The Undead King

Chapter 62: Demon Tree Man!

"Impossible! How can there be such a strange thing!" Xiao Yao's heart turned up huge waves.

The figure on the picture began to change again. Taiji slowly disappeared, and the light of the spiritual pool under the navel was like a curling cloud. The spiritual element rose and slowly appeared again.

"Purp the spiritual element of the spiritual pool to supply..." Xiao Yao muttered.

The figure suddenly moved again. He suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand. A black and red Taiji appeared and floated on it.

He began to move again, jumped up, and his feet suddenly turned into a big Taiji and stepped under his feet!

There is also one on the head! The more Xiao Yao looked at it, the more speechless he became.

On the screen, countless weapons hit and could not enter the place, which was blocked by a flexible Taiji and bounced back.

"This volume of skills is by no means simple. I don't know who invented it, and I have never heard of such a skill." Xiao Yao thought for a moment.

But he then looked straight and said, "No matter what, I want to practice it successfully."

As he thought, the picture scroll turned into a blank again.

The red and black Taiji did not penetrate through his heavenly gate, but rushed into his magic pool.

"This Taiji is a seed. I will use my magic element to germinate for it. When it grows out, it may give birth to those two lines. I don't know how long it will take. I'm afraid it will take a long time, just go, although it will go." Xiao Yao shook his head and thought so.

Seeing that the Taiji sank into the magic pool, he suddenly didn't think about anything and practiced with all his strength.

In the morning... Xiao Yao opened his eyes.

"Get up!" Li Siru shouted.

"What are you shouting about!" Luo Chao fell aside and said in a daze.

"That's right, they will sleep a little longer." Yue Jianyi said.

"Everyone wakes up, and you two are still relying on it. Don't be ashamed!" Li Siru said angrily.

Who... Who said... Before I recover from my old injury, you can't treat me specially!" Luo Chao still didn't open his eyes.

Yue Jian also opened his eyes and said lazily, "I... I yesterday.. I worked too hard and kept practicing... Just now, I didn't... If you don't sleep anything, just let me sleep more!" After saying that, he turned around again.

"You!" Li Siru is very angry.

"Ah!" The little gag yawned and stood up. Then he looked at Yue Jian and Luo Chao and laughed.

Li Siru was about to scold her when he ran over and stopped her. Li Siru suddenly didn't know why.

It giggled, pulled out a long hair from its face and walked towards the two of them.

Xiao Yao and several people looked at each other and were speechless.

It carefully put the facial hair into the nostrils of Luo Chao and Yue Jian and gently stirred them.

The two suddenly sneezed a few times and woke up.

The little stab threw away the murder weapon long before the two woke up and successfully escaped.

"I said, Rumei, you are a girl's family, which is not good for people." Luo Chao was dissatisfied.

"I..." Before Li Siru said anything, she was interrupted by Yue Jian.

"I said, do you still want to live? I was about to discuss men and women with Ling Hanyue, the eldest daughter of Wan Jianzong, and you woke me up. Do you know how rare it is?" Yue Jian's eyes suddenly stared, and two huge eye excrement hung majestically on the corners of his eyes.

Everyone was suddenly speechless.

Li Siru's face suddenly turned red and she didn't know what to say.

The little stuttering suddenly laughed wildly, and I don't know what made it so happy.

Luo Chao and the two immediately turned their attention to it. They were still pointing at them and smiling. The two looked at each other, and their anger began to rise.

After watching their faces change, he immediately covered his mouth, hid behind Xiao Yao, and pulled up the corners of his clothes.

Luo twitched the corners of his mouth and said fiercely in his heart, "Don't fall into my hand, hum!"

"I didn't do it..." Li Siru said this.

"Okay, that's enough noise. Let's set off!" Xiao Yao looked at several people.

Zhou Hong said, "That's right. It's time. We used to leave earlier than this, but we almost didn't get to the place where we lived."

"Collected, assembled." Qingyu shouted loudly.

Everyone began the journey.

"I said, do we want to fly? Isn't it fast? I'm almost enough of walking like this!" Luo Chao's face was like frosty eggplant and wither.

Xiao Yao said, "If you are not afraid of being eaten, fly as much as you want!"

"It's not that serious!!! We were not the sword that day!" Luo Chao looked like a vegetable.

Shao Jun glanced at him and said, "That day was a rally. There is no such simple thing here. There is no such simple thing in the world. People you can think of can also think of. There are still many masters of warcraft in the forest, and some of them are particularly interested in people. As far as I know, man-eating beasts can roll you up as soon as it sticks its tongue. If you don't believe it, you can try it.

Luo Chao shrank his neck in horror and shook his head and said, "Forget it!"

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Yao said to Zhou Hong, "Brother Zhou is familiar with this place. You will lead the way in the future. We will listen to you."

Zhou Hong was not pretentious and said, "It doesn't matter. It's up to me to lead the way, but everyone's safety depends on you!"

Xiao Yao nodded.

Zhou Hong looked at the road ahead and thought, "We may encounter the corpse demon tree man in front of us. These ghosts are the most difficult and numerous. We will meet them almost every time. However, if we don't meet the tree demon tree king, there won't be much trouble."

Xiao Yao's heart moved, "Oh? Can the corpse demon tree king be found?

Zhou Hong was stunned and said with a wry smile, "Brother Li, do you want to think about it? But that's not easy!"

Shao Jun smiled and said, "There is nothing that our boss can't do."

Luo nodded to several people. On that day, his feat of fighting against fire knives and ants alone had been deeply reflected in their hearts.

When Zhou Hong saw the confidence of several people, he thought to himself, "Can he really fight against the corpse demon tree king alone?" It's impossible. I'm afraid we can't even fight together. It must be bragging

The more you think about Zhou Hong's face, the more ugly it is.

Luo Chao looked at Zhou Hong and said, "What? Lao Zhou doesn't believe it!"

Zhou Hong reacted and smiled, "Looking at what my brother said, we don't doubt Brother Li's ability."

"Hmm! Just know!" Luo Chaodao.

Gradually, a group of people went deep into a dense forest.

"Be careful, such a situation is most likely to appear. It is difficult to move here. If you are not careful, it will be over." Zhou Hong said coldly.

Li Siru said, "Brother Zhou, how to distinguish the corpse demon tree?"

Zhou Hong said solemnly, "It's almost indistinguishable. They have a bad smell, but if you smell this smell, you will be attacked by it before you can react. Therefore, it is difficult to find this corpse demon tree man when he is not moving. As long as it moves, the branches will be thrown up. Obviously.

Li Siru nodded to indicate that she knew.

"Oh! Help!" A young man was entangled in a corpse tree man and was stuffing his mouth. He was sticking a spike on the branch and constantly beating the young man. The young man suddenly howled.

No matter who, as long as the person is bitten by the corpse tree, he will twitch all over and then lose consciousness.

"It's not good!" Xiao Yao's face changed and rushed to the source of the sound.

There are still a few people around the young man who haven't done anything, and they are also a little afraid of the corpse demon tree.

Xiao Yao came and rushed forward without saying a word.

"Kka!" Suddenly, the branches flew randomly, and some branches were cut off by Xiao Yao. The tree man was in pain and left the young man. Instead, he rushed to Xiao Yao with all his strength. The branches violently beat Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao was possessed by magic and was fine for the time being.

A little bit of branches were cut off, and the demon tree man screamed.

The demon tree man next to him, who was obviously like a big tree, suddenly opened his eyes on the branches.

There are five in total, all of which appear in shape.

Seeing this, Shao Jun's face suddenly changed greatly and said, "It's not good! Go and help the boss! Siru, be careful and don't come up!" After saying that, he rushed over.

Luo Chao and several people were equally anxious and rushed up in the same way.

Zhou Hong shouted: "Brothers, give it to me! I have money to take it!"