long candle

Chapter 295 Change your life against the sky

I lay motionless on the ground and felt a cold chain tied my legs.

I think if he wants to kill me and then take my thoughts out of my body, I will resist immediately.

However, the other party didn't seem to intend to do this, but tied my legs with chains and then carried me on my shoulders.

I thought this was exactly what I wanted, so when it was carried on my shoulder, I secretly narrowed my eyes and looked left and right.

The guy carrying me should be a horse, because I saw the bull's head walking side by side.

We are now walking through the monkeys and going deep into the team.

Through the monkeys, there are a group of ordinary people with dull eyes and masks in front of them.

They stood there with gongs and drums, flutes and various musical instruments in their hands. Instead of being lively as ordinary bands, they looked dead.

I accidentally saw a centipede crawling out of one of his ears and crawling into his collar along his cheek, but the man did not respond at all.

In my eyes, these so-called people are very weak, almost only a trace.

These people behave more than the living. I really don't know what it is.

My scalp was numb, and I began to think about whether my decision was right.

But even if I don't pretend to be dead, in that case, I will definitely not be the opponent of the bull's head and horse face.

Even if I can be attacked by them, it doesn't mean that they can't kill me next time.

Although I know that practicing the skills in the ancient book has greatly changed my physique, I am still just an introduction and can't do anything at all.

I need a stable space now to study that book well, and maybe I can survive on my own.

The horse carried me all the way to the depths of the team, passing through those dull-eyed humans, and I saw a large group of animals with masks.

These animals include gorillas, huge cats, dogs, and even tigers and bears.

It's just that these animals are standing there in a daze like those before, and I can even smell a rotten smell in the air.

The movement speed of the horse face was quite fast. I held my breath and survived this passage. When I saw the scene in front of me, I was stunned.

There are many ghosts in front of them that are the same kind as bull-headed and horse faces, some of which are human-shaped, carrying wolf tooth hammers, strong figures, and one-horns on their heads. Some lie on the ground like frogs. Although they also wear cow-headed masks, they have small pimples like toads all over their bodies. Others have black hair and huge feet, which look like a hill.

I said to myself: Well, if I had to fight with the bull-headed horse just now, even if I won, there are still so many guys waiting for me.

Those people or animals in the previous team were more or less in awe of the bull-headed horse face. When we passed by, they did not dare to come out, and now dozens of large ghosts here seem to be on par with the bull-headed horse face.

Seeing that they had captured people back, the ghosts didn't say a word, turned around and began to walk back.


While they took the lead and walked forward, the walking dead in the back team beat the gongs and drums again, which looked very lively and grand.

I was entangled and thinking about how to get out, and I didn't have time to listen to their plays at all.

Unconsciously, we returned to the door of the secret room.

These large ghosts surrounded me and got into the secret room one by one.

At this time, I saw that there was no mask on the wall around the secret room. It seemed that these things belonged to the original owner and were put on their faces by these guys.

This should be what happened after we left.

On the wall without a mask, there are many or human-shaped, or animal-shaped gaps, which look very strange.

At this time, the horse put me down from my back and threw me to the ground.

took out a token full of copper rust, waved it in the air a few times, and then read a series of words that I didn't understand.

Suddenly, a burst of smoke suddenly rose in the middle of the room.

I was shocked and trembling all over, almost revealing the truth.

But fortunately, the big ghosts in the room couldn't take their eyes off the smoke.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, I saw that it was a very simple black wooden door.

This wooden door stands alone in the center of the secret room, more than three meters high and more than two meters wide. The bright silver door nails on it look very elegant, and the lint is also decorated with wood carvings of ghost heads and tusks, which is a bit like the legendary Japanese Rashomon.

Such a splendid door appeared in front of me, and I didn't know what to do for a moment.

I didn't seem to realize something until the horse lifted me up and walked towards the door.

When the door opened automatically, I saw a black thought covering the whole space of the door.

"This is..." I was shocked, because I have seen this kind of black door, that is, when we saw the gap in time and space at the bottom of the river before.

It seems that this door will take me to another place.

I just thought of this, and the horse has already carried me into the door.

It was dark in front of me. Almost a few seconds later, I found myself standing on a stone bridge by a horse.

There is a dark space around and I can't see anything, but I can see the white bridge under my feet and the black water under the bridge very clearly.

I saw an old woman with a mask standing on the bridge, holding a broken bowl with her trembling hands, and I had a familiar feeling.

After thinking about it, I scolded, "Mom, isn't this the rhythm of Meng Po soup? Am I really dead?"

But I also know that in China, many people die every hour, but now, there is only Ma Mian and myself on the bridge, and the other ghosts are gone.

I accidentally glanced at a stone by the river and found that it was made of cloth.

is the shape of weaving a stone with bamboo strips, then covering the outside with a layer of cloth, pretending to be a stone.

This kind of prop is generally very common when performing on the stage. The place where I am now is definitely not his mother's hell, but in a theatrical scene that imitates hell.

This bull-headed horse pretended to be a ghost, and then brought me to a fake hell. Which one is this song?

I felt quite uncomfortable when I was carried by the back collar on the horse's face, but I still felt that I should calm down and figure out what this is going to do.

Meng Po stood tremblingly on the bridge. When she saw the horse face coming, she handed over the bowl in her hand.

I thought that Ma Mian would take over the bowl and give me the things inside, but I didn't expect that Ma Mian seemed to find Meng Po very annoyed and pushed the poor Meng Po into the river with the bowl.

The Meng Po fell into the dark river of unknown water and made a parrot-like chirling sound, which looked very miserable.

I was speechless for a while, thinking that there must be some conspiracy to take me into the devil's door so urgently.

I was thinking that the horse had taken me to the ghost gate.

This ghost gate is located in the middle of the five-meter-high wall, which also looks elegant.

The horse held me in one hand and pushed the door open with the other hand.

Walking through a short corridor, I saw the entrance of the government gate where the front door had fallen down and was full of cobwebs.

The horse peeled off the cobweb with his hand and threw me into the court.

I will plan and lie on the ground and look around.

At this time, I saw ghosts standing there on both sides, full of cobwebs.

There is a man sitting on the desk in front of him, wearing a high hat and a boat in black, looking very tall.

However, this man, like a ghost, was full of cobwebs and motionless on the table.

I heard a lot of footsteps outside the court, and I knew that the singing team that picked me up had arrived.

After a while, several monkeys in masks jumped in.

These monkeys ran past me and began to clean up the spider webs on the ghost and the judge in front of them.

swept the cobwebs and lit six oil lamps on both sides, and the hall was suddenly illuminated by a strange green light.

As the light lit up, I saw that a trace of thoughts slowly appeared on those ghosts, and they were resurrected.

Not only that, the judge in the front seat also moved, his body made a click of joints, and he sat up slowly.

Seeing that the judge came back to life, the naughty monkeys squeaked a few times and no longer acted rashly, but stood aside in a regular manner.

After a few seconds, those ghosts moved and clicked on the killing stick.

I know this is going to be a trial, but I still pretend to be unconscious.

At this time, one of the ghosts moved his body, walked to the side of the court, took out a wooden basin containing black **, and came to me.

The black ** in the basin looks sticky, and I don't know how long it has been here and hasn't dried up. I think the ghost is probably going to splash this thing on my face and wake me up.

I think it's better to be more conscious than being splashed by this disgusting thing.

So when the ghost came to me, I sat up from the ground and said, "Don't!"

The ghost almost had a rigid white face and was very stiff. It seemed that he didn't hear me at all, and still splashed the basin at me.

Out of reflex, I raised my hand and pushed the wooden basin away.

Unexpectedly, he directly pushed the ghost to the ground, and the disgusting black liquid poured its face.

I know I'm in trouble, but I can only smile and say, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Unexpectedly, my behavior made the monkeys around me squeak and laugh, and some even rolled on the ground with a smile.

However, the judge in front of me did not respond, but just looked at me in a daze.

I don't know what's wrong with these guys, as if they react very slowly.

If the door hadn't been blocked by those large ghosts, I would have gone. Anyway, they couldn't do anything about me.


After a while, the previous judge made a strange sound in his voice and slowly stretched out his hand to me and made a downward gesture.

I pointed to my nose and said, "Do you want me to kneel down?"

The judge didn't speak well, just nodded.

If he was a real hell judge, I would kneel, but I really didn't want to kneel down, so I sat down and asked, "Is this okay?"

The judge patted the tree and looked a little angry.

I ignored him and just sat there and smiled.

At this time, several ghosts came to me, but they were very slow.

I saw them holding high to kill sticks, as if to hit me, so I hurriedly waved my hand and said, "Okay, I'll kneel, I'll kneel..."

I changed my posture, knelt down and said, "Ok, okay?"

The judge nodded, and there was a whine sound in his mouth. He didn't know what he was talking about.

Then, he slowly took out a tattered book from under the table and turned it over.

I know that this is to check my life and death book. It's not surprising to watch too much in the TV series.

I don't know if my name is really in the life and death book. Anyway, the judge looked at me for a long time before looking up at me, with a strange sound in his mouth, as if he was asking me.

This makes it difficult for me, because even if I have watched many TV series, each judge asks different questions. Some ask, "Do you know where this is?"

Some people asked: "The lonely soul under the hall is named."

There are also questions: "Do you want me to change a seven-qiao exquisite heart for you?"