long candle

Chapter 23 Poetry Pros

Dear readers, I'm sorry that something happened late today. It doesn't matter. Today is the fourth update!


I noticed that there was a special one in the middle of these centipede spiders. There was a human body sticking down to it. When I looked closely, it was tied by a layer of transparent silk thread.

Suddenly, the centipede spider shook, and a long leg turned up and deftly cut most of the silk thread that tied the body. Only a few were connected to the head and limbs of the body, and then the body slowly fell to the ground.

Xie Yuting took a deep breath and said, "I understand that this thing manipulates the torso of the dead body with the silk thread on his legs. No wonder he can fly back after cutting off his fucking head!" And the reason why those bodies dare not enter the house is that the spider silk can't turn around, and they can't get in at all.

Liang Qian nodded and said, "They usually carry the body on their bodies and use special venoms to prevent them from rotting. Then when it needs to be predation, they manipulate the body as a weapon, which shows that their IQ is very high. I have seen this kind of monster in an ancient book.

Nobita rifle in his hand, smiled and said, "Let me go down and break it, no matter if its IQ is high or not."

Liang Qian shook her head and said, "Their back armor is very hard, and bullets are not easy to kill it, and this thing is extremely fast and difficult to deal with..."

I said, "I think all insects are afraid of fire. These guys didn't attack when we were on the riverbank. They must be afraid of the torch in our hands."

Xie Yuting nodded in agreement and said, "But where are we going to make a fire? There is nothing to order here."

Liang Qian covered her forehead, hissed with pain, and then said, "Since there are clues left by Professor Nie and them, maybe they have gone to the temple. They must have a fire, and even if they can't find them, they can go to the temple for a while."

When she said this, it suddenly occurred to me that we seemed to come in to save people. During this period, we were also mud bodhisattvas crossing the sea, and I didn't know what happened to Grandpa and the others. I couldn't help worrying.

Xie Yuting pulled out the evil knife and said, "As long as you cut off those spider silks, the body can't move. I'll take the lead first to lead the centipede spider away, and you run in the direction of the temple."

Nobita took the gun to the hall, stood up and said, "I'll cover you... Give this bitch a shuttle first!" After saying that, he raised his rifle, shot a shot, and hit the back of a dead centipede spider.

Although the centipede spider had a strong back armor, it was also shot out of a nest and made a squeaky scream. The group of insects suddenly became chaotic and rushed out into the distance with the bodies.

When we saw the corpses retreat, we took the opportunity to fish out of the house and ran to the depths of the village.

Because the ice was very slippery, we almost fell down in a few steps and stumbled out dozens of meters. We saw that the back-backed centipede spiders had chased up with a group of corpses, and there was gusts of wind blowing behind us.

The group of centipede spiders really had a high IQ. When they were about to approach us, several of them circled and cut off our way, and then the bodies came back and forth with their teeth and claws.

Xie Yuting did not hesitate to cut off the spider silk directly against the empty place above the front of the body, and then the body immediately fell down like a pool of mud.

Then he stepped on the body and jumped into the air and flew up like a roc. The knife flashed, and several bodies fell to the ground.

I just wanted to call a beautiful one. What I didn't expect was that the huge centipede spiders that had lost their puppets screamed angrily, and several of them fell directly from the top of the hole and hit the ice crumbs on the ground.

The centipede spiders that fell to the ground were extremely angry and rushed to us with dozens of long legs.

My heart is broken. It's better not to cut the spider silk. Although those corpses are difficult to deal with, they don't have such a big formation...

Liang Qian next to me was pale and shot on the head of a centipede spider, forcing it back temporarily.

She was about to say something to me when another centipede spider rushed up from behind us, which was very loud and windy.

Liang Qian pushed me away and turned around to shoot. Unexpectedly, the centipede spider suddenly spit out a white silk from its mouth, sticking to Liang Qian's wrist.

Between the lightning and flint, the centipede spider threw Liang Qian to the ground, and dozens of feet fell on Liang Qian like two rows of steel knives.

A nameless fire suddenly broke out in my heart. As a man, I have been saved by Liang Qian twice. What a loser

I picked up Liang Qian's gun that fell to the ground, my eyes turned red, scolded my mother, and pulled the trigger, but the gun was out of bullets.

I was annoyed to hit the gun directly on the thing, and then jumped on it and bit it with his teeth like crazy.

When I was in despair, I heard someone next to me scold my mother, and a huge figure rushed over.

Nobita pulled me away and then raised his huge fist. A left hook hit the centipede spider's forehead, causing it to raise its head and spit out green juice from its mouth.

Nobita didn't care so much. He grabbed one of the guy's feet and threw it out with both hands.

I saw the centipede spider fly out of my head and hurried up to help Liang Qian. Her eyes were closed, and several big openings were caught by the centipede spider on her shoulder, which had been knocked unconscious by the impact just now.

Nobita punched a centipede spider again and roared at me, "Take her away!"

I had to carry Liang Qian and stagger forward. I was facing Yuchen and cut off the head of a centipede spider, full of green juice. Seeing that Liang Qian was injured, he pulled me forward.

Because Nobita was broken, the fierce centipede spiders did not catch up, and several bodies that occasionally jumped were cut off by Xie Yuting.

We ran all the way and ran more than 100 meters. Suddenly, the houses on both sides disappeared, and we came to a huge circular square.

The ice on the circular square was not as rough as before, but as smooth as a mirror. I and He Yuting's feet were unstable and fell to the ground one after another.

Before I got up, I heard a few gunshots on the way. Daxiong cursed and rushed over, with a large group of centipede spiders and corpses. I said in my heart that it was over, and I didn't know if the monster would figure skate.

Suddenly, Nobita fell heavily next to me and saw that he could fall off his teeth.

With the help of the faint reflection of the ice, I saw that his clothes were ragged, and there were blood stains in many places, which was extremely tragic.

He may have fallen a little dizzy. After a few seconds, he turned over, sat up, and indeed spit out two white teeth. Oh, my God, I fell to death..." He looked at the teeth in his hand and said very sadly.

"Look! Those centipede spiders stopped!" Xie Yuting said next to him.

I was happy and turned my head to look. Sure enough, the centipede spiders and corpses stopped on the edge of the circular square and hissed at us angrily.

After confronting each other for a while, the centipede spiders actually howled and dispersed, taking the bodies into the darkness.

It is often written in novels that when the protagonist is in danger and is about to die, there are always miracles. I think I may still have some luck with the protagonist of the novel? Or these centipede spiders really can't figure skating...

I thought so, looking up at the top of the cave and saw the stars all over the sky!

This is true. I can hardly believe my eyes, because I haven't seen the sky for a long time, just like a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment. Suddenly, I was notified that I could be released, and my tears flowed down.

I suddenly came poetic and said to the hero beside me, "The stars all over the sky are like pearls falling on a jade plate. A curved hook moon hangs on the western sky, and the clouds are highlighted and ethereal."

When I said this, Nobita looked at me like a fool, took my hand and said, "Comrade Nie! Are you all right? You must be stupid!"

He wiped his tears, pointed to the sky and said, "Look!"

"Damn it! I never knew the moon was so beautiful!" The boss with his open mouth does not forget to be lyrical.

Xie Yuting also looked up, took a deep breath, and said, "Maybe these centipede spiders are afraid of moonlight..."