long candle

Chapter 209 Xingbang

Next is a very cruel scene.

The two long-faced people pressed the girl on the ground, then cut their bellies with a knife, took out the internal organs, then peeled off their skin, and then cut their bodies into pieces of small meat. Only the bloody head was cut off and put aside.

Then they took in a big pot from outside the round door and cooked the chunks of meat.

Finally, two long-faced weirdos sat on the heads of two people. The middle-aged man sat on the ground and ate meat in a large pot with his hands, which seemed very enjoyable.

If these are just murals, but now the pictures shown by these small stone strips are very delicate, and human flesh and bones are almost vivid, which makes people feel a little appalled.

I looked at Longjia next to me. She covered her mouth and almost spit out.

Although I feel uncomfortable watching it, I still have to watch it.

Unexpectedly, I thought there was only such a picture of cannibal eating, but in the back, it seemed that I was always repeating such a thing.

I can't count how many people they ate, but the middle-aged man, who was thin from the beginning, slowly became fat.

He became so fat day by day, getting fatter and fatter, and finally almost turned into a pool of mud, and he couldn't even stand up.

Seeing this, I was a little confused, thinking that what on earth are these two long-faced weirdos eating human flesh for middle-aged men every day and then feeding him so fat?

Soon, I got the answer.

Because with the change of the picture, suddenly, the semicircular room is gone, the door of the round hole is gone, the middle-aged man is gone, and the two weirdos are gone.

On the contrary, a skinny wild dog appears in the picture, eating a human hand.

Then I saw a devastated village. The thatched house was smoking and the ground was full of rotten dead bodies. Even the living people just leaned against the corner and looked at the sky desperately.

Those living people have huge poison sores on their faces and arms, which looks terrible.

Obviously, this mountain village should have been infected with some kind of plague. Moreover, people have reached the point where there is no cure.

At this time, I saw the two weirdos bring the fat middle-aged man to the village.

Then the two men cut the meat on the fat man with a knife.

Each piece of meat, two long-faced weirdos roast them and give the meat to those who are seriously ill.

These people have long lost the ability to work. They have been hungry and thirsty for a long time. When they saw meat, no matter where it came from, their eyes were straight and they devoured it.

Seeing this, I looked at Longjia again and saw that her face was blue and almost vomiting.

I also saw that my stomach was churning, especially when I saw that the fat man's whole body was cut off, and I could even see bones, which made me even more disgusting.

I heard from my elders before that *In the past, some people used the meat of mummified corpses as an introduction, which could cure diseases.

Now it seems that there is such a medicine.

Because after eating that man's meat, all the villagers got better.

I don't know what kind of medicine it is. Use human flesh to feed this kind of human and ghostly thing, and then cut off his flesh to cure the disease.

This is a bit like the causal of the reincarnation of Buddhism. Those women who sacrificed are exchanging their lives for more people's lives, which is a kind of karma.

I always feel that if this is a story, there must be many Buddhist principles to understand.

But if this is a real story in history, I think it's a little too unreliable.

First of all, it is difficult to explain what this middle-aged man is. Secondly, those long-faced people don't look like normal people.

And what happened next is even more incredible.

Because the middle-aged man, who was almost naked, finally had a skeleton left, but he was not dead.

He was abandoned by the roadside by two long-faced weirdos and then picked up by several villagers.

The villagers knew the inside story and recognized that this middle-aged man was the benefactor who cut meat to save everyone's lives, so they took this man home to support him.

This man not only did not die, but also slowly grew meat under the feeding of the villagers.

Because of cutting meat to save lives, the villagers respected middle-aged men.

I thought this middle-aged man was just a thoughtless wooden man who could not speak, but later, he became the village head of the village.

And the two long-faced weirdos did not abandon him, and later came to find this person several times.

Every time, long-faced people will bring some books to middle-aged men.

Although I don't know what books these long-faced people bring, the village has developed rapidly since this middle-aged man became the village head.

Middle-aged men not only built private schools in the village, but also built various river ports and shops, so that merchants in the village have endless exchanges, and many insightful scholars have come out.

Gradually, the existence developed into a city-state, and the territory gradually expanded.

The years have changed. I don't know how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, but the appearance of middle-aged men has not changed.

Later, the city-state began to recruit troops and seemed to prepare for the war.

At first, I didn't see whether these people were Easterners or Westerners.

But when the army was established, from their iron armor and swords, I could see that this was a city-state similar to that of Western countries.

And the most incredible thing is that in ancient times, there was an air force in this country, and a winged airship carrying cargo flying at sea, and the team was very large.

I saw many foreigners with different looks began to come to the city-state to meet the city owner, that is, the first middle-aged man.

They brought a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and cloth horses, and the middle-aged man gave them a real roll of silk books back.

Here depicts the appearance of the book very clearly. I see a small flame-shaped sign on the back of each book, which reminds me of the sign of the mysterious organization I have seen before, which is almost exactly the same.

I think that now, I already know that this is the rise of the kingdom of Deppon.