long candle

Chapter 201 Shadow Reappearance

Although charcoal can be preserved for thousands of years without deterioration, the climate on the island is relatively humid, so these charcoals have been damp.

I didn't ignite the charcoal without igniting the charcoal.

At this time, the sky outside has slowly darkened and the night is approaching.

The night on Durban Island is the same. The darker the sky is, the thicker the fog will be.

Those thick cream-like fog came out of the cracks in the wall. I didn't know that I thought it was on fire outside.

Looking at these fog, I was particularly worried, because it seemed to indicate that what happened on the island with Andre that day would happen again.

One of us is dead now, and the remaining two are partially paralyzed. If we really encounter any danger, we must all kneel here.

Looking at the continuous flow of fog coming in from the door, I know that the most urgent thing now is to raise the fire.

No matter how small the flame is, I have at least some psychological comfort.

At this time, I remembered that there was a box of big matches in my backpack.

Since that experience in Heizhugou, I have a special feeling for matches, and I will take a box with me everywhere.

This time I specially bought waterproof matches in iron boxes.

Use a lighter to light otherwise wet carbon, and of course you can't use matches.

But I can pour out the kerosene in the lighter and then light it with the lighter, so that I won't be afraid.

Sure enough, after such a try, the flame rose.

With the beating of the flames, there was a trace of warmth in the room, and the two women seemed to look much better against the firelight.

Only Nobita in the distance still lies there straight.

Conceptably, I should be afraid, but knowing that the other party is Nobita, even if he dies, I still don't mean to be afraid at all, but feel a little sad.

I want to let Nobita lie here all night tonight, find the firewood tomorrow, and then send him on the road.

I don't know if the two women are hungry. Anyway, I'm very hungry.

So I took out the can, roasted it on the fire, and began to eat it.

This canned soybean is my favorite canned soybean. It is fuller than canned fruit and tastes better than eight-treasure porridge, and it is also fragrant, glutinous and delicious. No matter how you eat it, you won't get tired of it.

I can't care so much. Although Nobita is dead, I still have to preserve my physical strength and carry on the responsibility that he has not completed.

I was eating with relish when a white light suddenly lit up at the door.

I was still talking about a big soybean, and I was shocked by the scenery in front of me.

Is it... I suddenly had a cold sweat flowing down from my forehead and hurriedly ran to the door.

When I rushed out of the door, I saw a white light moving slowly 20 or 30 meters above my head not far in front of the street.

Under the photosphere, a shadow more than two meters high is slowly coming towards me.

I know this is what caught Liang Qian and killed Daxiong before, but I didn't expect it to move freely.

Looking at what the shadow seems to be searching for in one house, my heart is sinking down.

In this situation, if it sees us, we will all die.

Let alone the terrible black shadow, if the sound wave comes again, we will be shocked to death on the spot.

Thinking of this, I know that things have come to an urgent point.

So I rushed back to the room, kicked the stove to the ground, and then stepped out the charcoal one by one.

Then I picked up Liang Qian, climbed to the second floor, put her down, and came back to get Long Jia up.

At this time, the light outside the door is getting closer and closer.

I looked at Nobita on the ground and knew that it would be too late to take him to the second floor now.

But the black shadow should not be interested in the dead, right?

Thinking about this, I had to grit my teeth, gave up moving Nobita, and ran directly to the second floor.

The white light ball is getting closer and closer. White light has been pierced in the window hole on the second floor. I have seen the outline of the white light ball.

So I squatted down against the low wall by the bed and moved the two women over.

As the heart pounded, the white light was getting closer and closer to our house.

The previous strange dark shadow is now projected in the thick fog by white light, just like a movie, projecting a huge shadow in the fog.

I looked at the dark shadow flashing in the white light coming through the window and knew that it was already on the street separated from us.

I thought that the photosphere and shadow would slowly pass in front of our house like passing through other houses.

But the last thing I wanted to see happened.

Because the photosphere seemed to notice something in our room, it has been parked outside the house without moving.

My heart began to beat wildly, praying silently in my heart: "Don't find Nobita, don't find Nobita..."

But I just meditated a few words, and the extremely harsh noise sounded again.

I was so stupid that I almost forgot to cover my ears.

Fortunately, the noise passed in a few seconds, but I still had a long nosebleed.

Then I heard something sounding downstairs, as if someone was moving heavy objects, or smashing things randomly, and my heart was tight.

"Daxiong... What did they do to Daxiong?" I stood up from the ground and prepared to walk downstairs.

At this moment, a slender hand grabbed my trousers.

I looked back and found that Liang Qian woke up somehow.

She said to me in a weak voice, "Don't go, Nobita... is dead."

I gritted my teeth and said, "It's because he died that I can't let his body be ruined."

Liang Qian grabbed me and shook her head vigorously, with a pale and scary face.

At this time, I found that Liang Qian woke up because she was woken up by the sound waves just now, and her physical condition must be worse than before.

So I hurriedly held her and asked her to sit down and have a good rest.

But at this time, the white light outside the door gradually darkened, and the dark shadow seemed to be far away.

It was not until the white light went away that I rushed downstairs desperately.

Then I saw that Nobita's body was gone, leaving only the saber he was carrying on the ground.

I ran out of the door like crazy, but the white light and shadow were gone, and there were mud footprints on the road.

I walked along the footprints, but after a few steps, I suddenly heard Liang Qian's scream from the second floor.