long candle

Chapter 266 Magnet

The little brother shook his head and said, "The altar city in Buddhism is only a dimension, a pattern and a belief, and the altar city here is a specific space, although it also represents a belief."

About the theory and dimension of Buddhism, it is very difficult for ordinary people to understand. At this time, Daxiong frowned and asked, "What are you talking about? What dimension, barbecue, just say this is a place, and who do these executioners work for?

I said to myself that although Nobita couldn't understand us, he asked the question very well and directly came to the point.

But the little brother shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. You will naturally know if you go up."

We were all silent. It turned out that the little brother was not as powerful as we thought.

Seeing that the atmosphere was silent, I answered, "You just said that the altar city here represents a belief. What kind of belief is that?"

The little brother looked at me and said, "It is written on the tombstone that this layer of belief is killing."

I looked at the words on the tombstone that I had never seen before, and it was not easy to ask why the little brother knew these words, but said, "Does it mean that all the prisoners on this level have committed murder?" Is that right?"

The little brother shook his head and said, "I don't know. Only the god in charge of this place knows."

In fact, when the little brother speaks, his expression is not relaxed at all, and his face will become paler and whiter without saying a word.

I knew that he was seriously injured, so I didn't continue to ask him questions, but said, "Let me help you bandage it."

The little brother looked at me and didn't say anything. He just sat down silently.

So the three of us took out the gauze and alcohol in our backpacks and tied them up in a hurry.

After a simple dressing, I found that my brother's wound was black, which may have been poisoned.

But he said that it is not poison, but pollution. It can't be cured. Only when he goes out of here will he get better.

Next, during the break, the little brother told us that there are about 20 floors in the altar city. The higher you go up, the more dangerous it will be, and the longer the distance between each floor will be. We must have a good rest here to have physical strength to a higher level.

The Lei Yun Monk we are looking for should not be at a higher level. Once we find Lei Yun Monk and he helps us defeat him, we must leave.

Although we really want to go to the end with the little brother to see what the god here is and why he should punish the villains in the world, in order not to have too many doubts, we still agreed to his request.

The little brother told us that law enforcement officers at this level could not wander around like executioners, so that we could sleep at ease.

However, we still decided to take turns to be on guard, because the space here is so large that no one can tell what danger is hidden in the dark.

After simply eating some dry food, we set up a tent.

The little brother was injured and went into the tent early to rest.

The three of us were sleepless, sitting in front of the tent and began to look at the countless tombstones here and chat.

After chatting for a while, our questions are almost the same, that is: where is this place? Who created these executioners and tombstones? What is the purpose? Why do those executioners who punish bad people be our enemies?

The answer is that we don't know anything. Maybe the dangerous person mentioned by the little brother does not represent bad people.

I always feel that the general armor seen below must have something to do with here.

Perhaps those famous generals who have fought in armor are also one of the targets of sanctions here?

When I think of the god mentioned in my brother's mouth, I think of the previous Atlantis, but it doesn't look like the civilization created by Atlantis, especially that kind of executioner, which looks so evil.

Is it true that there are other gods in this world besides the creator Atlantis?

Is the existence of this god the rule breaker called by the Atlantis? Is it also the originator of the biggest crisis?

I thought about these questions, and then took a look at Nie Chuan opposite. He and I were originally the same person. Although I had not personally contacted the Atlanteans, I should think the same as me.

If we have the same ideas and are also true, then now we are participating in a battle between God and God.

As small human beings, we are also flesh and blood. Being involved in such disputes makes me feel quite helpless.

What can I do and what kind of fate I bear is still a fog.

And is Grandpa really just to vent his anger on the persecuted Atlantis? I'm not sure about that either.

Xie Yuting, Boss Wu and little brother, whether they also know this and whether they have done it is also because the rules are about to be broken and make a final struggle.

These questions gave me a headache, especially when I thought about where Grandpa was now and what he was doing.

Seeing my tired face, Nie Chuan asked me to go to bed in the tent.

I didn't say anything, just nodded and went into the tent.

After entering the tent, I didn't think about anything and fell asleep.

I don't know whether I'm tired or really want to make my head clearer. I slept very soundly.

It was not until five or six hours that Nobita was sleepy and woke me up when he came to replace me.

When I walked out of the tent, I looked at the time. It was about 12 o'clock at noon, when the three tents were snoring one after another.

I sat boredly in front of the tent, looked at my mobile phone, and found that there was no signal at all.

I wanted to contact Xie Yuting again to see how he was doing, but now it seems impossible.

I don't know how Xie Yuting and others are doing now.

I wiped the water droplets on my mobile phone. I thought it was good to use a waterproof mobile phone this time, otherwise the mobile phone would be useless again when I fell into the river.

Generally, waterproof mobile phones are electronic phones with black and white screens, and this time we are equipped with smartphones. Although the screen is a little smaller, it can stand by more than 40 hours.

Looking at the left and right, there was no one. I wanted to relax myself, so I opened the familiar Plants vs. Zombies button, which was downloaded at the Kobe Hotel, or the Japanese version.

In order to sit more comfortably, I adjusted the position of my buttocks and sat on a fallen tombstone.

And at this time, suddenly something fell from my trouser pocket and made two bells.

I was surprised and hurriedly looked down and saw that the magnet fell out of my trousers pocket and stuck to the ground.

This thing may come in handy later, so I can't leave it here, so I want to reach out and pick it up.

But as soon as my hand approached the magnet, I found that the magnet suddenly moved.

"Is this?" I withdrew my hand and watched the magnet slowly move towards me on the ground, and I was a little overwhelmed.

The magnet slowly moved to my feet and then passed through the middle of my feet.

But there was a tombstone under my buttocks, so it was stopped as soon as it hit the tombstone.

I wanted to pick it up with my hand to see what was going on, but at this time, I felt a huge strange force on the ground, and I pushed the tombstone under my buttocks back.

I was shocked and stood up in a hurry not to fall down.

At this time, the fast magnet still moved forward stubbornly, and the tombstone was pushed forward by it.

I didn't know where the magnet was going to push the tombstone, so I followed it.

After a while, I found that the magnet did not mean to push the tombstone, but the tombstone blocked its way forward.

After moving for a while, the tombstone was pushed aside by the magnet, and then it continued to move forward.

I followed the magnet and passed through a tombstone standing around it, as if there was a pre-designed track.

Seeing that I was getting farther and farther away from the tent, I hesitated whether to wake up several other people, but in the end I gave up because I was afraid of losing the magnet.