long candle

Chapter 108 Is it true or false?

I looked back*. He lay on his side, curled up and was sleeping soundly.

"Actually, what I want to ask you is that about the mural above my head, I always feel that this mural is not normal." I didn't want to worry about *, so I changed the topic.

Nobita nodded and asked, "What's wrong?"

"First of all, how can this mural be colorful? At that time, there should be no color mural. Even if there were, it should have faded long ago. Second, who painted this mural? Is it the original owner here or the Lingyu Temple that later occupied here? I don't think either of them can deliberately find ways to destroy human civilization, right? I said.

Daxiong said, "In this way, the mural may be inlaid with something special and does not fade, and the person who painted the mural is Lingyu Temple. Because they were exiled by the First Emperor of Qin, it is normal to want to revenge on society."

I shook my head and said, "If you want to do something bad, will you draw it with a notebook first and give it to others to visit?" This is not common sense."

"Yes..." Daxiong said enlightened, "So you mean that this mural was painted by your grandfather and others?"

I shook my head and said, "It's not right. The amount of work is too large, and they don't have to do it."

"What's going on? I don't understand." Nobita frowned and said.

I raised two fingers and said to him, "There are two possibilities. The first is that someone came here in modern times and drew this mural to warn future generations that the organs here cannot be activated. The second possibility is that... It is not a mural, but our illusion. Someone made us see this illusion."

"Illusion? How can we all see the same illusion..." Daxiong said in surprise.

I touched my chin, thought for a moment, and said, "I once read in a book that the scale powder on the moth can make people hallucinate and bewitching. At that time, you followed Grandpa and they sucked a lot. Later, I don't know how much * and I sucked, but up to now, we haven't had hallucinations, which is too unusual. I think maybe everything that happened to us before is hallucinations.

Nobita seemed to think of something. He sat up from the ground and said, "I told you, how could that thin man be shot, but he would not die, and do you remember the shot I shot out of your armpit and directly hit him on his forehead?"

I nodded and asked, "What happened to that shot?"

Daxiong touched the back of the head with a little embarrassment and said, "Actually, I really hit that shot crooked and directly in the center of your spine. I can see it clearly!"

When I heard him say this, my eyes widened, and cold sweat flowed down my temples. I said to myself, am I also an illusion? Or, I don't know when I was resurrected as immortal?

When Daxiong saw that my face was different, he said, "It's okay. Anyway, it's an illusion. Maybe that shot didn't hit you in practice. Don't care, and now I think you are quite normal in all aspects, that is, the right hand..."

Hearing what he said, I looked at my right hand. The thorn on it did not disappear at all. It hurt when I touched it, and the pain would not deceive me.

At this time, Nobita said, "If we are now in an illusion, how can we get rid of the illusion?"

I thought about it and said, "It's like a dream. If we have to get rid of him, unless we do something that we can't dream of."

"What can't be done in your dreams?" Nobita touched the back of his head.

"Yes, think about it, sometimes you will know clearly that you are dreaming. What will you do then?" I asked Nobita.

Daxiong suddenly laughed and said, "I know I'm dreaming, so I know that I can have whatever I want, so I usually arrange some sex for myself, or pick up 10 million checks when I fall down."

I sighed and said seriously, "Now is not the time to joke. Those are all things you can do in your dreams. What I said is that you can't do."

Nobita shook his head and said, "It's useless. It won't hurt to dream of hitting yourself, but when I was pregnant with a freak before, it was heartbreaking pain, so I didn't wake up from the illusion. It seems that this hallucination is very severe."

When I heard him say this, I frowned deeply and said to him, "There is only one way. Dreaming won't really die. Come on, give me another shot, or stab me, or let's kill ourselves."

Daxiong said in horror, "No! It can't be like this. What if this is not an illusion? Then you will really die."

But don't you feel uncomfortable being cheated? If this is really an illusion, everything we do is meaningless. I said to him.

Daxiong sighed and said, "Xiaochuan, I'm not talking about you. Life is a dream. Even if what we see now is hallucinations, what's wrong with not waking up in hallucinations? Now your grandfather is by your side and promises to go home with you and live the same stable life as before. Isn't this Is that what you want most?"

I took a deep look at Nobita, thought about it, and then laughed helplessly.

"How's it going?" Nobita frowned and looked at me.

I didn't answer him directly, but asked him, "How did you and Grandpa get down?"

Knowing that I had given up the idea of destroying illusions, Nobita was slightly relieved and said, "We got off the helicopter. It was the plane that Boss Wu paid for from Urumqi, but when we fell to the bottom of the cave, we were attacked by the green thorn monster. The helicopter had been destroyed, and we were also with Boss Wu They are separated, and I don't know where Boss Wu and Liang Qian have gone and how they are now.

I nodded and asked, "Did you find anything like a elevator when you came down?"

"Elevator? Is there that kind of thing?" Daxiong asked doubtfully.

I nodded and said, "Yes, * and I just took the elevator down, but that one can only go down and can't go up. Then there must be an elevator at the bottom of the cave that can only go up and can't go down. If we can find it, we can go out."

Nobita frowned and said, "No, if you take the elevator, is it that kind of sightseeing elevator? Down along the wall of the cave? Then it's impossible that we can't see you. At that time, I saw you put flash bombs on it, and I sent two back.

I suddenly realized and said, "It turned out that it was you who sent the signal bomb at that time... Unfortunately, we were originally walking along the wall of the cave, but later we were forced into a tunnel in the cave wall and found an elevator in the room at the end of the tunnel, and then we went down to the bottom of the cave, otherwise I can meet you."

Nobita touched the stubble on his chin, thought about it, and said, "I know, it must be like this. The shape of this hole is an inverted horn, so although you walked into the wall of the cave for a while, you still took the elevator to go straight down to the bottom of the cave, so it is also easy to find another elevator, only You can definitely find it along the edge of the inverted horn.

I nodded and said, "That's the only way, but before we leave here, I also want to go to the big hole of the crab god, because the girl in white may really be my cousin, and I can't leave her."

Nobita said, "I advise you not to go, because even if you can find her, it doesn't make much sense. If the girl in white is killed by the crab god, then you risk to bring back only a corpse, and if she is still alive, she will definitely be able to go out by herself with her ability..."

I shook my head and said, "Don't persuade me. I must go and have a look."

Nobita couldn't do anything about me, so he curled his lips and said, "Well, I have to go with you."

I smiled, nodded, and then involuntarily yawned and said, "I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep for a while. You can stay there first."

Nobita nodded and agreed, and he went to burn the fire by himself...

When I walked to the edge of the floor, I looked at Grandpa again. His eyebrows had stretched out and his expression looked very peaceful. I don't know if he had heard our conversation just now.