can shi

Chapter 96 Royal Armor

Zhao Xin and Lin Yang bowed at the same time and said, "My minister (Weichen) left!" Then he turned around and went out.

Compared with the speed of coming, the process of going back took a short time. Along the way, Zhao Xin asked something about the palace and the position of general.

Between words, he has returned to the residence of the fourth prince, talked to the doorkeeper and took Zhao Xin straight to the back hall. When passing through the front hall, a small eunuch came out and bowed and said, "Prince, the things sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are now in the front hall."

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Well, I know. General Zhao, do you want to see the armor?

Zhao Xin looked left and right as if he didn't hear it. Lin Yangguang turned around and repeated again: "General Zhao? Do you want to take a look at the armor first?

Zhao Xin then reacted and said, "Huh? Are you talking to me?"

Lin Yang nodded and said solemnly, "Yes, is there any other General Zhao here besides you, General Zhao?"

Zhao Xin scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said shyly, "Ha ha, I'm still not used to this name."

"You must get used to it, because no one will call your name in the palace again. You are General Zhao." Lin Yang said if something had happened.

Zhao Xin nodded blankly and said, "Oh, I know. What did you just say? Look at the armor? Has the armor been delivered? Naturally, you have to look at it. After all, it will be my clothes in the future.

Lin Yang turned around and walked into the front hall and said, "Then come here. It has just been sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Let's see if it fits."

Zhao Xin walked into the front hall and saw five trays on the table in the front hall. There were four sets of armor and two sets of clothes in the tray. The clothes were bright red. Zhao Xin was not interested when he saw this color. Turning to the armor, two sets of silver-white armor are pleated, and the snow-white hat on the helmet is windless and automatic. Zhao Xin still prefers this kind of armor. After all, Zhao Xin cultivates strength and speed, and his big moves are doomed to the low level of defense.

Zhao Xin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, this armor is not bad. It looks good. It's just that I don't like these two clothes. They are too gorgeous!"

Lin Yang looked at Zhao Xin's court uniform pointed to and said helplessly, "If you don't like it, you should wear it. This is the general's court uniform. You should wear it when you go to court, and you should also wear it when you meet the emperor. Don't you want to try armor?"

Zhao Xin waved his hand and said, "Do you want to wear this in the court?" How awkward is that? Can I wear armor?

Lin Yang nodded and shook his head and said cautiously, "It's okay in theory, but try not to wear armor. Others think you are going to rebel!"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it that serious? If you don't wear it, don't wear it! I'll try the armor first, but I prefer this, so I'll try this first. With that, he picked up a set of golden armor and went to the back hall.

Lin Yang opened his mouth to say that it was the armor of the royal family, but he still didn't say anything. If he liked it, just let him wear it. Anyway, he couldn't wear it. Familiar with Lin Yang's actions, he shocked the ministers in the court and unfortunately pulled Zhao Xin into the royal family. These are all later words, not to mention them for the time being.

After a while, Zhao Xin came out in golden armor and casually asked, "How about it?" Not bad, right?"

Lin Yang carefully looked at the current Zhao Xin, and he was really known as the power of the general. His golden armor set off the whole person a lot. Lin Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it seems that you are really suitable to wear armor. But this armor is mine, and yours is the two sets.

Zhao Xin looked at the silver-white armor of Lin Yang's fingers and frowned and said, "Do we still need to distinguish so clearly? I'll just do the same." With that, he reached out and took a set of silver-white armor.

Lin Yang smiled and waved to a small eunuch and ordered, "Send these armor and court uniforms to General Zhao's room."

The little eunuch hesitated for a moment and said, "Fourth Prince, General Zhao..."

Lin Yang thought that not many people knew that Zhao Xin had been awarded the title of general, and he had not arranged a place for Zhao Xin. Thinking of this, he pointed to Zhao Xin and said, "This is General Zhao who has just sealed it today. Go and arrange a place for General Zhao. These armors are all General Zhao's. Just send them to General Zhao's room."

The little eunuch Yingnuo took the silver-white armor in Zhao Xin's hand, picked up the tray on the table and went out. Zhao Xin stretched out his hands and looked down at the armor he was wearing, and shouted to the door, "Come back, where's this armor!" With that, he was about to change his armor.

Lin Yang waved his hand to signal the little eunuch to leave. He turned his head and said to Zhao Xin, "This armor is so martial. What else do you want to take it off? Just wear it. Let's go and see what they are doing. By the way, tell them about your being a general and make them happy.

Lin Yang and Zhao Xin found Lin Susu and Liu Ruyan in the backyard, who were sitting in the courtyard drinking tea and chatting. Seeing Lin Yang and Zhao Xin coming in, the two women stood up to meet them at the same time.

As soon as he approached, Lin Susu looked around Zhao Xin and looked at Zhao Xin and said, "When did you get such armor?"

Zhao Xin deliberately spread his hands around and said flauntingly, "How's it going? Very powerful, isn't it?"

Lin Yang took over and said, "This is the good news to tell you. Zhao Xin was awarded the title of Dragon Horse General by his father. This armor... is General Zhao's armor." Lin Yang wanted to say that this armor was his own, but looking at Zhao Xin's excited appearance now, he really couldn't bear it.

Lin Susu's eyes lit up after listening to Lin Yang's words. Then he bent his knees and squatted down and said, "The slave family has met General Zhao, and the general wants to be the master of the slave family." Even Lin Susu couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing secretly after she finished speaking.

Zhao Xin knew that this was Lin Susu's joke, so he also cooperated with Lin Susu's chest and said solemnly, "I will make the decision for you. Tell me what you want, and I will make the decision for you."

Hearing Zhao Xin's words, others couldn't help laughing, and Zhao Xin couldn't help laughing.

Liu Ruyan restrained and said, "Brother Zhao, congratulations. Oh no, it should be called General Zhao!"

Zhao Xin said awkwardly, "You'd better call me by my name, so that you can see more!"

The four people sat in the yard and chatted. They didn't disperse until the little eunuch came to report that Zhao Xin's residence had been arranged. Originally, Lin Susu was going to live with Zhao Xin, but Zhao Xin disagreed. According to Zhao Xin, he would wait until his mansion was built before marrying Lin Susu. This sentence only made Lin Susu blush with shame, covered her little face and pulled Liu Ruyan and ran away.

Lin Yang and Zhao Xin returned to their residences and began to meditated. Although they returned to the palace, they could not stop practicing. No one can leave behind with Huangfu Yuran. If you stop practicing in the palace, you will be embarrassed to meet at that time.

The night was spent in practice. As soon as he arrived at Lin Yang, he came in an orange robe and asked Zhao Xin to go to court. Zhao Xin also knew that this matter could not be delayed slightly. He washed and put on his bright red court uniform and walked towards the Chaoyang Hall where Lin Yang was located in the morning.

Along the way, Zhao Xin seemed to have bugs on his body. He didn't walk the road properly for a moment. He either straightened his clothes or grabbed the clothes. He still doesn't like this kind of robe clothes. It's too formal.

The two were relatively close, and it was not completely bright when they arrived. Despite this, the court was still full of people. Zhao Xinla and Lin Yang asked, "Where will I stand later?"

Lin Yang looked at the situation in the court and whispered, "Just stand behind me."

When the ministers standing in the court saw Zhao Xin's strange face appear here in a court uniform, they felt very curious, but no one asked anything. A bright man can see at a glance that this man is a general and has a good relationship with the fourth prince. His imperial uniform is still a first-class official position, but he doesn't know when such a first-class official was added in this dynasty.

While chatting, they heard a sharp voice: "My king went to court."

As the sound fell, the emperor appeared in the eyes of everyone in a dragon robe. The emperor went to the dragon chair in the middle of the hall and sat down and said, "Go up!"

Everyone under the steps knelt on the ground at the same time and shouted, "Honor my king!"

The emperor stretched out his hand and raised his hand and said, "All the nobles are flat. Can the Lord's family have a book?

"I have this play..."

Then came a series of state affairs and so on, and Zhao Xin was sleepy. Finally, when no one played again, the emperor said loudly, "Before retreating from the court, I want to announce something, Zhao Xinqi?"

Zhao Xin suddenly took a step and bowed and said, "Weichen is there!"

The emperor nodded and motioned. The old eunuch standing beside the emperor took out a scroll and opened it and announced loudly: "Zhao Xin is a first-class dragon horse general, in charge of 500,000 troops, often accompanying the fourth prince. A mansion with thousands of hectares of fertile land was built on the outskirts of Luoyang and started construction on a certain day. This..."

This resolution also shocked all the ministers present. I don't know how Zhao Xin and He De could directly become a general. Several high-power ministers were afraid that their power and status would be threatened, so they stood up and said, "Wang, it's not right! How can Zhao Xinyi be a martial artist? "My king thinks twice!"

The emperor frowned, waved his hand and said, "I have made up my mind. Don't refute it again." Whoever dares not accept the emperor's words, they all lowered their heads and stopped talking.

When the emperor saw that no one objected, he said, "If there is a book, there is no book to retreat!" After saying that, he will stand up and leave the court.

Zhao Xin immediately stood up and said, "My king, I have a book!"

The emperor who had just remembered sat back and looked at Zhao Xin curiously and asked, "Oh? What does General Zhao have to say?