long candle

Chapter 89 Girl

Looking at the wall of the tree behind the couch, there was originally a carved picture, but I don't know why countless traces were drawn with sharp weapons on the picture, so that the picture on it was completely different.

I think there must be something in this picture that can't be known to others, so it was crossed out.

Of course, I don't have time to study it carefully. I just took out my mobile phone, turned on the flash, and took a few photos so that I could go back and have a closer look. Of course, it depends on whether I can go back from here.

After taking the photo, I felt a little confused, because Grandpa and the others did go this way. Now they have come to an end, but I haven't seen Grandpa's trace at all.

Is there a secret path under this couch?

Thinking about this, I walked to the side of the couch, knocked on the couch board with my hand, making a bang.

This shows that there is space under the couch, but it is close to listening, and it doesn't look very wide, otherwise the echo will be more empty.

This should be the empty space under the couch.

No matter what, I have reached the end of the mountains and rivers. In the end, I still have to pry open the board of the couch to see if I can feel at ease.

I saw that this bed was also a antique after all, and I couldn't bear to destroy it, so I looked along the edge of the bed and really found that the board on it was covered.

It took so hard that I lifted the board of the whole bed.

Then I was disappointed, because there was nothing in it, but there was a small hole under the bed, and there was no secret at all.

Just when I was disappointed, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded not far behind me.

I was shocked and thought that Grandpa's group of people came out from behind me?

So I hurriedly turned off the flashlight, jumped into the hollow layer under the bed, squatted down, and covered the board.

As soon as I covered the board, I heard that my steps were getting closer and closer, so I didn't dare to squat there without saying a word.

I have just observed that the pattern under this bed is hollow carving, and I can just look out from the hollow gap.

After a while, a few flashlight lights lit up not far ahead, and I saw more than a dozen dark shadows coming towards me.

Because I am too far away and in the direction of the light, I can't see the appearance of these people at all.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and prayed silently in my heart that these people would not come over to lift the bed board.

The dozen people got closer and closer and went straight up the steps.

When they climbed the steps, although I could see more clearly, I could only see my feet.

But just seeing my feet is enough to almost suffocate me.

Because the legs of these things are not human legs at all, but the legs of more than a dozen grass people...

My God, did the shadow we saw in front of the gate of the tree hole actually follow here?

If these things are found, is it okay?

My heart began to accelerate, and I couldn't control my breathing. I subconsciously retreated and let my face stay away from the hollow gap so as not to be found.

Those grass people walked to the bed, but did not immediately start searching, but stood there, and then automatically divided into two horizontal rows, six left and right, standing on both sides of the steps, as if they were welcoming the arrival of someone.

I was confused about the strange behavior of these grass people, and suddenly a white figure appeared in the darkness in the distance.

The white figure is wearing an ancient-style long skirt, less than 1.6 meters tall and holding a towering bun. Although I can't see her appearance clearly, I think she must be a very beautiful girl, and she must not be very old. She looks only 15 or 16 years old.

With the appearance of the girl, a thin layer of fog rose around her, which seemed to be magical and ethereal.

It can be imagined that a huge tree with a diameter of 100 meters grows in the underground world of the vast desert, and it is strange enough for the Chinese to dug out such a cave inside this big tree.

Now, in the darkness around, a beautiful girl with a slight white light walks alone in this underground world. What kind of wonder is this?

The girl in white slowly climbed the steps, and her clothes danced, which was very elegant.

And behind the girl, there is a shadow higher than a normal person crawling on four feet.

It is obviously a beast. Although it can't be seen what animal it is, it follows the girl and looks so tame and humble.

And I found that there seemed to be a person on the back of the dark shadow.

As the girl approached, I gradually saw her appearance clearly, and then I almost jumped out from under the bed.

Oh, my God, that soft little face, with a slight smile, this girl turned out to be my cousin, Nie Qilan!

I dare to say that no matter what I saw before, I have never been so shocked, but now when I see my cousin's green face, I'm really a little breathless.

To be honest, now I really want to jump out and ask what the hell this girl is doing here and what she is doing dressed like this.

But on second thought, it is impossible for my cousin to come here. Maybe this person is just similar to his cousin?

It seems that I have to see what she wants to do.

The girl walked up the steps and stood in front of the bed. The huge animal behind her slowly climbed up the platform step by step.

At this time, I saw clearly the appearance of the four-legged animal. The protruding big eyes bulged like copper bells. The blue-gray skin was full of fist-sized pimples, and the nostrils were two large round holes, and the mouth was cracked from the chin to the ear roots.

The most prominent thing is that the two golden lines extend from the corners of the eyes to the root of the ears and grow to the huge back, which looks extremely strange.

I am very familiar with this animal, which is the bitter abster we saw in the black bamboo ditch.

But I was really surprised by such a big bitterness. Does it seem that this is the king of bitterness?

The bitter king was extremely respectful to the girl and slowly walked up and stopped on the girl's side.

Then the two grass men came over and lifted up the man lying on the bitter king and put it on **.

At this time, I saw clearly that the man was seriously injured*. His face was pale and his breath was more than that of breath. I guess he was not far from death.

I was surprised and happy, but I couldn't help but wonder why the girl brought * here?

At this time, the girl put * after **, and turned her back to me, as if she were looking for something.

After a few seconds, a crisp bell rang, which was the extremely familiar crisp bell.

The girl gently shook the bell, and the grass people around her also began to whisper, making a rustling sound, as if she were talking, but she couldn't hear what it was.

At this time, my mood is actually quite complicated. Although I'm glad that * is still alive, this white girl is not normal. She can change into a cousin. Maybe it's some kind of illusion. Maybe she is a monster like a fox fairy living in this tree hole.

So I began to speculate randomly, guessing what she was going to do, digging her heart or chewing her eyes?

I said to myself that as long as * screams or blood oozes out, I will go up and fight with this demon.

Just as I was thinking, a familiar bell rang, and the blue veins on my forehead jumped.

This ringtone is exactly the empty and strange ringtone we heard when we got rid of the tree algae monster before. It seems that the sound is indeed emitted from this woman in white.

In fact, on second thought, I heard a similar bell when I was in Heizhugou, that is, when we were boarding in the cave, the group of long-necked monsters staring at us disappeared after hearing the bell.

I don't know why, but I always feel that this bell is beneficial to me, because every time the bell rings, bad things will disappear.

I thought so, and the * on the bed hummed softly, with a little pain in his voice.

Because I was worried about the situation, I tried my best to look up from the hollow gap, but no matter how hard I tried, I could only see the feet of the girl in white.

The girl is constantly moving in a small area, like taking something and doing very complicated work.

While she kept moving, the ethereal bell kept ringing, and the grassman next to her had been guarding there without moving, and the huge bitter cive in the distance had already been lying there, making a slight cry, and fell asleep.

Listening to the bell and looking at the boring picture in front of me, I always felt a strange harmony and peace of mind, so I began to feel a little sleepy.

I know that the bell is working. It relaxes me physically and mentally, but I told myself not to fall asleep. This may be the demagogy of the girl in white. I have seen it outside the tree hole.

I have been fighting against the sleeper, but the more I fought, the more sleepy I felt. My eyelids were heavier than the lead, so I finally couldn't help leaning against the inner wall of the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know why. In this sleep, I slept very deeply and felt extremely relaxed. I put down all the secrets and the tension of dying at any time, and just slept soundly.