long candle

Chapter 239 Underground River

Although my chest was stuffy, I still raised my heel with difficulty.

I don't know how my injury is, and I don't dare to look at it carefully. If I check and find that my ribs are all broken like Daxiong, I'm afraid that I don't have the strength to go on, then Boss Wu is really hopeless.

I walked very slowly, three steps at a time, and it was difficult to walk.

This is the most difficult dilemma I have encountered so far. This narrow and stinky cave seems to be the longest road I have ever walked in my life.

My heart was full of despair. I was like a walking corpse. I walked forward numbly and didn't care where I was going.

I bypassed the bronze elixir stove soaked in water, and I walked forward for about an hour.

Suddenly, there was a splash of water in the distance. I don't know if there was a waterfall or a slope. In short, the water began to flow.

I squatted down and touched the water under my feet and found that it was no longer so sticky, and the water became very cold and clear.

I held a handful of water and smelled it in front of my nose. There was a unique smell of rocks in the cave, which did not have the previous stench.

I think there must be several springs in this cave, all of which have gathered here to purify the water quality.

I didn't think so much. I was thirsty, so I picked up the water and took a few sips.

I didn't expect that there was a special sweet taste in this water. It was cold and delicious, but it was very delicious.

I smiled bitterly and said that this might be the only comfort.

After drinking water and resting for a while, I continued to lift my feet and walk forward. I felt that my strength had recovered a lot, and my chest was not so stuffy, so I accelerated my pace.

The further you go, the louder the sound of the water becomes louder and louder, but it is not as deafening as the waterfall, and the cave has not narrowed.

I don't have lighting equipment, so I can only move forward in the dark.

The sound of water is getting louder and louder, and in the end, there is a sound of water flowing around me.

I was wondering when I suddenly had a pain in my forehead, and I suddenly seemed to hit something.

Fortunately, I didn't walk fast, and I didn't pretend to be too serious.

I rubbed my forehead, then reached forward and touched it.

Soon, I touched a bumpy stone wall.

Touching left and right along the stone wall, I touched the cave walls on both sides.

Obviously, I walked into a dead end, and the front was blocked by a stone wall to the end of the cave.

I was upset for a while, but after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

Because it's a dead end, where does the sound of water come from?

So I touched down the rock wall, and as expected, I touched a gap under the rock wall.

This gap is between the rock wall and the ground, about half a meter high and is flat and long.

Water flows down from here and flows into deeper underground rivers, so this is the entrance to underground rivers.

Generally speaking, after entering this entrance, it will be a very steep downward slope.

Due to the long-term impact of the current, the slope should be very smooth, so as long as I lie down into the entrance, I will soon be washed into the underground river.

But now I can't estimate how deep the underground river is, and whether this channel will become narrow when it gets inside, and I will be stuck in it.

But what else can I do except to get into the entrance of this underground river? Go back? That's impossible.

Even if I walk back, there will still be a huge maze waiting for me. Anyway, I can't get out.

In fact, at this time, life or death doesn't matter to me.

Seeing the people around me die one by one, I have been numb to this kind of thing.

However, in order not to die in vain, I decided to confirm the situation of this underground river entrance again.

I groped under the water at the entrance. The water was so cold that occasionally a few small fish touched my arm and fled quickly.

Soon I touched an object made of cloth.

The cloth was so wide that it was stuck between two stones and was not washed into the underground river.

I wasted a lot of energy to pull this thing out of the water.

After groping in my hand for a while, I found that it was a piece of nylon, very wide and intact.

I touched the pocket of my clothes and found a lighter and a cigarette butt.

Through these things, I judge that this coat is definitely Boss Wu's.

Because the cigarette butts he used to mark before were put in his pocket.

I thank Boss Wu for being captured by the monster and leaving me a life.

As long as his honest kerosene lighter is covered, the metal material can be waterproof.

So I shook the water on the body of the lighter, opened the lid, and then pressed it a few times to light up the lighter.

The faint light is enough to make people in the dark find the motivation to survive. When I saw this fire, my negative emotions suddenly subsided a lot.

With the help of fire, I squatted down and looked at the entrance of the underground river.

At this time, I found that although the stone wall in front of me was very natural, there were many raised pimples and moss covered with it.

But the entrance to this underground river is like a man-made, just like the shape of a person's eye.

If I saw the natural shape of the entrance of the underground river, I guess I would consider whether to go down or not, but when I saw that it was manually chiseled, I strengthened my belief in it.

Because according to Zhuo Ya, the passage leading to another floor of the Golden Hall in this cave is true, the passage is for people and cannot be pure natural.

So the entrance of the underground river in front of me must be the passage that Zhuo Ya said.

I didn't hesitate to wrap Boss Wu's coat country around me to avoid bruises later.

Then I squatted down. In order not to hit my head when sliding down, I first put my foot on the slope at the entrance and let the whole entity slide down in a normal position.

Finally, I slowly moved forward, making most of my body enter the hole, and then loosened my hands and slid down the slope.

I feel that my whole body is soaked in cold water, and there is a kind of piercing cold.

There is also a sudden cold wind in my ear, and the speed of decline is very fast.

Although I'm curious about whether a stalactite or a bulg will suddenly appear in front of me.

But I dare not look up, and under such a dark situation, I can't see anything when I look up.

So I can only let my fate slide down in a free fall.

Fortunately, the entrance to the underground river has always been spacious and there is no obstacle.

Soon, a strange white light appeared in front of my eyes.

I'm a little curious, but I still dare not look up.

It was not until the sound of a rumble waterfall falling in front of me and the emptyness under my body that I suddenly opened my eyes to look at it.

However, I didn't see anything except the strange white light. On the contrary, my body kept falling, which made me have no bottom.

I thought I had been killed, but the idea just flashed by, and then I heard a bang in my ear and I fell into the water.

It seems that the height of the fall is not high, so when I fell to the river **, I fell not heavy.

I pulled into the water a few times, and I floated from the bottom of the river.

I just felt relieved, but suddenly I felt that the situation was not good.

Because the current of the river is very rapid, it makes me go straight back.

I don't understand what kind of terrain it is, because now the river hits me in the opposite direction from when I was washed down.

So I hurriedly looked back and saw a waterfall hanging at the exit of the underground estuary where I fell under the wonderful white light.

The estuary is about seven or eight meters high from where I am. I just slipped down from above.

And the river I am in now actually flows straight to that side, that is to say, the river and waterfall where I am located should not belong to the same water system.

And there is likely to be a gap between the waterfall and the river, and it is a very deep gap. Just now, because of the impact of the underground river, I directly flew over the gap and fell into the opposite river.

I figured this out, but it didn't help me at all, because I found that the gap was very close to me, and the water was rumbling down, but I couldn't stop my body at all and was about to fall down.