The Undead King

Chapter 61: Burial God Valley Secret

"That's all, I still won't take this road." Zhou Hong seemed to think of something and smiled bitterly.

"Brother Zhou, but it's okay to say it." Xiao Yao said.

"Yes, Brother Zhou doesn't need his mother-in-law." Yue Jiandao.

Zhou Hong glanced at everyone's expressions and said solemnly, "Since the brothers have said so, I'll say it. This road is very dangerous. If you are not careful, I'm afraid that we will all be destroyed. That time I also rushed out of it with the determination to die. Do you dare?"

Xiao Yao thought, "Where is it?"

Zhou Hong looked at Xiao Yao and said, "In the north of the Ghost Ridge, there is a canyon. The team members we walked through call it the Ghost Valley. As long as we cross there and turn to the southwest, we can probably successfully walk to the forest center. We haven't tried it, because ordinary people can't go to the forest center."

Xiao Yao said, "How dangerous is it there?"

Everyone is watching Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong smiled bitterly and said, "How dangerous is it? That day, a total of 22 of our team members did the task, but they rushed out with only one palm, and they were seriously injured.

"Ah!" Li Siru covered her little mouth and could not believe it.

"This is also... too. It's too dangerous!" After Luo Chao woke up, his face also became better.

Zhou Hong said helplessly, "There's nothing I can do. I'm just talking about it. I don't want to go there. However, if I don't go there, I dare to pack my ticket. If we walk one more day, someone will definitely intercept our way. If you don't believe it, you can wait and see."

Xiao Yao took a big sip of wine, wiped away the wine stains, and said slowly, "Let me say it. Raise your hand if you agree and raise your hand if you disagree."

Everyone's face is uncertain. If someone stops you back in front of you, the forest will be in vain, but if you can successfully break in, although it is more dangerous, you can't say that you can get some benefits.

Suddenly, some people voted, and Xiao Yao said, "Duan Wen, count."

Paragraphs are counted one by one.

In a short time, he finished the count. He smiled and said, " boss, nine votes in agreement and seven votes in disapproval. Everything else doesn't matter."

"Hmm.. Then according to the wishes of the brothers, let's go and see how terrible this burial valley is. Xiao Yao nodded.

After he finished speaking, he thought for a moment and said, "Brother Zhou, please describe to everyone again what's so terrible about the burial ghost valley."

Zhou Hong nodded, and his thoughts seemed to float back to that unbearable days. He said slowly, "That day, the 22 of us were in a mountain stream, avoiding a group of soul-eating charms, and then began to walk along the mountain stream, and gradually walked to the canyon, the valley, full of strange flowers and plants. We In curiosity, a brother touched a green poisonous weed, and his whole body collapsed and became a poisonous man in an instant.

"Poisonous people?" Li Siru was shocked.

Zhou Hong smiled bitterly and said, "That's right, it's a poisonous man. We don't know the brother who became a poisonous man. Two brothers came forward to hold him down. After being scratched by him, they also instantly became poisonous people. Their whole bodies were also ulcerated, and when they walked, a piece of meat fell from their bodies from time to time."

"Ah!" Some people began to scream in shock.

"Brother Zhou, is what you said true..." Yue Jian's lips are trembling.

"Isn't that the same existence as zombies?" Wang Feng was frightened.

Zhou Hong said righteously, "The little brothers are wrong. They are more terrible than zombies!"

Xiao Yao's face changed dramatically, and everyone was so distracted that they didn't notice it and said, "Why?"

"Because they have a mind, although they are not awake, they can speak, and they will become rampant in an instant, and their relatives will not recognize them." Zhou Hong's face suddenly looked ugly.

Xiao Yao said with an extremely solemn face, "Is this the only danger?"

Zhou Hong smiled bitterly and said, "No, no, if only this trouble would be good. Just kill them directly. We never became poisoners again. Without poisoners, we walked forward for a while. Although we lost a team member, but Fortunately, we came to the end without danger, where there was a green smoke. Fog, right there, we are in big trouble.

Xiao Yao wondered, "What's the trouble?" Everyone's face was full of fear.

"It was a warcraft. At that time, we didn't know what the name of the warcraft was, like a spider, but I can guarantee that it was definitely not a spider. It has eight pairs of feet, and each of them has a strange knife arm. Its strength is extremely horrible. Now think about it, I still have a little weak legs."

Xiao Yao's face suddenly changed and said, "Are you sure it's eight pairs of feet, and there are knife arms on each foot?"

Zhou Hong looked at Xiao Yao and said, "I know what you want to say, but then I looked it up for a long time before I found the real name of this kind of warcraft."

Xiao Yao's face was solemn and he didn't say anything more.

Luo's face also changed and said, "What is it?"

"Eight-armed sickle." Zhou Hong said slowly.

Wang Feng wondered, "What is the eight-armed sickle?"

Most people are also puzzled.

Luo showed his superhuman knowledge and said amazingly, "Eight-armed sickle, terrible strength, is the existence of the top 100 on the spiritual list, and the magic period is its maturity period. After maturity, its strength will grow rapidly and become more and more invincible."

Zhou Hong looked at Luo Chao in surprise and said, "Brother Luo is knowledgeable. I didn't expect that the monster I had investigated for a long time was said by you. I'm ashamed!"

"This thing is really terrible. I don't think I can do it!" Luo Chao said helplessly.

Xiao Yao said, "Yes, I'm afraid I'm not its opponent now. By the way, Brother Zhou, can you see what the strength of this sickle is at that time?"

Zhou Hong thought for a moment and said, "This... We were also uncertain at that time, but the only thing that can be sure is that it has never reached the demonic period, otherwise we can't escape alone, but now we don't know how far its cultivation has grown!"

Luo Chao straightened his face and said, "I think it's better for us to go through. After all, the forest is very strange now. The monsters below the demon master period, that is, below the metamorphosis period, have disappeared inexplicably. It is also possible that the eight-armed sickle may also disappear together."

Xiao Yao nodded and said, "Yes, this is very possible. Let's prepare for today and leave officially tomorrow."

Li Siru said, "Well, it's too late now. Let's go and practice!"

Zhou Hong said, "Well, that's it's decided, and we will break into the ghost valley again tomorrow."

Except for Xiao Yao, everyone else went back to their own place of practice and meditated and practiced.

The snow moved slightly, and the young man was thinking about something. After a long time, he sighed and meditated cross-legged.

Suddenly, Xiao Yao's heart moved and took out the scroll he had found at the witch's residence in the morning.

He slowly opened it, and he suddenly felt that a red and black Taiji flew out of his heavenly gate. Unparalleled yin and yang..." The four big words are clearly displayed on the screen.

Xiao Yao stared at these four big words and muttered to himself, "Unparalleled Yin and Yang... It means the first yin and yang. The name is so domineering, but does this skill really exist?

The picture changes slowly, with one person sitting on the drawing axis, just a simple outline, without even facial features.

"No god, no heart, no self..." Several handwritings appeared on the screen.

"What a profound realm, no wonder. If it hadn't been for the intentional reminder, I'm afraid this figure would not have been seen." Xiao Yao took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

Slowly, the picture began to change. Two lines of black and red appeared from the place of the spiritual pool of the shadow and went to the heart of the shadow. Their speed was very slow and slow, which made people a little anxious.

"This is.. Reminder, if you practice this skill, it may be difficult at the beginning. Xiao Yao suddenly understood in his heart.

The picture slowly accelerates, the lines are strong, and slowly become thicker.

A black and a red Taiji is formed from the center of the human shadow.

"There is yin and yang in the heart, and it is said that it is unintentional. Could it be that this way of yin and yang has forcibly occupied the heart and reached a state of unintentional!" Xiao Yao's eyes suddenly widened.