long candle

Chapter 22 Strange Bug

I saw that it was Liang Qian who didn't know when she woke up and hurriedly asked her, "What is this?" It's obviously metal, why is it full of blood..."

Liang Qian covered her forehead with a very painful expression. After a few seconds, she said, "That's the evil god worshipped by the Chinese people... You will die as soon as you touch it..."

As soon as she finished speaking, we suddenly heard a ghost-like cry outside, and the roof began to make a rustling sound, as if something was crawling on it.

Liang Qian's face turned a little white again. She turned her head and looked out of the door and said, "Finally came out..."

"Papa!" There were two gunshots in the distance, and I heard Nobita curse: "Damn it, don't come here...what the hell..."

Although Liang Qian was seriously injured, she turned her head and rushed out, still very agile.

Xie Yuting also pulled out the knife a long time ago, and a fish jumped out of the window.

I was left alone in the room in an instant. I heard a few crackling gunshots outside the door and the rustling sound from all directions. It seemed that there were a large number of enemies.

I pulled out of my belt and staggered out in a very amateur gun position.

The first picture that came into my eyes made me breathe coldly.

As soon as Yuting rushed out, a "person" faced him. The man's whole body was as dry as wood. A face distorted by death had no expression, and he rushed to Xie Yuting with his teeth and claws.

What a good hand Xie Yuting was, rolling on the spot, a vicious rolling knife, and instantly removed one leg of the mummified corpse.

Get up again, wiped the blade, and directly cut off the head of the mummified corpse!

I swear, this is the first time I've seen how a person was hacked to death. The knife is so fast and absolutely bloody.

But I don't know why I think the move is too handsome.

Xie Yuting's knife, even Zongzi had to be killed on the spot, but a strange scene happened in front of my eyes. The cut head flew up from the ground and rushed back to Xie Yuting, and the body that had been cut off one leg also refused to give up.

I said to myself that this is too fake and impossible! I remember that when I was a child, I saw those monsters whose heads could fly to bite people after death, but it was completely against the laws of physics. Even if there are really demons in the world, this mummified corpse doesn't look like any monster! Xie Yuting was also obviously very surprised. He was stunned for a moment and was knocked to the ground by the one-legged mummed corpse and wrestled together.

And the head flew to me without hesitation. My heart was terrified, my legs and stomach began to turn, and my hands with guns were full of sweat. Just as I was stunned, the head had jumped in front of my face. The twisted expression and open mouth scared me to take a cold breath. My heart was finished, and now my first kiss was coming to an end! Suddenly, with a touch in my ear, the human head was blown up more than ten centimeters in front of me, and a smelly black ** blew up my face.

This made me sick. While wiping my face with my coat sleeve, I vomited with a wow. Liang Qian ran to me and said eagerly, "Are you all right? You can't use a gun. Go to the house!"

After vomiting, I wiped my face and said to her, "What's the use of hiding in the room? Are you going to be blocked by these things?"

Liang Qian shot me in the back without explaining much and kicked me into the room. A dog ate shit and fell to the ground. When I finally got up, I saw another male corpse in a military coat rushing towards the door. I quickly went to touch the gun. It was too late. The thing had rushed to the door.

But strangely, he stopped at the door, as if he was afraid of something in the room.

At this time, there were several gunshots and curses outside the door. A fat and tall figure jumped in from the window, then Xie Yuting, and finally Liang Qian also jumped into the room.

"Fuck! What the hell is this? If your head collapses, you can still attack people!" Nobita nervously held the gun and pointed at the window.

Xie Yuting held the knife and frowned and looked out of the window. Several blood marks were caught on his arm. It seemed that the thing had just been done. He was silent for a moment, turned his head to Liang Qian and asked, "Have you ever encountered this kind of zongzi before?"

Liang Qian shook her head, and her face became whiter. She covered her forehead all the time, and her whole body trembled slightly, and her head was full of sweat. She rested for a moment and said, "All I know is that these things dare not enter the room... Just now when I woke up alone in the room, there was one guarding directly at the door."

We were all silent. I thought it was wrong. There was nothing special in this room. The only disk called the national god by Liang Qian was also broken.

With the help of breathing, I washed my face with the remaining mineral water drunk by Xie Yuting, and then stood up and found that the door and window had been blocked by those things. It seemed that there were dozens of them.

These guys were silent and surrounded us in the room.

With the help of the light, I saw that the face of the man in the military coat at the door was half rotten, which was indescribably disgusting, and his death was very painful. After turning into a zongzi, it was even more ugly and full of stench.

I looked at it twice and felt that it was a little incongruous, but I couldn't say it.

After thinking about it, I seem to have found some clues, that is, this thing is too rigid, just like a wooden board, completely lifeless.

I also saw the real zongzi when I first entered the hole two days ago. They are infinitely powerful and can make sounds like night owls. At least I feel that it is something with life characteristics, and the guy in front of me, if I have to describe it, is a puppet without breathing, no heartbeat, and many There is no movement, and even the direction his eyes look at is the direction he looks at when he dies.

I told everyone what I thought. They pondered for a while, and Liang Qian said in surprise, "Puppet..."

Then she thought hard about something, stood up and said, "I know what it is!" It's the dead centipede spider!"

Nobita was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the fifth princess on your back?"

Liang Qian ignored him, took out a flashlight from her bag, then asked Daxiong for a rifle, fired two shots at the roof, and knocked the thatch away, breaking a big hole.

Liang Qian turned on the flashlight and shot along the big hole in the house to the top of the cave, as if she was looking for something. The three of us also followed the light and looked curiously.

There are many huge stalactites hanging on the top of the cave. The surface of the stalactite is covered with a layer of frost due to low temperature, and the abrupt diamond angle reflects a strange brilliance in the light of the flashlight.

The light of the flashlight swept around the top of the cave. Suddenly, a colorful halo flashed in front of us, as if we saw a huge winding figure moving rapidly at the top of the cave.

We were all surprised and remembered the huge monster we met by the underground river.

Liang Qian was also obviously nervous, slowing down her hand, and saw the circular light spot formed at the top of the cave slowly moving, and finally fixed in a position reflecting colorful light.

Oh my God, my scalp exploded!

Nobita also whispered, "Damn, what a big centipede, this is fucking refined!"

Liang Qian shook her head and whispered, "This is not a centipede, this is a dead centipede spider..."

Sure enough, we followed the light of the flashlight and saw that the position reflecting the colorful light was the centipede's torso, and on both sides of its torso, there were more than one meter long legs with black hair on the legs, like a spider. No wonder it could run so fast.

And the strangest thing is that its legs are only a few holding the top of the cave, while others are turned up, just like the orchid finger of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Nobita was stunned for a moment and scolded, "This centipede is a fucking mother, isn't it?"

Liang Qian shook her head and whispered, "Don't quarrel. These guys have good hearing and high intelligence."

Then she continued to scan the top of the cave with a flashlight, and I immediately took a breath. The back centipede spider was at least two meters long and roughly glanced around. There were more than a dozen on our heads, densely lying on the top of the cave, making people's scalp numb.