long candle

Chapter 90 Murals

To be honest, I haven't slept so soundly for a long time. Even in the days when I came out of the Black Bamboo Ditch, when I went to bed every night, I either worried about my grandfather or saw those strange pictures. I often dreamed of countless dead bodies piled up and woke up by nightmares.

But this time, I slept very comfortably until the voice of * came to my ear: "Hey! Xiaochuan, wake up. Why are you asleep here?

I half opened my eyes in a daze, as if I saw * shaking my shoulder nervously.

But I was so sleepy that I turned my head and said, "Stop it... What time is it? Let me sleep a little longer..."

As soon as I turned my head, I remembered that what I just saw was *'s face. Could it mean that * was not only not dead, but also well injured?

So I immediately opened my eyes and sat up from the ground.

In front of me is indeed a * face, an energetic plate, a dark melon seed face, a very manly-looking beard, and sharp and thick eyebrows and big eyes.

I know* is not joking, but I was so happy to see that he was still alive, so I joked, "*! It's not the first seven yet. Why did you come back to see me?"

* rolled my eyes, let go of my shoulder and said, "Don't joke, your grandpa and the others are gone. We have to find them right away."

"Wait!" I rubbed my temples, looked around, and found that I was not under the bed, but sitting on the bed, and the girl in white, the grass man, and the huge bitter man were gone.

I looked at the thick bandage on my right shoulder and asked him, "*, who saved you and where is that man?"

* hesitated for a moment and asked, "Girl?"

Then he pointed to somewhere in the dark and said, "Are you talking about her?"

I looked at the place I pointed to and saw a few fluorescent sticks shining faintly in the darkness not far away, and at the end of the light, a girl in white was standing behind us.

So I couldn't wait to jump out of bed and walk to the girl in white.

* shouted in the back: "Wait" and seemed to have something to say.

But I don't have time to talk to him, because this girl in white is so weird that I have a lot of questions to answer.

* I had no choice but to take out a portable mining lamp and follow me.

When I was still five or six meters away from the girl, I saw clearly that it was just a stone statue carved from white jade.

I walked to the stone statue and saw her appearance. It was indeed very similar to Nie Qilan, but now it seems that they are still very different in temperament.

The cousin is childish and lively, but this stone carving girl is more confident and calm.

"Who is this?" I was surprised and inexplicable, because I really saw this girl in white coming over just now, and now it's just a statue, which is too strange.

And why does this statue look almost exactly like my cousin? Is this the statue of Nie Qilan?

I carefully observed the statue with countless questions. Whether it was clothes or expressions, it was exactly the same as the girl in white I just saw.

Is it the stone that has become refined?

At this time, he also recovered his life, but it was still a little difficult to speak and said to me, "She...she is the owner here."

"What?" I looked at * with doubtful eyes.

* pointed to the tree wall next to it and said to me, "You came first than me. Didn't you see the mural inside the tree wall?"

I followed the gesture of * and looked carefully with a flashlight. Sure enough, I saw a 20-meter-long picture scroll on the wall of the tree, which looked mysterious and ancient.

But I haven't put down the fact that the girl in white became a stone in my heart. I took a closer look at the stone carving of the white jade and found that there was really nothing strange, so I walked to the wall of the tree.

* Follow me to the wall of the tree, raise the mineral lamp in my hand and say to me, "I just saw some, but I didn't understand it. I need you, a scientist, to explain this."

I didn't say anything. When I looked at the images on the wall of the tree, I found that these images were depicted by someone with sharp objects. This person's painting skills were very good. Those simple lines outlined lifelike scenery and people, and even the details of people's faces and clothes were vividly outlined.

These murals depicted on the wall of the tree, using the original hierarchical changes and color differences on the tree wall, use almost wood carving technology to depict details that cannot be described by murals at many times, which is really stunning.

After a short exclamation, I was attracted by the content expressed in those pictures.

First look at the first picture, which is a huge fireball falling from the sky. The fireball is falling towards the earth through layers of clouds.

And on the ground, there is a lake painted. There are many attic-style residential buildings on the shore of the lake, and many civilians are pointing to the sky, showing a shocked expression.

The second picture shows meteorites falling into the lake, stirring up thousands of huge waves, drowning the attic buildings and walls by the lake. Countless little people struggled in the flood. At the bottom of the picture, there is also a series of small characters engraved with small seal: the sky fire falls into salt, the huge waves are a disaster, and the two countries are destroyed.

So I said to myself, "This should be the expression of the Qin Dynasty, where a meteorite fell into the salt. Judging from the picture, this meteorite fire was surprisingly big, about half the size of a small city-state. When it fell into the salt, it stirred up a big wave and flooded the two small countries around..."

Looking down, the following picture shows the situation at the bottom of the lake, because there are many waves at the top, and many turned turtles are struggling under the waves, and the bottom is a bowl-shaped lake bed, and the huge meteorite, like a sharp sword, pierced into a deep position at the bottom of the lake bed.

There are also small words under this picture: the sky fire enters the bottom of the lake 300 feet.

I said silently in my heart, "This meteorite fire plunged into the Yanze Lake basin about 1,000 meters, forming a huge deep hole, causing the death of a large number of fish and turtles. This is terrible."

The following picture shows that the whole bowl-shaped lake has been killed, and the water surface has fallen below a deep hole. Countless fish and turtles are slowly rotting in the killed Hu**. The sky is covered with dark clouds and heavy rain, while the lake is smoky. Some people are struggling with painful expressions in the fog, which should be poisonous and miasma.

And the following small letters are written: Yanze has dried up for two years, birds and beasts are full, and people and animals are difficult to get close to.

The following picture shows that the meteorite is still wrapped in flames in the deep hole at the bottom of the lake, and all the rain falling on it evaporates into smoke, and the smoke rises to the sky, causing the flying birds to fall.

And the poisonous fog drifted farther and farther with the wind, people in a distant country began to vomit, and many people were bedridden for inhaling poison gas.

"That is to say, the meteorite has never been extinguished at the bottom of the salt lake and has been rolling and burning, making the whole salt have been unable to store water, so that fish and turtles cannot regenerate. Not only that, if the poison fire in the meteorite fire burns, the whole Western Regions will gradually become poisonous marshes and will eventually threaten other countries."

In the following picture, hundreds of people in dragonfly clothes came to Yanze and stood high by the lake overlooking the whole lake. What is strange here is that the painter highlights that the whole body of these people is wrapped in a transparent shell in the shape of an egg, and the poison gas floats past them but cannot enter the shell.

"This is..." * Seeing this, I couldn't help but turn around and look at me with a puzzled expression.

I also touched my chin and felt strange. What's going on? Does it mean that the painter played too much in the legendary world and opened the mage shield for the people on these murals?

However, this surreal depiction is also common in ancient murals. There are such things as feathering into immortals and driving clouds. This may be just an imagination of painters. Maybe these people just have some kind of medicine that can remove poison miasma and have been exaggerated.