long candle

Chapter 240 Underground Wonders

The rapid river rushed me forward. I sank and floated in the water and took several mouthfuls of water, but I still couldn't find a place to borrow it.

The ears listened to the sound of water behind it, roaring like thunder, and I don't know how deep the gap is.

Even if it is only a few dozen meters, I will be smashed to pieces.

I have thousands of unwillingness in my heart, but there is nothing I can do.

After a few seconds, I felt my body sink down, and a strong sense of drag came from my feet.

I know that this is the suction generated when the waterfall water flows down, and it only produces such a large suction when it is very close to the waterfall.

I know that I am very close to the broken bones, and I can't help but feel cold.

Just as my body kept sinking and I felt desperate, my hands scratched in the current and inadvertently caught a slippery thing by me.

At first, I thought I had caught some fish, but soon, several such things stopped me from going and pulled me abruptly.

I was immediately relieved, felt the cold thing carefully with my hand, and found that it turned out to be a slender iron chain.

Seven or eight iron chains stretched in the middle of the river, and the interceptors rushed down from the river.

This is a bit like a sewage treatment plant blocking garbage nets.

However, it is obvious that such a clear underground river cannot have any garbage that can be stopped by chains.

So what do these chains exist to intercept?

I didn't think much about it, because although I was stopped by the chain for a while and would not fall off the cliff, the rapids hit my body, making my whole body lose my buoyancy, floating in place and eating several mouthfuls of water.

I couldn't stay here any longer, so I touched the chain and moved to the shore little by little.

It took me nearly ten minutes to move to the shore.

Then I used my last strength, climbed ashore, and immediately fell down from the sky, gasping for the sky.

It is no exaggeration to describe the decadent look of a water dog at this moment.

After a few minutes of rest, I gradually felt that my strength had recovered a little.

So I turned over and slowly got up from the ground.

I only heard a crash, and the water all over my body leaked out of my clothes, and I felt much lighter in an instant.

With the strange white light, I saw that I was only two or three meters away from the fall of the waterfall.

If the chains in the water hadn't blocked me, I would have fallen into the abyss now.

I slowly approached the gap in the ground, looked down, and then felt a burst of dizziness.

Because there is endless darkness under my feet, I can't see how deep the bottom is.

And I found that although the seam is only seven or eight meters wide, it extends along the extension of the whole cave, as if it forms a ring.

And the continent I stand on is an isolated island surrounded by this circular abyss.

The top of the cave like a pot lid covers the whole space, and countless underground dark river water dives from all directions, just like many white dragons, set up long rainbows, which is extremely spectacular.

And on this isolated island, there are countless rivers scattered from the center, flowing radially in all directions.

The river I just fell into is just one of them.

I was a little surprised and said that looking at the rapidness of the river, there should be a very huge water source in the center of this isolated continent.

It may be an underground fountain with a very large amount of water, otherwise there is no way to form so many rapid rivers.

In a word, now I feel like I have come to a water world, surrounded by rumbling rivers and waterfalls, and the air is filled with thick water vapor.

Looking at the center of this isolated island, there is an oval egg-like object more than ten meters high, emitting a faint white light, reflecting the whole cave hall brightly.

Because my position is still very far away from the object in the center, I can't see what is glowing.

Standing in place for a while, I felt that I was really shocked.

No one would have thought that there would be such a beautiful place in this underground world.

This is like a legendary paradise or a fairyland where immortals live in seclusion.

The previous depression in the cave was swept away, and the contrast between the two was too big.

I slowly put away my shocked mood and looked at the chains across the river.

Since there are such artificial traces here, it must be another golden hall mentioned by Zhuo Ya.

I just didn't expect that this golden hall is actually not gold, but a silver-covered water world.

After resting for a while, I walked along the rapid river to the huge glowing egg in the center to see what it was.

Through layers of water mist, the scene in front of me looks very confusing.

Fortunately, as long as you walk along the river, you will not get lost, and the thing in the center is so conspicuous that it is a landmark that can't be mistaken.

Just walked forward, and after walking for about ten minutes, I began to feel a little strange.

Because although I have never been in the wrong direction, it seems that after walking for so long, the huge egg-shaped object in the middle has not come closer and closer to me.

Is it true that this cave hall is so big? After walking for so long, it's still far from the center?

I was surprised and continued to move forward.

At this time, I found that the scenery in front of me is not always the same.

Because there were countless small black spots on the bare ground just now.

The shape of these small black dots is also a little similar to eggs. They are on the ground one by one, round and bulging, and I don't know what they are.

Because these small black spots are backlighted, they are like a fly nailed to a light bulb. However, I can only see a silhouette.

So I can only speed up my pace, because I can see clearly when I get close.

As my footsteps accelerated, I walked for about five or six minutes. At this time, the outline of those small black spots became much clearer.

But they gradually changed from small black spots at the beginning to big black spots until when I came close to them.

I stood silently not far in front of a big black dot, and suddenly felt my scalp numb and a little overwhelmed.

Because these things are nothing else, but the kind of bronze incense burner we encountered before.

These incense burners have different shapes, but they are very old, covered with colorful copper odor, which looks a little disgusting.

And what scares me most is that most of the lids of these bronze furnaces are open, and everything in them should have run out.

I'm not sure whether the monster that captured Boss Wu jumped out of the Dan furnace, but I know that the scene in front of me is definitely not a good thing for me.

With uneasy feelings, I walked to the bronze elixir stove closest to me.

Then I touched the copper rust on it with my hand and found that the pattern on it was still so complicated, but most of it was rotten.

Looking up at the opening on the top of the Dan furnace, I suddenly had a bold idea.