long candle

Chapter 236 The Walking Dead

Just as we were not recovering in consternment, suddenly there was a series of slight footsteps from the corridor.

Liang Qian and I looked at each other and knew that someone was coming.

It's better not to let the other party find out whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Otherwise, if you meet the white-haired old man, you may not even know how he died.

So I hurried to the door and gently closed the door, leaving only a seam.

Then we both lay on the crack of the door and looked out.

We held our breath and waited for the step to get closer and closer to us.

Because there are lights in the corridor, although they are flickering, they can still see people clearly.

Gradually, we saw a figure staggering past the door.

This man is very thin, with a sharp face, but his eyebrows are thick and his eyes are also very big. He looks like a monkey.

However, what people care most about is not the person's face, but the clothes he wears.

He wore a special black nylon vest with short sleeves, as if he were a white-haired old man.

I remembered that in the cabin where the goods were piled up, I once saw a thin man compared with Nobita's appearance. The thin man at that time should be the one in front of me.

It is reasonable that we should be extremely vigilant when we see the white-haired old man's men.

But now, what fills my heart and Liang Qian's heart is more doubtful.

Because of the thin man in front of him, his eyes are lax and he walks listlessly.

His eyes are not even focused, and his eye bags are very heavy, looking like he hasn't slept for seven or eight days.

He hunched his back and hung his hands. The automatic rifle strap hanging on his shoulder fell on his wrist, so the muzzle also took off the ground and made a strange noise when he walked up.

When the thin man went a little further, I turned my head and asked Liang Qian in a low voice, "What's wrong with this guy?"

Liang Qian shook her head and said, "I think she may have seen something, was overly shocked, or took some hallucinatory drugs."

Thinking of the viciousness of those people in the laboratory, what can scare such people?

Obviously, fantasy alone is fruitless.

We winced at each other, pushed the door and walked out at the same time, and then silently followed the thin man.

The thin man walked slowly, and he was so distracted that he couldn't notice us at all, so we quickly caught up with him.

Just in case, I took out my gun and pointed it at the guy's back.

As long as he turns his head and bursts out, I will kill this guy first.

The thin man slowly moved forward, just like the kind of zombies seen in the game, which looked extremely strange.

I admit that one of the least meaningful things in the world is to follow a person who is already aimless.

And now, we are doing such a thing.

After following for a while, Liang Qian was a little impatient. She turned her head and whispered to me, "Do you want to catch him and ask him clearly?"

I just wanted to answer: "Look at him like this, I can't ask anything."

But Liang Qian covered her mouth and looked at my face in surprise.

I was shocked and thought I had regained Nie Chuan's face, which would be troublesome.

But I touched my face and touched the mustache and the tight muscles on my face.

It seems that I have recovered*.

Liang Qian asked at this time, "When did you change your face? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

I was a little embarrassed and thought for a moment and said, "Oh, maybe I rubbed off * when I peeked at the door just now?"

Liang Qian naturally didn't believe my lies and repeated, "Maybe? Get rid of it? What the hell are you..."

In the middle of the words, she stopped again.

Because we saw that the thin man in front of us stopped.

And the most important thing is that he changed his decadent appearance and stood straight.

Liang Qian and I also stopped and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the gun in my hand was held tighter by me.

The man was stunned for a moment, as if he was listening to the movement around him, or as if he was staring at something in front of him.

And obviously, there is nothing in front of him and no sound around him.

Unless his hearing is superior to ours, this person is definitely crazy.

Thinking of this, suddenly the thin man in front of him opened his long legs and walked forward quickly. His gun fell to the ground because of his fierce action.

However, this guy ignored it at all, walked forward a few meters and rushed into a door.

I picked up the gun on the ground, threw it to Liang Qian, and then quickly followed it.

But when we came to bring the door, the door just slammed and almost flattened my nose.

Liang Qian and I looked at each other and obviously had no intention of breaking into the door.

Because we don't know whether this guy is nervous or deliberately lures us in.

But at this moment, we are not allowed to think too much about it. There has been a huge noise in the door, and we don't know whether the man is rummaging through the box or fighting with someone.

We stood at the door for about a minute, and suddenly the door was knocked open, and a humanoid thing flew out.

For good, Liang Qian and I flashed quickly and dodged the fragments of the door.

At this time, I hurriedly looked up and saw a big blood hole in the chest of a thunder corpse, spitting blood and struggling.

When the thunder corpse saw us, it stretched out its hand with hard black nails and grabbed us.

But before we dodged, he swallowed his last breath and died.

Liang Qian and I both had an inexplicable expression, and at this time, the thin man also slowly came out of the door.

Only this time, he regained his listlessness again.

When we saw his godless eyes coming towards us, we hurriedly gave way to him.

Who knew that the guy didn't even look at us and began to wander along the corridor again.

When Liang Qian saw this, she had already forgotten about my change of appearance and asked, "How did this thin man beat the thunder corpse of the copper-headed iron arm like this with his bare hands?"

I also sweated coldly, saying that I didn't have a clue at all.

The thin man's only weapon is on us, and even if this gun is in his hand, it will not kill the thunder corpse.

It seems that I really underestimated these people with black vests, because any of them are top masters, and maybe there are some special functions.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help pulling Liang Qian, who was still going to follow, and said, "Don't be too close to him. This guy goes crazy, and we have to become fragments in an instant."

Liang Qian nodded and asked, "Do you think Nie Chuan and the others will be all right?"

I wanted to comfort her, but after thinking about it, with these people in black vests, I'm really not sure that it's okay.

Liang Qian saw that I didn't say anything and didn't say much.

We continue to follow the thin man, but keep a certain distance.

Next, the thin man knocked down two thunder corpses one after another, and we also saw what weapon he used.

It turns out that one hand of this thin man is made of metal.

It's just that the metal hand is still covered with a layer of simulated human skin.

When he fights, his hand will rotate as fiercely as an electric drill, and he can easily make a hole in a person's stomach.

Even the thunder corpse of the bronze head and iron arm can't stand him two or three times.

It's just that those thunder corpses are not vegetarian. Under the desperate struggle, the thin man's body was bruised, and the simulated skin on his hand was also torn off, so we could see the metal inside.

Seeing his appearance, Liang Qian and I thought of a word at the same time: "Killing machine."

However, the killing machine in front of us is not exactly a machine. The injured part of his body will still bleed, and only his hands are made of metal.

No one treated this killing machine, so his blood flowed more and more, and his movements began to slow down.

I looked at the blood stains extending all the way in the corridor and couldn't help worrying that this guy would die like this.

But in retrospect, these guys must have been heavily responsible for their lives. Maybe it is God's punishment for them now.

Thinking of this, I feel a little better.

At this time, the thin man in front of him actually walked and fell down, and then took a long time to slowly get up.

After getting up, he vomited two mouthfuls of blood and gasped for breath.

I sighed slightly and couldn't bear to watch it.

At this time, Liang Qian patted me on the shoulder and said, "Look, this guy seems to be talking about something."

When I heard Liang Qian say that, I looked up.