long candle

Chapter 330 Secrets

Among those floating objects, there were people who turned pale and jumped off the building, as well as those who fell into the water and were about to drown.

The person who was about to drown, his expression was very painful and twisted to the point of distortion. He was simply invisible. Maybe it was because of an accident that Luo said, so he was extremely unwilling.

Seeing our existence, his pupils suddenly dilated and stretched out his pale hand to us, as if he were asking us for help.

The ambition is relatively soft, and he has to walk back at once, but before he can take two steps, the drowning man has been sucked into the bottomless hole above.

"This..." Nobita's outstretched hand was trembling.

Seeing this situation, in fact, I am also very uncomfortable, but there is life and death. Although we have a relationship with that person, we still can't save him after all.

So I patted Daxiong on the shoulder and said, "There are so many people dying in the world every day, can't you save them one by one? Although he may have accidentally fallen into the water, it was also his life.

Nobita sighed and slowed down for a while before saying, "Oh, you're right, but why did these dying people pass here?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know, but I guess there is only one possibility, that is, in our world, there are actually space-time cracks everywhere, or space-time cracks moving everywhere. So both the train and the people who jump off the building may pass through the space-time cracks and come here.

Nobita asked again, "Then why do these people come here instead of traveling to other places?"

I hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the nature of the ghost building?"

Nie Chuan interrupted: "The nature of the ghost building? What's the nature?"

I said, "Have you forgotten that ghost buildings do not actually exist, but are formed by human thoughts. I guess this kind of place is easy to become the terminal of cracks."

Daxiong nodded and said, "So that's it."

Nie Chuan said, "But it is also possible that the person who made the ghost building needs those things to pass through here, or the maker of those cracks is the creator of the ghost building."

I also think it makes sense to hear him say that, but we don't know the purpose of it.

"Okay, don't think about it. Let's go." I pushed Nobita up the stairs so that he wouldn't see the dying person again, go up to save people, and then accidentally fall into danger.

Nobita was a little reluctant, but he was pushed up the stairs by me.

As I pushed him, I said, "You don't want to stay here all day to save people, do you? You are superman now. When we go out, you can save more living people, right?

Nobita likes to be afraid of his flattery. Hearing what I said, he said proudly, "That's right. That's right. Haha, let's go."

But when we walked up the stairs and almost couldn't see the floor, I looked back and sighed gently.

When we walked to the upper floor, we found that the door of the upper floor was tightly closed.

We listened to it close to the door, and the three of us didn't look very good.

Because we heard the same noisy sound as the first floor, which shows that this room is also locked with some waste when the magic failed.

These unmanageable garbage are locked in this place and immortal. They hold it like this every day. Even if they are not dangerous people, they must have been suffoted into psychopaths.

So many psychopaths who can do magic suddenly see a few living people coming in, they will definitely tear them up and eat them.

Even if we are not eaten, we will definitely try our best to kill us.

In fact, there are many floors like this. When we look at the ghost building outside, there are only a few floors without lights, and the other floors are full of demons.

At this time, I said to the two of them, "This ghost building has been climbing up. I don't know how many floors there are. The ancient documents claim that the ghost building can't be seen at a glance. If the wind fairy is on the highest floor of the ghost building, then we don't know how many floors we have to climb and how many demons and monsters will suffer."

Nie Chuan spread out his hands and said, "What can we do? We have arrived here. Don't climb up. Is there any other choice?"

Daxiong also said, "No matter how many floors he has, which floor we kill is which floor, even if we are free from these demons."

I gave him a blank look and said, "Do you really regard yourself as a savior? Or do you think of yourself as Superman? These monsters are not as easy to deal with as you think.

Nobita also gave me a white look and said, "What do you think we should do now?"

I was also at a loss and stopped talking for a moment.

At this time, the pagoda floating in the air suddenly lit up again, flashing in the dark, depending on what it was telling us.

The three of us hurriedly looked up at the pagoda and saw it slowly drifting to the side of the door.

We followed the pagoda to that side, and soon a cheap wall stood in front of us.

All three of us were stunned, and the pagoda stopped by the wall and flashed away.

Nobita patted his thigh and said, "I know! There must be a secret road here!"

So he walked up and knocked with his hand.

We heard the bang. Obviously, the wall is solid. There is no need to look for such a wall, and there must be no secret road.

However, Nobita was unconvinced and kicked the wall fiercely with his feet, and then he shouted in pain and hugged his legs around.

I didn't want to laugh at Nobita. I just looked at the pagoda above my head and asked, "What on earth do you mean?"

The pagoda flashed, then got closer and closer to the wall, and finally disappeared into the wall.

All three of us were shocked and said what did this guy do? Just now, Daxiong kicked two feet, and the wall didn't move. Now it seems to be made of water. Do you want to wear it and go through it?

I don't know what's going on, but the pagoda came out of the wall again.

It went in and out several times, and I finally saw the clue.

Because I saw that every time the pagoda got into the wall, it wrapped its whole body with thought force.

Is it possible that only by using mental strength can we get through the secret road on this wall?

Thinking of this, I also tried to wrap my whole body with my mind, and then touched the wall with my hand. Sure enough, this time, my hand was as easy as reaching into the water and suddenly got into the wall.

Daxiong and Nie Chuan were very surprised and saw something strange about me.

I winked at them to show that I was fine, and then said, "I'll go in first and have a look, and I'll come out right away."

After saying that, I drilled my whole body into the wall.

When I entered the wall, the surroundings became dark in an instant. I tried to touch the flashlight, but after taking it out, it was not the same.

Fortunately, there is a pagoda floating in front of me, so I won't suffocate.

The pagoda took me forward about five or six meters, and I found myself in a corridor with dim yellow lamps on both sides, which seemed to be the secret channel we were looking for.

Between this secret road and our position just now, it was blocked by a wall more than five meters thick, so when we knocked on the wall, we felt it was completely solid.

I think I'm the only one who can control the mind to wrap the whole body now. The two of them can't come in.

But after thinking about it, I felt that it was wrong. At one time, the wall more than five meters thick could not be a matter at all in our three eyes.

So I didn't care what the pagoda thought. I gathered three layers of mind in my hand and then hit the wall.

At this time, I heard a bang, and the wall was hit by me into a big hole, and the dust was all over the sky.

When the dust dispersed, I saw Nobita's head covered with white gray, standing stupidly on the other side of the cave and looking at me.

Then he scolded: "If you want to blow up the wall, I'm listening to your movements!"

I smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I know you're angry, but shouldn't you be happy to find the secret channel now?"

Hearing what I said, Nobita snorted, got into the hole, and swept around with a flashlight.

Nie Chuan followed him and climbed up, and the two came to the secret road one after another.

At this time, Nobita said, "Damn, since it's a secret channel, there must be an entrance that allows people to come in, buried behind a five-meter-thick wall. What's going on?"

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "This secret path is designed for people who are proficient in using mind power, and you are not considered."

Nobita was speechless for a while and just hummed.

I looked at the pagoda floating in front of me and said, "But we have to thank this pagoda, otherwise even if we can penetrate the wall, we can't know that there will be a secret path behind the five-meter-thick wall."

The pagoda flashed, as if to say something to us, but it was still difficult to communicate between people and the tower.

We observed the surrounding environment and found that all kinds of conditions in this secret channel are normal, but it is a little humid, and there is an inexplicable smell.

Daxiong suddenly asked me, "Do you think those immortal monsters need to be excreted?"

I suddenly realized the meaning of his words and said, "You mean their sewer here?"

Nie Chuan covered his nose and said, "I think it's possible."

I frowned and said, "It doesn't matter. The fairy poop is fragrant, and maybe it's delicious."

Nobita vomited and said, "Stop it, it's disgusting enough!"

I smiled awkwardly and said, "In this case, let's not hesitate to take out the fastest speed and run wildly. Although the ghost building is high, the tallest building in the world is less than 1,000 meters. Even if it is a circular road, it will not exceed ten kilometers. Now we run ten kilometers, only an hour at most, and we can endure it. "

Nobita nodded and said, "What are you waiting for? Let's go."