can shi

Chapter 97 The Crown Prince

Zhao Xin thought for a moment and said, "Hangju, can I wear armor to go to court? Weichen is really not used to wearing this dress!"

The emperor frowned and said, "It is unprecedented in this dynasty to wear armor. Tell me your reason. If it makes sense, I will approve your request.

Zhao Xin looked around at the ministers in the court and said, "Hangmao, you know, as a general, you should always be ready to fight, let alone fight in this uniform. Moreover, an adult just now also said that Zhao Xin is a martial artist. How can a martial artist be suitable for wearing such an elegant robe? Third, Weichen is used to wearing armor and doesn't like this kind of tied court uniform. Long live the favor!" After saying that, he hugged his fist and saluted.

After listening to Zhao Xin's reason, the emperor lowered his head and thought. Before the emperor finished thinking, a burly minister standing on the right side of Zhao Xin stood up directly and pointed to Zhao Xin and shouted, "Bold Zhao Xin, do you want to rebel in armor? Come on, take down this madman."

Some people really listened to this adult, but after he shouted, a row of praetorian guards came into the outside of the hall. At this time, the emperor raised his head and shouted, "Be presumptuous, who gave you the courage to rush in without my permission? Get out of here! General Zhao, your reason has been approved, and I have approved it. From now on, the generals will wear armor in the court to meet the needs of the times! " retreat from the court!" After saying that, he stood up and walked back.

The ministers shouted, "Hangtaray, my king!" Then they withdrew separately. Zhao Xin glanced at the man who had just pointed to the person who was angry, and the man just snorted and said nothing.

Lin Yang, who was walking behind, came over and patted the man on the shoulder and said, "General Liu..."

He was patted on the shoulder. General Liu was shocked. He turned his head and saw that it was Lin Yang who bowed and said, "What do you want from the fourth prince?"

Lin Yang said lightly, "Nothing. I think it's better for General Liu to wear armor in the future." After saying that, he ignored General Liu's reaction and turned around and walked out of the hall.

With the approval of the emperor, Zhao Xin was so excited that he was so excited that he returned to his residence that he was so excited that he could say it. Lin Susu and others were too lazy to pay attention to Zhao Xin's set of things. Everyone gave him a white eye and turned around and left. Zhao Xin also felt bored, so he put on his armor and went to have fun alone.

The next day, Zhao Xin didn't wait for Lin Yang to call himself. After washing, he put on his armor and waited for Lin Yang. After Lin Yang came, Zhao Xin's eyes lit up and said, "Do you also wear armor? Are you also a general? Aren't you a prince?"

Lin Yang glanced at Zhao Xin and said coldly, "In theory, princes don't need to wear armor, but every prince should be civilized, so it's not appropriate not to wear armor."

Zhao Xin looked at Lin Yang, held his chin in his hand and said, "I really can't see that you are quite beautiful in armor!"

Lin Yang raised his hand and made a gesture to fight and said, "You are beautiful. I'm a grand prince. Can you describe it as beautiful?"

Zhao Xin hid back and said, "Just kidding, but you wear armor, but you are much more energetic than before."

Lin Yang said slowly, "Really? Thank you for the compliment, huh? Are you going to wear this armor?

Zhao Xin looked down at the same armor as Lin Yang's and asked curiously, "Is there any problem?"

Lin Yang nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, there is a problem. The golden armor is exclusive to the royal family..."

Before Lin Yang finished speaking, Zhao Xin widened his eyes and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier? Then wait for me to change it!"

"Forget it, there is no time, just wear this body. If your father asks at that time, I will excuse you. Lin Yang shook his head to stop Zhao Xin, who wanted to walk back.

When the two came to the court, the exact same armor shocked everyone present. Before the early morning began, all kinds of comments came out, mostly because Zhao Xin wore the armor of the royal family.

Zhao Xin followed Lin Yang and walked to the front. As soon as they stood in front, they were surrounded by seven or eight young people. They saw the young people surrounded by them wearing golden armor, but the style was different. Obviously, these seven or eight people around him are at the prince level, and none of them can be offended by Zhao Xin.

Only one of them said first, "Fourth brother, is this the General Zhao you brought back? Why are there no rules? Can the armor of the royal family be worn by anyone? The tone is full of contempt.

Lin Yang frowned and said, "Eight brother? When did you return to the palace? This matter was decided by my father. If you have any comments, please tell my father later. Don't shout at me.

"How could the father allow a person with a foreign surname to wear the armor of the royal family? Fourth brother, are you scaring us?" Another young man said coldly.

Lin Yang was too lazy to argue with him about these things. He closed his eyes and responded faintly, "Is it to scare you to know at the meeting? Why does the seventh brother have to do this?"

The seventh prince, who was called the seventh brother by Lin Yang, instantly pulled out his waist and pointed his sword at Zhao Xin and said, "If you dare to slander the dignity of the royal family, I will take down this rebel first and then listen to his father's departure." In this move, the other princes standing around also pulled out their swords from their waists and pointed them at Zhao Xin one by one. It seemed that they were determined to take Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin stood still and did not move. It was not Zhao Trust. In his opinion, although these so-called princes also have cultivation, their humble cultivation is not a big threat to him. Moreover, in this court, they didn't say they would do it.

At this critical moment, the old eunuch's sound to the court was a solution to Zhao Xin's momentary crisis. After the emperor came to the court and sat down, he routinely asked some national affairs and turned to look at Zhao Xin, "Does General Zhao's armor still fit?" Although the emperor was also curious about why Zhao Xin's armor was the golden dragon armor of the royal family, he knew the reason when he saw Lin Yang's pleading. The emperor spoiled Lin Yang, so he did not expose this fact.

Zhao Xin stood up and wanted to say something. The seventh prince on one side had already said, "Father, this Zhao Xin is not a royal man, but wears the armor of the royal family. This is obviously a contempt for the dignity of the royal family. Please order Zhao Xin to take down this rebel."

The emperor smiled and looked at the angry seventh prince and asked, "How can you say this? Why did you rebel?"

The seventh prince was stunned and said angrily, "Zhao Xin is a civilian, but he has no civilian consciousness. The golden color is exclusive to the royal family. Zhao Xin is not only wearing golden armor, but also dragon armor. This is obviously to treat myself as a royal person. Where does this put my royal dignity?

The emperor kept listening to the seventh prince's words with a smile. After the seventh prince finished speaking, the emperor said lightly, "What if General Zhao is a royal man? Will you still say that?"

The seventh prince was speechless and hesitated, " is this possible?"

The emperor waved his hand to interrupt the words of the seventh prince and said, "Nothing is impossible, emperor, you have to remember that what you see is not necessarily the truth. Don't jump to conclusions before things are figured out, which will easily wrong people.

What else does the seventh prince want to defend? "Zhao Xin is a civilian. How else do we need to figure this out?"

The emperor reached out and patted the armrest of the dragon chair and said, "That was just the past. Now he is my adopted son, and he is also a prince. Do you still say that he is not qualified to wear this armor?"

The emperor's words shocked everyone, and even Zhao Xin, who was the party concerned, was stunned. How could the emperor make such a decision? Many people are slandering whether Zhao Xin is the emperor's illegitimate son or something. Otherwise, how could Zhao Xin be awarded the title of general on the first day and accepted as the prince on the second day?

The emperor looked at the expression of everyone who wanted to rest, raised his hand and said, "Don't talk about it anymore. This matter is over. Let's retreat from the court. The fourth prince and Prince Xin will stay, and everyone else will retreat.

Seeing that this was the case and there was no need to stay, everyone turned around and left. Zhao Xin glanced at the glance when the seventh prince left and saw the viciousness and hostility.

For a moment, there were only a few people left in the whole court. The emperor waved back and looked at Lin Yang coldly and said, "Are you satisfied now?"

Lin Yang smiled awkwardly and said, "Thank you, my father."

The emperor waved his hand and said, "You don't have to thank me. You are not allowed to do such things in the future. I don't want to have so many emperors, Zhao Xin. In the future, you can call me father like Yang'er. You have to be loyal to the empire.

Zhao Xin bowed and said, "Weichen obeyed the order and was loyal to the empire."

"Okay, let's end this matter. Go back." After saying that, the emperor stood up and left.

Lin Yang and Zhao Xin looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time. Lin Yang joked, "Prince Xin, it's polite!" Haha..."

Zhao Xin felt that the burden on his shoulder was heavier and shook his head and said, "Okay, stop it. Let's go back."

The two returned to the fourth prince's mansion. Lin Yang showed off again, while Zhao Xin was a little unhappy. Lin Susu saw that Zhao Xin was not very happy, so she silently walked to Zhao Xin and asked gently, "What's wrong? You seem to be very unhappy."

Zhao Xin raised his hand to take care of Lin Susu's beautiful hair and sighed, "It's nothing. It doesn't seem to be a good thing to be a prince. The burden on his shoulder seems to be a little heavier."

Lin Susu heard that Zhao Xin was worried about this and comforted him: "It's okay. Don't you think Lin Yang is fine!" The prince is also very relaxed, isn't he? Don't think too much, my fourth prince.

Zhao Xin had to comfort himself with this excuse, nodded a little sadly and turned away. Lin Yang looked at Zhao Xin's back and said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about him. You will be fine in a while. He just couldn't accept this reality for a while, and it was still very good to believe in the prince. Haha..."

Lin Susu smiled and looked at the direction Zhao Xin left, with a faint worry in her eyes.