so good? Now I'm just afraid of the word "God King". One of the gods has always been above all sentient beings. If she hadn't automatically pleaded guilty and voluntarily punished, even the Jade Emperor couldn't do anything to her.

In other words, what the Protoss want to do, they never need to report to anyone and need to agree with anyone, such as Zi Yao, who always does whatever they want. With a flash of inspiration, a lamp seemed to light up in the fog in the blue seal's mind, and there was a general direction.


"Bier!" Ziyao got out of nowhere and saw the tourmaline standing at the door and said happily, "Are you waiting for me? Mortal people don't see each other every three autumns. Can't you wait to see me? I'm really touched."

Automatically ignoring these "brile" words, Bixi looked at the empty behind him and was a little frustrated: "Come back so soon, can't it be..."

"Let's go in and talk about it in detail." Ziyao suddenly put away his smiling face and glanced behind him for fear that someone would find it.

It was rare for Bixi to see Ziyao so nervous, so he followed his intention and went into the house, worried about the comfort of Leng Yu's people. At the same time, he was also curious about what Zi Yao had found so cautiously that he ignored Zi Yao's hand around her waist.

Ziyao has always been squeezing in the same seat next to the tourmaline, and suddenly said, "Bier, why don't we just get married."