long candle

Chapter 109 Boss Wu's People

This sleep is not very sound, maybe because I can't sleep soundly in such a place.

Second, there are some changes every time I fall asleep, so I can't sleep soundly.

About three or four hours later, I woke up from the nightmare and broke out in a cold sweat.

Because I dreamed that I had been dead for many years and climbed out of the grave in the deep mountains and forests...

After wiping the cold sweat on my head, I sat up and felt that the dream was really inexplicable.

Does it indicate that something is going to happen? Will I die?

I felt funny when I thought about it. I said that maybe only the resurrection of the dead made me nervous. Now that the matter has been solved, it is impossible for the dead to be resurrected.

"You're awake, Xiaochuan, just in time. Let's come and discuss how to go out." * Just standing next to me, looking at me with a smile.

I touched my forehead, woke myself up, and looked up to ask him, "Where's grandpa?"

* pointed to the fire behind him and said, "Professor Nie has been awake a long time ago. He has been reading on the other side of the fire."

I followed the direction of his finger and saw Grandpa sitting by the fire, looking carefully with a notebook, and writing on it from time to time.

That should be the notebook he carried with him. Grandpa should be reading notes, right?

"Where's Nobita?" My obsessive-compulsive disorder makes me feel at ease when I know that everyone is there.

"Oh, Nobita said that you want to see the big hole drilled by the crab god when you wake up, so let's go and have a look first..." * replied.

I said, stood up and walked over with my grandfather.

When Grandpa heard our footsteps, he closed the notebook in his hand and silently stared at the beating flames in front of him.

* and I sat opposite Grandpa, and then all three fell silent.

I found that Grandpa suddenly came back to me, and everything seemed a little unnatural. In the past, our grandfather and grandchildren always had endless topics. Whether academically or in life, Grandpa was very concerned about it, but now, suddenly there seems to be some more estrangement.

* looked at us silently, then coughed twice and said, "Well... Well, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

I took a look at Grandpa, sighed and said, "I'm not hungry. I'll get Nobita back. Let's talk about what happened together."

After saying that, I stood up, lit the flashlight, and walked to the depths of darkness.

Following the previous direction, I quickly found the big hole from the crab god.

And Nobita is also crawling out of the cave.

When I met him, Nobita shouted to me with a smile on his face, "Come and see, Xiaochuan, I found that this cave leads directly to the cave on the lower floor. We don't have to go to the maze anymore!"

I heard him say that and came over.

Nobita turned on a fluorescent stick and threw it into the cave. He saw that the fluorescent stick kept falling and was not blocked by anything.

fell to a height of 50 or 60 meters before hitting a white disk-shaped thing, then bounced twice and fell to the ground.

I know the white thing, which is the giant mushroom growing below.

"It seems that the little girl in white fought with the crab monster and wore through the floor mezzanine. How intense is that? Do you think the little girl will be fine if she falls from such a high height? Nobita asked me.

I shook my head to show that I didn't know, and then said to Nobita, "Go and call * and grandpa. Let's go down from here."

Nobita nodded and walked away.

I circled around the big hole twice and found nothing else. It seems that the girl in white is indeed likely to fall from here with the crab god.

When I turned to the opposite side of the huge hole, I saw the mantis monster that was trampled to death by the crab god.

It has been dead for a long time. I took a closer look and found that the green thorns all over its body did not fade because of death, and the tendons on its wings were still slightly blue.

Approaching its wings, I found that the reason why its wings can shine is that there are some transparent blue ** flowing in his tendons.

I was very curious. I pulled out the silverfish sword, cut a specimen of wings, put it in a disinfection bag, and prepared to go back to study it later.

After doing this, Nobita has come over behind his grandfather's back, and * also followed him.

We didn't say much. We connected all the ropes of the three people, which was about 60 meters long, enough to descend to the lower layer.

Then Nobita fixed one end of the rope to a tree bag closest to us and climbed down with Grandpa on his back.

Then it's *, then it's me.

Along the way, I kept being careful not to throw my grandpa down.

Nobita answered me lazily to show his procratic protest.

Looking at Nobita climbing down steadily, I thought that thanks to Grandpa's mount, he could come to the underground ruins smoothly, otherwise Grandpa would climb the rope enough for him.

We have climbed five or six meters, and we are already crossing the labyrinth layer about 20 meters thick.

* Under me, I nodded the wolf smoke in my mouth and climbed down while observing the surroundings.

At this time, he suddenly stopped, holding the rope in one hand, taking out the flashlight in his mouth with the other hand, pointed to a place and said to me, "Look, Xiaochuan, there are still a few dead people here, as if they have just died."

I fixed my eyes and saw several dead bodies lying on the section of a passage.

They all curled up in the corner of the passage, wearing uniform light gray storm jackets, guns and lighting equipment. They are from Boss Wu!

* and I saw this situation and decided to climb in and have a look.

Daxiong asked us what was wrong, and I said to him, "It's okay. You take Grandpa down first, and we'll come down right away."

Nobita shouted, "I said! Don't forget to leave a hand for me if you have a baby.

I didn't bother to pay attention to him and entered the channel with *.

After a little look at the wounds of these people, we immediately understood that these people were killed by the crab god, because there were many people who lacked arms and legs.

Although I don't know these faces, they look familiar. I'm sure they are the people who came down with Boss Wu.

After checking for a long time, we found that there was no living here.

The channel where they are located is relatively wide, and there are three forks at the end of the channel.

We found some bullet holes at the intersection. Obviously, there was a gunfight here.

However, it is impossible for us to go to the three channels to check one by one, because we have to get lost as soon as we enter.

I don't know what Boss Wu met and whether they had any other purpose. It was not until he told me their experience in person that I found that their experience was much more dangerous and fierce than ours. That's a later story.

Since we no longer have the strength to go to Boss Wu and others, we decided to leave them alone for the time being and wait for them for another two days.

In fact, this is not selfish, but the underground world is so dangerous that you may even get into it.

And Boss Wu is a veteran tomb robber. His equipment is better than us, and there are more people than us. If there is any danger in this, we can't save him.

Some dry food, ropes, mountaineering picks, pistols, bullets and other equipment were collected from these dead and put them in two backpacks. Each of us picked up a backpack, piled up the bodies together, burned them all with the searched gasoline, and then left the passage and climbed down.