long candle

Chapter 329 turbulence

In fact, I can also summon somersault clouds, or send us there with thought as before.

However, due to the gap between the hole and the hole, the down-to-earth part is too narrow. If you jump over and stand unstable, you will accidentally fall down.

In view of this situation, it is safe for us to walk along the transparent stone slab illuminated by the pagoda.

I came to the pit and stepped on the transparent bridge. It was very strong and could withstand the weight of people, so I took the lead and put the strength of my whole body on it.

The small bridge is very strong and not even deformed, but I'm still worried that if everyone steps on it, it will be unbearable, so I said to the two, "I'll go there first, and you can get on the bridge."

Nobita shouted in the back, "Go! If anything happens to you, we won't leave you."

I feel uncomfortable when I hear him. What do you mean by "I'll go!"

So I looked back at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, or I'll cover your mouth with a tape."

Nobita smiled and looked naughty.

I sighed, held my breath, and walked slowly forward.

Although people standing high are forbidden to look down, driven by curiosity, and I am a bold person, I walk and look down.

It's just a glance, which makes me a little dizzy.

To be honest, if ordinary people look down, they can see the endless and bottomless darkness at most.

But I can see the power of things. I can see the layers of about three or four hundred meters below, all of which are a kind of black turbulence.

It is said that black things are invisible in the dark, but the power in front of my eyes. No matter what color it is, it shines.

Seeing me looking down, I was a little unstable. Nobita said anxiously behind, "Don't look down! Fool!"

I waved my hand to him and said, "It's okay. I look at it as simple as a deep pit, but also a crack in time."

Nie Chuan answered, "You mean the kind of time and space turbulence that we once fell into when we were chased by big fish in the river."

I nodded and said, "I don't know where these random circulations are going. Do you want to throw Daxiong down and try?"

Nobita quit as soon as he heard it and stammered, "You...you."

He wanted to say something to refute, but after thinking about it, he turned into a proud expression: "Well, if you two can lift me up, let's talk about it."

I ignored him, because I felt that those turbulence were strange, as if something was coming out of it.

As soon as I thought of this, two car-like spotlights suddenly lit up from the turbulence under my feet.

I was shocked. When I looked at it, I saw that the front of a train was rushing up from below.

This phenomenon, which violates the common sense of physical movement, really surprised me.

But what surprised me more was that the direction of the train was the fragile transparent stone bridge under my feet.

My heart suddenly sank to the bottom, saying that if I was hit from the bottom and up by this galloping train, even if I was an 18 bronze man in Shaolin, I would be crushed to pieces!

"Dudu..." The train made a unique flute sound, as if it had found me, prompting me to get out of the way.

I said in my heart how I could get out of the way. I could only stand still and squat down with my head in my hand.

I don't want to see the expressions of Daxiong and Nie Chuan, because they must be stunned now.


A second later, I heard the heavy sound of the train moving, and a strong wind brushed my ears.

I was happy and said, "It seems to have passed by?"

So I hurriedly opened my eyes and looked aside, and saw that the front of the car had rushed past me, and now I could only see one carriage passing by me rapidly.

At this time, I happened to hear someone scolding me.

Although I don't know Japanese and only understand a "night", I can guess that what the other party said may be: "What kind of person is this? Three people appear next to the track in the middle of the night, looking for death?"

When I looked at the faces of ordinary people in the car, I knew that they must not know that they had traveled through time.

I'm a little curious about how the train passed through without crashing on the roof.

Looking up, I found that there were also many large and small caves on the roof, and space-time cracks were also distributed in the caves.

The train crosses in from below and back from above.

I would like to know whether when those people on the train saw me, did I float horizontally in the air or stood on the side of the track normally?

Looking at the movement trend of the train, I know that it is because this section of the track happens to have a turn, otherwise the train will definitely come straight to me.

At the same time, I also feel that I have been worried too much just now, because this is obviously not the first time that an object has passed here. However, these transparent stone bridges are still alive and have not been broken by the train, so the track of the train will definitely not hit me.

At this time, Daxiong and Nie Chuan didn't care whether the bridge could bear the load or not, but carefully came over and asked me if I was all right.

I wiped the cold sweat on my head and said it was okay, and then stood up with their help.

"If you have anything to say, wait until you get to the other side. If the second truck is in the past, it may really hit it." Nie Chuan said.

When the three of us pulled each other to the other side, we found that the so-called opposite shore was just a land about one meter wide, and one more step forward was another deep hole.

All three of us frown, because now we are already full of bottomless turbulence pits. At this time, no matter what accident happens, we may be involved in the turbulence.

Just thinking of the accident, Nobita suddenly shouted.

I hurriedly asked him what was wrong, and I saw him pointing to the top of his head and said, "Look, what is that?"

The flashlight in his hand shot somewhere above his head. When we looked up, we saw the light of the flashlight shining on a strange face.

The man's skin is black, like a corpse that has been put in the morgue for a long time and is about to deteriorate.

But the eyeball of the body was large and prominent, accounting for almost half of the whole face, and the crisscrossing fangs in its mouth actually poked out of its mouth, which looked extremely horrible.

That thing hung itself upside down on the roof like a bat, staring at us with a pair of big copper bell-like eyes.

Nie Chuan did not hesitate to take out his gun as soon as possible and pointed it at the monster.

But the monster hung there motionless, just like the bacon scraped on the roof on New Year's Eve.

When I think of bacon, I feel a little want to vomit. If this kind of thing is also bacon, I don't want to eat that kind of food in my life.

"They don't seem to have much vision." Nobita shook his flashlight in front of the thing and said.

I nodded, because I also found that the light of the wolf-eye flashlight had no effect on his vision, and such a strong light did not move his face.

"Is this thing alive or dead?" Nie Chuan began to doubt.

But Daxiong said, "Of course it's alive, because I just saw it crawl out of the deep pit on the roof."

"Crawl out? Are you sure?" I asked.

Nobita said, "Yes, there seemed to be something in his mouth when he crawled out. Now his mouth hasn't moved. Maybe he has finished eating."

Nie Chuan frowned and said, "This thing is too disgusting. No, I have to shoot it down."

After saying that, Nie Chuan raised his gun to shoot. I was about to stop him when I heard a whine in my ear, and another train came out of the deep pit below.

We hurriedly dodged and hid aside to avoid being sucked away by the strong wind swept up by the train.

At the same time, we saw the train drill through the deep hole next to the monster.

And at this moment, the monster did something that surprised us.

It bounced violently, jumped on the top of the train, sucked it tightly, and then drilled into the space-time turbulence with the train.

When all the trains passed, Nobita asked, "What's wrong with this guy?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling."

Nie Chuan put down the gun in his hand and said, "I think it is necessary for us to walk around the cracks in time and space. I'm afraid that this thing will cause harm to the people on the train."

After saying that, Nie Chuan looked at me and seemed to be asking for my consent.

I frowned and thought for a moment and said, "What if we can't come back? Xie Yuting hasn't seen any trace yet.

Nie Chuan frowned and thought about it and said, "Well, let's find someone first. When we come back, we will take a look in the space-time cracks."

I nodded and agreed, and then said to the two, "Let's go. Let's follow the pagoda to the top of the ghost building first."

Speaking of this, I summoned the pagoda to fly back to the front to illuminate our way, and then continue along the transparent stone bridges to the stairs opposite the room.

When walking on the transparent stone bridge, we see all kinds of strange things rushing out of deep pits, including abandoned cans, people jumping off buildings, as well as birds, cars, sleeping babies, etc. It seems that the turbulence of this room leads to many places in the world, but whenever living people pass through here, They didn't know that they had crossed it. It seemed that they were just passing through a tunnel.

And we found that that kind of big-eyed, dead-like monster, whenever they saw human vehicles passing by, would jump over, attach to it, and travel back together.

It took about an hour, and we finally came to the stairway at the other end of the room under the leadership of the pagoda.

Before going upstairs, we looked back again and found more strange floating objects.