can shi

Chapter 36 Eight Steps

After Lu Qing followed Linger to Linger's room, he put more than a dozen books brought back from the library on the table and turned to leave. Linger looked at the pile of books on the table, which were all suitable for women's cultivation, except for the basic books such as herbs. I don't know what Huangfu Yuran thinks. Is it really for himself?

I walked back and forth in the room for a long time, but I couldn't calm down to practice. Linger shook her hair and walked out of the door. She wanted to see Huangfu Yuran.

came to Huangfu Yuran's door and raised his hand to push the door in, but thinking of Huangfu Yuran's tone just now, he couldn't help but lack confidence. He turned around and took a few steps back, but he was very unwilling to leave. Walking back again, he gently opened the closed door and looked in. I only saw Huangfu Yuran sitting cross-legged ** and seemed to be practicing with his eyes closed.

After looking for a while, Linger stood up and gently closed the door, trotted all the way back to her room, and she had to practice well.

Just after Linger left, Huangfu Yuran, who was sitting in **, opened his eyes and looked at the door, and the corners of his mouth bent slightly to show a meaningful smile.

During this period, Huangfu Yuran has read the skills that the Yuanshen gave himself. This skill is not a practicing mind method, but a body method, and this body method has a domineering name of Qiankun Eight Steps.

At that time, he found this skill and was startled by Huangfu Yuran. This skill reveals a kind of pride throughout the whole article, a kind of boldness that I have in the world, and I can really stand up to this word universe.

At the beginning of this skill, I introduced it like this: I am the only one who is ethereal.

There are only these eight words, but they are just right to write the mystery of this skill. Floating between heaven and earth, unrestrained in the universe. Perhaps only this kind of body method can be worthy of the word Xiaoyao.

Next is a paragraph, perhaps what the person who created this mind said. This passage is like this: Throughout the ages, people who cultivate the truth have cultivated themselves and created evil spirits. However, I don't want to be bound by this, and I will take it as I want. Therefore, I committed public anger, and the monks rose up against me. From then on, I went to the world. On the way to escape, I suddenly realized the world and created a set of body methods. After that, no one can follow me. Under the world, I am the second, so no one dares to be the first. Now I am about to soar, and I will record this method here, and I hope that those who have virtue will get it in the future. This body method has been cultivated and can break the void and walk in a different space. The method of mind and body is the same. If you use it, it will be right, and if you use it, it will be evil. I should leave and wait for you to take care of yourself.

After reading this passage, Huangfu Yuran also had a lot of emotion in his heart. Originally, I thought that this body method was created by the yuan god, but it turned out that the yuan god also got it from another place. Nevertheless, Huangfu Yuran still sincerely admires the person who created this body, not because he created such a body method, but because he dares to act and worships himself.

Continue to look down, this body method is divided into eight steps, each with its own detailed explanation and introduction.

The first step: gentle breeze and drizzle. This step is the foundation of the eight steps of the universe. The pace is like clouds and flowing water, within the reach of the heart and the body. The operation method is like gentle wind and drizzle, which is lukewarm and continuous. When dealing with the enemy, although the other party knows where you are, it is exactly one step behind you, which makes people regret it.

Step 2: Mirror. The first step and the wind and rain will be practiced to the extreme, and the illusion will be real, just like a mirror. This step aims to confuse people's visual senses and make it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Step 3: Phantom Lost. On the basis of the second step, the phantom lost once again differentiated one of its phantoms into countless phantoms. If the mirror flower, water and moon act in one step against the enemy, the phantom lost one step is used to escape. Countless phantoms are available in all directions and are beyond the reach.

Step 4: Willow dark flowers. This step focuses on speed, and Liu Anhuaming also illustrates this point, and the speed expansion is unmatched. Thousands of miles is not enough, but it's time for tea.

Step 5: Cup bow and snake shadow. This step is to major in spirit and integrate the spirit into heaven and earth, and I will be everywhere. Everything is invisible in this step, chasing and escaping.

Step 6: disappear. Melting your body into heaven and earth can turn yourself into nothingness. Even if someone is in front of you, they won't notice your existence. This step is not motionless, but moving all the time, so that people can't capture their own body.

Step 7: The universe is infinite. This step integrates all the first six steps and truly achieves what is within the heart and body. There is no limit between heaven and earth, the speed is extreme, and there are countless illusions. Hide your whereabouts and do whatever you want. Practice this step to be free from the world and the universe.

Step 8: Walk in the void. Step through the void and walk freely in the void. Shuttle through the space plane at will, and the next moment will be ubiquitous. When you see my figure, I will be behind you the next moment. This is walking in the void, and you can walk out of the shackles of heaven and earth with a gentle step.

This is an introduction to the eight steps of the universe, followed by the detailed operation route of each step and so on. Huangfu Yuran just read it briefly, because it is too early to study it thoroughly now. The first step is to learn, and then talk about other things later. Anyway, you can't run away from what's in your mind.

At the end, there is another paragraph at the end of the book that is estimated to have been added by the Yuanshen. I saw this passage written as follows: I have been practicing this body for more than 100 years, and I can only practice it to the sixth level and disappear. The last two steps are always difficult to touch, and even the threshold has never been glimpsed. Now my gengod is sealed here, and I'm afraid there will be no rebirth. I'm afraid that there is no hope to see the last two steps in this life. I hope that those who have obtained this body method can realize my dream, practice this body method to the extreme and break the void. I will also close my eyes in the endless and get this wish, which is enough for me in this life.

Huangfu Yuran read the whole article and understood that the Yuanshen had not completed this practice. But if you can hide in this free library for months without being noticed, you can also see the magic of this method.

Huangfu Yuran, who came to his senses, shrugged his ears and heard the faint footsteps at the door and the sound of the door being gently pushed open. He opened his eyes slightly and vaguely saw Linger looking at the house outside the door. After a while, Linger tiptoed away. Huangfu Yuran knew that Linger was worried about herself and came to have a look, and she didn't want to disturb her practice, so she made this move.

Huangfu Yuran smiled faintly. It may not be because of her parents' explanation that Linger can be so careful. The so-called foreign military order is not subject to it. Now it is not in the family, and Linger still treats herself as usual. Huangfu Yuran remembered this friendship in his heart, and he should keep Linger sound for the rest of his life and never regret it in his life.

Come back to your senses and continue to meditate. Now the first task is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. The time for the rookie qualifying is getting closer and closer, but I have to reach the late stage of foundation. However, the current cultivation is not too stable in the early stage of foundation building. In less than half a year, Huangfu Yuran gradually felt pressure.

A few days later, I woke up from meditation and opened my eyes to see the food on the table. Huangfu Yuran felt curious. How did Linger know when she would finish her practice?

I didn't think too much, so I got up and went to the yard to wash up. When Huangfu Yuran returned to the room, he found that Linger and Lu Qing were there, and Linger had prepared the meal and was waiting for him to come back. Huangfu Yuran frowned and said, " Uncle Lu, you are also here. Why do you come here every time as soon as I finish practicing?"

Lu Qing laughed and said, "That's a must. I'm not a prophet!"

Huangfu Yuran gave Lu Qing a white look, and he would not believe this kind of lying to children. Lu Qing must have his own way to do this.

Linger beside him quickly explained when he saw Huangfu Yuran's expression, "Elder Lu will come here every three or five times. I come to see you every day these days. Of course, it's just in time for you to finish your practice."

Huangfu Yuran accepted this statement and nodded and said, "Oh, I see. I thought he could see through my cultivation a hundred miles away!"

When Lu Qing heard Huangfu Yuran say this, a few drops of unnecessary sweat oozed from his forehead. Don't say that Lu Qing can't do it, even the elders of this family can't be said to have a ten percent certainty to see through the cultivation of a person who is practicing a hundred miles away. Not to mention that you can see when this cultivation person has finished his practice.

Lu Qing said with an embarrassed smile, "This... I, Lu Qing, don't have that kind of cultivation for the time being. Let's not talk about this, let's eat first. Eat..." After that, he picked up the rice bowl and lowered his head to eat.

Huangfu Yuran gave Lu Qing a white look again. How come the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Lu Qing was the owner of this?

During the meal, Huangfu Yuran suddenly asked, " Uncle Lu, what's the matter with you coming to my elegant building?"

Lu Qing said vaguely, "It's okay. My practice just encountered a bottleneck. For the time being, it's not enough to hit the bottleneck. It's not convenient for me to close the qualifying competition. I'll come to you when I have nothing to do." Lu Qing didn't think so. Lu Qing thought that if it hadn't been for the instructions of the leader, I would have spent the time of cultivation on your boy?

Huangfu Yuran looked at Lu Qing with slanted eyes and said, "But why do I feel that you don't have nothing to do?" How do I feel that you are here for Sister Linger? Do you like Sister Linger?

Huangfu Yuran's words almost made Lu Qing spit out the rice in his mouth. Where is this? I often come here to follow the instructions of the leader, but I'm afraid that there is anything I don't understand about this boy's practice, so I can explain it to him. Now it's good, but it's misunderstood by the boy.