long candle

Chapter 235 Ashes

Next, two Japanese soldiers pushed Xie Yuting and walked to the corridor.

I was secretly relieved, thinking about how to get Liang Qian out later.

Xie Yuting took a few steps. For some reason, he looked back at me.

I saw that there was no hatred in his eyes, but with a little doubt.

At this time, I finally couldn't pretend and squeezed my eyes to him gently.

The white-haired old man's eyes were originally two seams, and I don't know if he saw it.

When their group entered the corridor, I was finally relieved.

When they went far away, I secretly clenched my fist and said to Liang Qian, a guard behind, "Come here."

The man looked at me seriously and looked a little nervous. He pointed to his nose and asked, "Me?"

I nodded and didn't say much.

The man hesitated for a second and came over and asked, "Boss, what's the matter?"

I didn't say anything, just looked at him.

When it came one meter in front of me, I suddenly clenched my fist, took a step forward and punched him on the bridge of his nose.

This time I used the strangely powerful right hand, and it was fierce, so the shot was so heavy that I actually punched the guy out.

There was also a subordinate behind him. Seeing that I suddenly took action, he asked doubtfully, "Boss?"

I didn't wait for him to react, two arrow steps rushed up, and then raised my hand to fight.

I didn't expect that these guys' skills were really not covered. Seeing me punching, the man dodged sideways and actually dodged.

And while he dodging, one hand held my elbow joint. As soon as my fingers worked hard, my hand was numb.

Fortunately, he was not sure what was going on with me, so he didn't grab my hand.

Otherwise, I will either have a fracture or a dislocated.

I have to say that Liang Qian's reaction was very fast. Although she was handcuffed, she saw that I was in trouble. When the man dodged sideways and his foothold was unstable, she kicked him under his crotch.

This move was very fatal. The man couldn't avoid it and was directly kicked and fainted.

The two people were instantly flattened by us, but there were many monsters around, and there were two or three white-haired old men in the distance, who saw all this.

They had a gun in their hands, but they couldn't figure out the situation, so they didn't do it for a while.

At this time, I hurriedly took Liang Qian's hand and said, "I'm *, come with me!"

Liang Qian was surprised, but she knew that the matter was urgent and didn't ask much.

I took Liang Qian all the way to the corridor, and then found the mechanism that had fallen before and stepped on it.

Liang Qian knew what I wanted to do, because she was also present at that time.

So she was not surprised. When the mechanism was opened, she calmly let her body fall down.

I also jumped down with Liang Qian.

At the moment when I was about to enter the darkness, I heard two gunshots above my head.

Fortunately, Liang Qian and I slipped down the hole one after another.

This time, there was no fall into other channels. Liang Qian and I fell into the room full of Barbie dolls one after another.

Struggling to get up from the pile of dolls, we looked at each other, full of joy of escaping from death.

Liang Qian was stunned at this time and said, "What do you look like?"

I touched my face and smiled, "Oh, this, I spent a lot of money to save you."

Liang Qian nodded and said, "But how are we going out now?"

I frowned slightly, because I knew that it was really difficult to get out of here. There was no exit here, and the real white-haired old man was also here. In fact, we were still very dangerous.

But I also know that this is our only hope.

The only way out is to take advantage of the complex terrain here, find Nobita and others first, and then find a way to escape.

I think our only hope for huan neng is to jump into the sea. It is better to find a lifeboat. There is really no lifeboat. If we are caught at sea for a while, it is also one of the ways to wait for a boat to pass by to rescue us.

Anyway, we are in a very difficult situation, but there is still a glimmer of life.

Thinking of this, I sighed and said to Liang Qian, "Stay close to me. I'm familiar with the terrain here."

Liang Qian didn't say anything, just followed me silently.

When I fell down, I had already opened the door, but now the door has not been closed, and I can see that the corridor is dark.

I first leaned out and looked at the fact that there was no one in the corridor, and then greeted Liang Qian and came out.

The two of us came to the corridor one after the other, looked around, and then chose a direction to move forward.

As I walked forward, I said to her, "There is a hole in the ceiling in the middle of the corridor, and we can go up from there to the upper floor."

Liang Qian hasn't said anything. At this time, she said, "No, I want to save Nie Chuan first."

I heard her words and didn't know whether to be happy or sigh.

Two seconds later, I said, "Ni Chuan may not be on this floor. Although he fell from the same channel as us, I didn't see him after I fell down."

Liang Qian bit her lower lip and said, "How do you know if you don't look for it?"

After saying that, he stubbornly walked forward, pushed away from the room and walked in.

I was afraid that he would alarm those in black vests and hurriedly followed.

Liang Qian looked for several rooms next to the door, but never found any trace of Nie Chuan.

I saw that her expression was getting more and more anxious, and I really wanted to tell her, "I'm here."

But in the end, I still held back and said silently, "I'm Hu Erwan... I'm Hu Erwan..."

When Liang Qian entered a door again, she suddenly said, "What?" With a sound, he stood still at the door.

I don't know what she saw, so I hurried to see it.

At a glance, I was dumbfounded.

Because I have been to this room before, it is the Western black witchcraft-style room.

There is a table in which a man in a wizard's robe sits behind the table.

At that time, I was deeply impressed by the dark red main color in the room, but now when I look at this room, the dark red is gone, and all the tables and cabinets have turned into coke-like black.

The wizard sitting behind the table has turned into ashes with the chair.

A burning smell of wood filled the whole room, and some places were still smoking.

"Is there a fire here?" I looked at everything in front of me unexpectedly.

But Liang Qian immediately shook her head, pointed to the wooden door that was pushed open when we came in, and said, "It's impossible. If it's on fire, this door will definitely be burned."

I looked at it, and it was really so.

And when I looked carefully, I found that although everything in the room was burnt, it remained the same, and only the chair turned into a pile of ashes.

Obviously, it was not burned by fire, but as if it had been struck by lightning, and instantly turned into coke.

First of all, it is impossible to thunder in the cabin, so there must be other reasons.

Think about those thunder corpses that can discharge electricity. Although the electric current released is enough to kill people, it is not enough to turn the surrounding things into coke in an instant.

The strangest thing is this door, because everything in the room is charred, and only this door is fine.

I thought about it and suddenly thought of a possibility.

So I said to Liang Qian, "Someone opened the door and saw a man sitting behind the table, so he ruthlessly discharged electricity into the room and burned everything. Because the center of the powerful current is this chair, the chair is burned hatefully, and the other furniture is just burned together.

Liang Qian agrees with my idea, but it is obviously full of doubts.

Who can emit such a powerful current? And it can control electricity so accurately.

Is it true that Thor in American hero films has been here?

After thinking about it, the white-haired old man suddenly appeared in my mind. His hair exploded and his beard was also unruly, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Except for him, I really can't imagine who can emit such a powerful current in an instant.

If it was really that old man, he really killed Nie Chuan, because when he was not sure whether the person in the room was the other party, he had already electrocuted him first.

That is to say, if Nie Chuan and others really meet him, there is absolutely no life.