long candle

Chapter 365 Fire

Obviously, this is impossible, because from the deeds of the villagers who were able to move it out of the well, it can be concluded that this thing is not so heavy.

Then there is only one possibility left, that is, this six-armed Bodhisattva has the ability to shield superpowers!

If this is the case, it will be difficult. No wonder Dazhu said that these guys are particularly capable. With such an ability alone, many people in 9 times lose directly without fighting, for example...

Thinking of this, I looked at the 12th and found that he was trying his best to change his position with the six-armed Bodhisattva in order to save the big pillar, but it didn't work after several attempts, and his head was full of sweat.

A person like No. 12 who relies entirely on superpowers, once his ability is sealed, his body is much weaker than ordinary people, and he is basically slaughtered by others.

At this time, the huge fire wheel quickly approached the pillar and threw a few fireballs, shooting at No. 12 at a speed like a bullet.

With my extraordinary eyesight, I can see that it is the weapon it throws when it rotates.

Although those weapons are broken, they are wrapped in strange purple flames, and with such a fast speed, even a small patch can hit 12 dozen transparent holes.

However, just as the purple fire mass was about to hit No. 12, suddenly a gust of wind rose in place. A man quickly flashed in front of No. 12 at a speed that exceeded the bullet, and then swinged the iron bars in his hand to rise and fall, hitting all the purple fire balls to the ground.

I was relieved to see that it arrived on the 2nd. Fortunately, we are not pure capable people. There are still people among us who can fight. No. 2 is one, and the other is...

I gave a thumbs-up to No. 2 and said, "Do you still have a stick?"

2 did not say anything, but pulled out an iron bar about 20 centimeters long from the side of the suitcase and threw it at me.

When the stick flew through the air, it instantly shot out the joints hidden inside. When it fell into my hand, it was already a two-meter-long strong iron bar.

After I picked up the iron bar, I looked up and saw that the flame wheel had been pressed to the pillar, and I could hear his hair squeaking in the flame.

I hurriedly urged myself to jump high with my mind, and then swove up the stick and knocked down on the wheel of the flame.

When I was about to fall on the wheel, my stick was slightly biased and hit the side of the wheel, making it shift the track and roll out.

Dazhu had been forced to sit on the ground by the wheel, but now when he saw the wheel deviating, he quickly got up and dodged far away.

The wheel did not roll far after deviating from the track, so it fell to the ground and stopped rotating.

While watching it slowly recover the prototype, I found that the purple flame was still burning on my iron bar head.

The steel stick slowly turned into an iron drop in the purple flame and made a creaking sound, emitting white smoke.

I was really shocked and said that the temperature of this flame was more than 1,000 degrees, and it could melt steel?

It seems that it is impossible to directly contact the six-armed Bodhisattva with his body. Now the only way is to fight with him with weapons.

So I can't let this stick be burned by the purple flames.

Before the extremely high temperature followed the stick to my hand, I hurriedly pestle the stick on the ground, trying to put out the flame with mud.

But the more my stick pestleed to the ground and touched the soil, the purple flame not only did not mean to fade, but also became more violent.

At the same time, there was a strange black smoke in the purple flame, which made me almost unable to open my eyes.

And the temperature of the flame finally came, and the whole stick began to heat up and turn red, making me grin.

I had no choice but to throw the stick on the ground, far away.

At this time, a strange laugh suddenly came from the distance, and the listeners were creepy.

I looked up and found that the six-armed Bodhisattva had somehow turned into a human form and was laughing at the burning stick in front of me. It seemed that he was mocking me.

I was about to scold, when No. 2 over there suddenly said, "This is a barrier fire, not an ordinary flame. It will burn out what it touches, and it will not be extinguished if it is not burned up."

"Fire?" I asked with some surprise, "Is it with your karma..."

No.2 nodded and said, "The karma fire and the barrier fire are two opposing flames. The karma fire will only burn the guilty living individuals, while the barrier fire can burn anything that has no life."

12 asked at this time, "Then if there is life, don't burn?"

2 was stunned and said, "It seems to be burning too."

No.12 said, "That's enough. In short, the barrier fire is more powerful than industry fire, right?"

I don't know when I began to like to complain on the 12th. When I saw that No. 2 didn't look good, I smiled awkwardly.

Just as he was about to say something, No. 2 hummed and said, "You little boy knows nothing. Karma fire is the fire of Buddha's mercy, so it has good thoughts, and the barrier fire is the fire of demons. Of course, it is destructive, but the barrier fire is not even a fart in front of karma fire!"

With that, he stretched out his palm and said something in his mouth. Soon, the kind of fluttering spark that we had seen before appeared in his palm.

Then he didn't mind the iron bar on the ground. He hooked it up directly with his feet and held it in his hand.

Then he wiped his stick with his hand with karma fire, and then the fires were extinguished in an instant, and only a few wisps of white smoke disappeared.

After doing this, he threw the stick to me and said, "Then!"

I was afraid of being hot and didn't dare to pick it up directly. I bounced back and forth in my hand and found that the previous temperature was completely gone, but there was another faint coolness, which was very magical.

Seeing this unique skill of No. 2, we felt much more confident, but the six-armed Bodhisattva on the opposite side quit. Six hands rekindled six flames, and then rushed to us.

No.2 saw that he was so manic and said, "Just now, Dazhu said that you are better than many people in the 9th, so you don't know your last name, do you?"

After saying that, he concentrated all the karma on his fist and hit the six-armed Bodhisattva fiercely.

But even so, his hands immediately became red and swollen.

No.2 scolded: "It's so poisonous. I didn't expect the poor monk to ruin this beast's way, Amitabha."

While he was talking, the toxin had spread along his hand to his big arm, and there was a red rash everywhere he went, which looked very horrible.