long candle

Chapter 208 Pictures

With the sound of the machine, I found that the glowing beads on the wall slowly faded.

However, the small grooves connected in the middle of the beads slowly lit up.

When I didn't know what was going on, the squares outlined by these glowing lines were turned over.

Behind those square-shaped stones, there are some bumpy stones.

When the whole wall is turned over, the wall becomes uneven, like the surface of any stone on the mountain, without any rules, only abrupt edges and lines.

However, at first glance, this messy line, everything changed as the two yellow glowing round spots in the middle lit up.

I found that the two spots in the middle were actually the eyes of a great-aged man.

His eyes are particularly bright, and the contours of his nose, chin, and cheeks are as rough and powerful as a mountain.

However, this middle-aged hot man has only a head and no body. He looked up at the sky and grew up, as if he was shouting.

There are countless identical faces around this face, but their eyes are not as bright as in the middle, and their eyes are like empty wind holes, which look a little strange.

After looking at it for a while, I only felt that countless faces looked very strange. He asked Zhuo Ya curiously, "Grandma Zhuoya, is this the mural you mentioned? Why is there only one picture?

Zhuo Ya narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Don't worry, there are more behind."

As soon as she finished speaking, I found that the face in the center of the wall seemed to be slowly getting bigger, while the faces around it were shrinking.

I thought I was wrong, so I focused on the edge of the middle face and looked closer.

Sure enough, I saw countless stones as thick as my fingers constantly emerging from the edge of this face, and there were also such stones around my face that were slowly shrinking back into the wall.

That is to say, the painting I see in front of me is actually composed of countless such small stones *, which can be controlled by internal organs and can be expanded, so that the combined picture of stones * will slowly change.

In ancient times, it was difficult for even Maya to achieve such technology.

While I once again marveled at the technology of the Yayaku people, I also felt the unusualness of this nation.

Thinking of this, I focused on the wall again.

The faces around

are getting smaller and smaller. From the normal size at the beginning, they finally become as big as fists, then become smaller, and then disappear completely.

And the face in the middle has been getting bigger, so big that when it occupies the whole wall, it slowly becomes a side face.

At this time, I found that the disappearance of the surrounding faces is not an abstract expression.

But because the face in the middle slowly flew from a long distance from the beginning, so it is getting closer and closer to us. Because our angle is the angle of looking down, we will feel that the face is getting bigger.

Next, when the big face slowly turned into a side face, his neck, arms, waist and legs also slowly appeared.

But at this time, I found that this person didn't seem to be flying, because his hands were all in the shape of claws, and he seemed to be digging something one after the other.

And this person's fingernails are surprisingly long, some even longer than his fingers, and the front end is as sharp as a knife.

My first impression is that the rice dumplings are digging and trying to climb out of the pile of dead people.

I shuddered at the thought of this scene, because the pile of dead people actually can't accurately describe those identical faces, because the dead people are different in appearance and can't be so dense.

Is it possible that what is to show here is hell? So is this middle-aged man who climbed up a ghost?

I just speculated here that the whole picture on the wall suddenly disappeared, and the wall turned into a flat surface again.

I was stunned for a moment and said that it was over? What the fuck is this going to say?

But after waiting for a few seconds, suddenly a line appeared in the middle of the wall, a very straight line.

Then within two seconds, a dry hand with sharp nails broke out of this line.

Specificly, it's a bit like breaking the ground.

The middle-aged man crawled out of the ground in a very ugly, ape-like posture.

Next, weeds and some trees began to appear on the ground, and the middle-aged man still walked among the weeds and trees in a crawling posture.

As he walked, suddenly, two very tall people in robes blocked the middle-aged man's way.

The reason why I say these two "people" are human is that they have the same trunks and hands and feet, as well as human noses, eyes and mouths, but they are still very different from people.

Because these two so-called people's heads are several times larger than ordinary people, their faces are square faces with clear outlines, while their chins are as sharp as knives, and they are three or four times longer than ordinary people's chins.

Their necks are particularly slender. Although they are kind-looking, they give people an extremely uncomfortable feeling, like snake spirits with insufficient cultivation. Their spells are too low to completely turn into human figures, and they have become such things that are not human and ghosts.

Two people helped the middle-aged man up and took him into a door.

This door is very round, not the rough shape seen on ancient primitive buildings. It is really as round as a mold poured out.

With this door alone, I feel that these long-faced people are definitely not monsters, but a race that is smarter than normal people.

The middle-aged man was taken to the round door by two people. The space inside is very narrow, and there are some pipes like animal intestines hanging everywhere. These pipes hang down from the roof and connect to the ground. Judging from the shape, it seems that some are still wriggling.

The three walked into the room for a long time and entered a round door.

Inside the door is a semicircular space, where nothing is placed, only a rectangular bar stone is placed in the middle.

The two asked the middle-aged man to sit on the bar stone and then went out.

Middle-aged men don't panic when sitting in an empty room like ordinary people, but sit there motionless.

I don't know how long it took, the two long-faced people came in with two ordinary human girls.

These two human women are almost half shorter than long-faced people, and they are not dressed, with a very frightened expression.