long candle

Chapter 344 Strange Diseases

I experience so many things every time, but once I return to the city, I will feel that the previous experience is more like a dream.

But every time there is something to remind me that everything has really happened.

For example, my scars and the cubs in the fish tank next to the hospital bed.

Nie Chuan may be afraid that the Mirage will die, so he specially bought a fish tank with some rockery and stones in it, as well as some water.

I looked at the half of the water-soaked worm and felt that it was energetic and healthy.

I took it out of the water, looked left and right, and found that the white spots on its body had decreased a lot, and I didn't know how to do it.

I don't know what's the use of bringing this thing out, but as one of the few gains of this adventure, coupled with its so rareness, I decided to raise it well.

After thinking about the reason why the manor spots disappeared, I guessed if there was no meat to eat?

You should know that its mother body is the huge mirage, but it feeds on rotten corpses.

To be precise, it is the brain marrow of the carrion.

Obviously, I don't have anything to eat around me, so I decided to go out of the hospital to get some fresh air and buy some food.

I moved my hands and feet and found that there was nothing special except some soreness, and I could run and jump freely.

So I walked out of the ward and walked to the nurse's room.

Although Japanese don't dare to praise English, they obviously attach more importance to English than China, and people are also very enthusiastic.

I heard that I came to ask for clothes. A young nurse took out a box from under the counter and said, "This is what your friend bought for you when he left the hospital and has been stored with us all the time."

I nodded, thanked her, and was ready to change my clothes, but after a few steps, I remembered something and turned back to the little nurse and said, "I'll be back later. Can you take me to see my two friends?"

The little nurse nodded and said with a smile, "Of course."

I also smiled back and made a goodbye gesture.

The little nurse bowed politely.

I said to myself that this is right. Those hospitals in China still ignore you after giving money. Those who spend money abroad are God, and they are extremely respected.

I went to my single ward and opened the box containing clothes, and it turned out to be a suit.

I frowned slightly, because I never wore a suit and felt that it was too formal. Even when my family got married, I went to be the best man, only wore a jacket or jeans, and never wore a suit.

But now I have nothing to wear except a suit.

So I put up with it and put on this suit.

Looking in the mirror, it's actually not bad. Maybe it's because I've lost a lot of weight recently, so I wear a suit, but it's still quite stylish.

It's my beard, which is a little sloppy.

I rummaged through the drawer and didn't find the razor, so I had to go out again.

Walking to the nurse's room, the little nurse was still waiting for me and bowed to me from afar.

I walked over and asked with a smile, "Excuse me, do you have a razor?"

Unexpectedly, the little nurse's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Sir, you really have the charm of a mature man in a suit. I suggest you don't shave."

I was a little embarrassed by her delicate voice and said hesitantly, "And... let's scrape it!"

The little nurse said nothing more, blinked her eyes, turned back into the room, and then took out an electric shaver and a mirror.

I saw that the razors were labeled with numbers on them, which showed that the razors were common. It seemed that they were very hygienic.

I don't taboo anything. I just shaved with a razor.

After shaving the beard on my chin and side face, I looked in the mirror and found that there were still two mustaches.

At this time, I put down the mirror and the razor and said to the little nurse, "Okay! Thank you..."

The little nurse gave a thumbs up and said, "Sir, you are one of the most handsome boys I have ever seen."

My face suddenly turned red, all the way to the root of my neck.

But I don't know why, at this time, my heart suddenly contracted, saw the little nurse's face, and thought of Liang Qian.

So my face suddenly turned white, and my eyes became a little cold. I said, "Thank you... Please take me to see my friends."

When the little nurse saw the change of my face, a strange light flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say anything more. She just stretched out her hand and said, "This way, please."

I walked in the front, the little nurse walked in the back, and then I was very annoyed.

Because I think I was too fierce to a girl just now, I will definitely leave a bad impression.

I touched my forehead and didn't know what was wrong with me. I sighed slightly.

Despite the fact that the little nurse did not seem to be affected by my face, when she walked to the ward, she still smiled and said to me, "This is it."

Although the tone is still gentle, it is less like the kindness of previous friends. I know that she is just doing her job now.

Then she said, "I won't bother you. If you have anything to do, you can come to me in the nurse's duty room. I'm No. 0017, Miko Hechuan."

When I heard the number 0017, I was suddenly stunned.

However, the little nurse didn't pay attention, just bowed and left.

I stood in front of the door and touched my forehead so that I didn't think about it.

Then I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

As soon as I entered, I saw Nobita lying in a bed closer to me, unconscious.

And the bed opposite lies with Xie Yuting, who also looks unconscious.

Although I had expected to see such a situation.

But in my heart, I still hope to see two people talking and laughing as soon as I push the door.

So I was suddenly a little depressed. I saw a tall and thin doctor standing between the two beds, so I said, "Hello..."

The doctor has been looking at the information in his hand from the beginning, looking worried and didn't notice me coming in at all.

Hearing my voice, he raised his head, took off his mask and said, "Oh, are you their friend? I just have something to tell you."

I leaned over and said politely, "Doctor, what can I do for you?"

The doctor pointed to the diagnosis sheet in his hand and said, "Your two friends have just passed the dangerous period, but now their condition is not stable, but we can't diagnose any problems. Did they have any psychological diseases before?"

"Psychiatric illness?" I was stunned for a moment and immediately replied, "No..."

The doctor held the glasses and said, "That's strange. They are obviously in a deep coma, but their brain activity is quite intense, just like when people are having nightmares, but it's incredible that they have had nightmares for several days."

I can't understand what is written in the diagnosis sheet in the doctor's hand, but I can still understand the following electrocardiogram and brain waves.

The current state of the two of them is more intense than the athletes participating in the 100-meter race.

The doctor said, "If it goes on like this, they will not get a good rest and their physical condition may deteriorate."

I looked at Nobita and Xie Yuting and found that their hands and feet trembled from time to time, and their expressions were difficult to relax.

"Are their thoughts still wandering in the ghost swamp and ruins?" A strange idea flashed through my mind.

At this time, the doctor said, "Now our way is to give them some tranquilizers and play some soothing music, but the best way is that you can talk to them, and it's better to mention something you are familiar with. It's best to be relaxed and happy."

While talking, the expressions of Nobita and He Yuting slowly relaxed, and his body no longer struggled so much.

The doctor said, "It's a tranquiling medicine that works. Let's go out now. This medicine is effective for up to two hours, and considering their physical condition, they can't use it too much, so it's up to you. We will find the cause of the disease as soon as possible. I hope you will forgive us.

I waved my hand and said, "You're welcome. Thank you for your hard work."

The doctor smiled at me and opened the door.

I went out with him. As I walked, I asked him, "How long has this situation lasted?"

The doctor said, "It started three days ago."

I asked again, "Sorry, I'm also in a semi-coma these days. How many days have we been in the hospital?"

The doctor looked at his watch and said, "Today happens to be the fifteenth day."

It suddenly flashed in my mind, and the white-haired old man said, "In 13 days, you will die..."

Is it that the white-haired old man's... ghost came to ask for his life?

I shook my head and said to myself, "What the hell? It's the fifteenth day now. They haven't died yet, which means that the curse doesn't work."

While thinking, he walked out.

When the doctor saw that I was in a trance, he patted me and said, "Are you all right?"

I shook my head and said I was fine.

The doctor nodded and said, "You are also just right. Pay attention to rest" and left.

I found a chair and sat down for a while and thought about a lot of things.

Then I felt that the air in the corridor was particularly stuffy and was ready to go out for a walk first.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the hospital, the bustling voices came to his face.

Looking at the watch, it's past nine o'clock in the evening.

The streets of Kobe are as lively as every big city in Japan.

All kinds of snack stalls, as well as animation bookstores and game halls are shining with gorgeous lights, some young people who dye their hair colorfully, and young people in anime character costumes are wandering in the street talking and laughing.

Looking at such a lively scene, I feel a little relieved.

I saw an Obasan pushing balls not far away, so I went up and bought two skewers.

As soon as I ate one, I suddenly remembered the sound of fireworks and firecrackers on the street, and a team of people in strange clothes came over from the other end of the street.