long candle

Chapter 52 Sigh

It's difficult to put adventure books on the shelves. If you really think it's okay, please collect it. A bookshelf seat can save an author. For the sake of such a hard typing volume, just take me!


Yadan group is a geological term. In Xinjiang, this wind-eroded rock group is generally called the "Devil City", because these rocks look very strange. The interior is like a maze. It is easy for people to get lost when they enter. If the wind is strong, the wind will blow here and make a terrible sound like a ghost crying wolf howling.

However, the wind is not very strong tonight, and the place where we camped is in the back wind, so the surroundings are very quiet.

In such a place, quiet is pure, because even insects are rare.

Those Singapore scientists have gone back and went back to the tent to eat the fast food we brought. Maybe we need to sort out the information, so there is no one next to us.

I leaned against a strange stone and looked at the lights of the camp in the distance while smoking. There was a galaxy with stars above my head. A bright moon was hanging in the western sky, and under me was a messy shadow reflected by the moonlight.

After smoking half a cigarette, I asked Daxiong next to him, "Fatty, let me ask you, what is that *? Do you trust him so much? Do you know that he came to kidnap me with those international thieves in Heizhugou?

Daxiong flicked the ashes with his fat hand and smiled, "*I know what kind of person you are. I've heard about you in Heizhugou. He's not kidnapping you. On the contrary, he saved you several times, but you don't know it."

"Save me? Every time I explore the way, I'm asked to go first. What kind of rescue is this? If I hadn't been lucky, I would have been swallowed by Zongzi. I looked at Nobita and looked a little angry.

Daxiong thought about it, took a deep breath of smoke and said, "Let me tell you this, first of all, * is not with those international thieves. You must have also found that those guys don't buy much about *. However, as their guide and captain, * always pretends. He asked you to explore the way. I guess it must be I let you go when I saw that there was no danger.

I recalled that it seemed to be what Nobita said, so my attitude eased.

Nobita patted me and said, "Do you remember when we were in King Wei's tomb?" At that time, we were all asleep, but I woke up first, went to the corridor to check the way out, and left you alone to rest there. At that time, you were caught by the group of international thieves. If it hadn't been for you, they would have killed you first.

I recalled that according to Lao Huang's style, it was indeed possible. It seemed that I was indeed misunderstood*.

I also wanted to ask about his relationship with *. Suddenly, in the quiet night, an extremely clear "poof" sound came not far behind us.

Both of us suddenly calmed down and felt a little puzzled.

After a while, Daxiong asked me in a low voice, "Who farted behind our back?"

I said angrily, "You just farted. This sound sounds like the sound of a zoo hippo exhaling out of the water."

Nobita touched the back of his head and asked, "Hippo? Where did the hippo come from in this desert?

I said where do I know? Let's climb high and have a look.

So we walked around and found a higher Yadan and climbed up.

Because of the thousand-layer cake-like structure formed by wind erosion, it is not difficult to climb this kind of thing.

Standing on the top of Yadan, we looked around and saw that the moon stars were sparse in the sky, the light was very sufficient, and the sand dunes in the distance were undulating, reflecting the gray color in the moonlight.

Looking at the Yadan group under our feet, the dense boulders are arranged into a complex labyrinth. The strange stones are strangely shaped. At night, they are like a monster lurking in the desert. The passage between the stones is like the neural circuit in the brain, which is complex, deep and scary.

I said that no wonder Xinjiang people call this landform the Devil City. I really don't know what is hidden in those rugged and slender passages. Maybe those ghosts who died in vain on the Silk Road and the souls who have been killed in desert exploration for thousands of years are wandering in these devil cities.

Because the Devil's City is so dark that we can't see anything at all, and the desert is very empty and there is nothing strange, so we are even more confused.

After looking at it for a while, a Xinjiang Mandarin suddenly came from the direction of the camp on the ground: "Two bosses, what are you looking at? You are climbing so high."

I looked back and saw that the guide Lao Ni came over.

I was about to explain to him that the sound suddenly sounded again, very clear.

As soon as Nigati heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted very anxiously, "Come down quickly! That's the devil's sigh. If you continue to watch, you will... be taken away by the devil!"

As soon as Lao Ni was anxious, his words became even more out of tune. I was happy as soon as I heard it. The devil's sigh seemed to be the name of a copycat movie.

We told him that we didn't believe in the devil and wanted to continue watching. Lao Ni was anxious and shouted as he wanted to climb up and pull us down.

At this time, Nobita pulled my sleeve, pointed in one direction and said, "Huh? Comrade Xiaochuan, look at what it is!"

I followed his fingers and looked over there and saw six or seven dark shadows moving between several sand dunes in the distance.

I knew that the shadow was not human, because although I was far away, I also saw that those things were much larger than human beings.

I rubbed my eyes, and when I looked again, I saw that the group of dark shadows were much closer to us. They were several four-legged animals!

As a biologist, I became excited and shouted, "Camera, take the camera!"

Because I know that animals running in the desert will not be buffaloes that run out. They must be rare animals such as wild horses and wild camels. These animals that have almost disappeared are very rare. If you take one or two photos, they will certainly have very high research value.

We touched around, took out two mobile phones and began to take pictures.

Turning on the amplifier in my mobile phone, I finally saw clearly that it was indeed a group of wild camels.

These wild camels are very tough, much larger than ordinary camels. The muscles on their legs are distinct, their bodies are vigorous, and the long hairs on both sides of their abdomen are flying, full of wild power.

Due to the low temperature at night in the desert, these wild camels look very tired as they run and spit out white air from their mouths and noses.

Nobita looked at it and said strangely, "Huh? Look, these wild camels seem to be chased by something. They run so fast. Are there wolves or something?

I nodded and moved the camera behind the camels. After looking for a long time, I found nothing.

At this time, Lao Ni had climbed up. As soon as he saw the scene in the distance, he was dumbfounded, opened his mouth into an O-shape, and shouted, "Oh, my God!" He knelt down and read the unique Islamic eulogy in his mouth.

I know that many Xinjiang people worship wild camels as gods, and many legends describe the story of wild camels helping lost people in the desert get out of trouble, so Lao Ni is so excited now.

"Oh, great Allah..." Lao Ni almost stood up with tears and said to us, "The two bosses are really blessed people. It's really... It's really auspicious to see wild camels in the desert. Thank you for the blessings of the two bosses, so that I can witness them in my life, my children and grandchildren. You will also be blessed..."

I calmed him down and said, "Don't be happy. I think these wild camels seem to be being chased by something."

Lao Ni picked up the water bag and took a sip of water. His expression was much more indifferent. Thinking of the previous devil's sigh, his eyebrows were locked again. Just as he was about to persuade us, he suddenly saw the wild camels stop.

The camels stood still and looked carefully, as if they were staring at the sand in front of them.

Because the camels are much closer than before, I can see those wild camels staring at their big eyes like copper bells, and the corners of their eyes are full of wet mucus.

And saliva is also dripping from the corners of their mouths. Obviously, this is a manifestation of excessive physical exhaustion, which is a very rare thing for camels with strong endurance. If there is nothing threatening their lives, they would not have worked so desperately.

Laoni also said strangely when he saw such a scene, "It's strange that the wolf in the desert has disappeared for decades, and there are no other carnivores here. What are these camels afraid of?"

After thinking about it, his face changed and muttered, "Is it... the devil?"