long candle

Chapter 366 Explosion

Seeing the No. 2 poisoning, I immediately came forward and asked, "How's it going? Are you all right?"

No.2 didn't look good, but he still nodded reluctantly and said, "It's okay. This level of poison can't help me..."

But as soon as he finished saying this, his face became ferocious. He covered his hand, and his body kept trembling. His head was covered with sweat, and he couldn't stand it.

I saw that he couldn't stand firm anymore, so I hurried up to help him and said, "You're still fine!" Take a break now! I think we'd better retreat first."

No.2 shook his head, stared at the six-armed Bodhisattva in front of him fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay. Time will not allow us to retreat, and the monster in front of us will not let us go!"

With that, he pushed my hand away, staggered over and said, "You are such an ugly monster that really insulted the word Bodhisattva. Since you have the intention to do evil, I can't spare you today! Suffer to death!"

After saying that his hands were suitable, his body emitted a faint golden light, and his face was very solemn, which made us stunned.

Then No. 2's body floated slowly in violation of the laws of nature, and a golden spot in his eyebrows slowly became bigger and brighter.

Maybe it is because of the excitement of power, the robe on No. 2 is hunting and flying in the wind, looking like a fairy before flying.

The impact wave he stirred blew away the surrounding soil in circles, and the people standing beside him felt an irresistible oppression.

Obviously, the six-armed Bodhisattva standing not far from us also felt this dangerous breath. The six arm holes that had been waved proudly in the air stopped, and his whole body seemed to be suddenly frozen by ice and could not move.

Then we saw the six-armed Bodhisattva constantly retreating and wanted to stay away from us. At this time, No. 2's eyes slowly opened, and both pupils emitted incredible golden light.

"Amami!" As he read words in his mouth, the golden spot in the center of his eyebrows slowly turned into a stale, and the golden light in the center of his palm was even better than before, and even the sunlight in the sky dimmed.

We saw that this move was not small, and we all retreated one after another.

At this time, the six-armed Bodhisattva's mouth made a jittering sound, as if he was afraid, but he seemed to be chanting a spell.

Then we found that this guy actually wanted to give up running away. His stomach slowly bulged, and the bulging was stronger than that time just now. It seemed that this time he wanted to fight with No. 2 with all his strength.

How can we make it succeed? Hurry up to stop the six-armed Bodhisattva's trick.

But those black snake-shaped creatures coiled on the ground became active as soon as they saw us approaching, holding their heads high and screaming at us to stop us from approaching.

Of course, we knew the power of the snake, so we didn't dare to approach it for a while.

I found that although the snake looks like a snake, it only has a mouth and fangs, but no eyes and nostrils, and its body is very smooth without snake scales. It is better to say that a snake is a parasite in the body of the six-armed Bodhisattva.

I don't know why I felt sick when I saw such a thing.

"You don't have to stop it! No matter how much it resists, it is useless. Get out of the way, lest I hurt you by mistake!" At this time, No. 2 shouted at us.

We know how powerful it is, so we spread it on both sides as he said.

At this time, the belly of the six-armed Bodhisattva has bulged to an incredible extent and is about to explode.

At this time, his strange limbs also began to change. His limbs were all completely backward, and his whole body formed an arch, and then each of his hands and feet began to slowly grow longer, like a ladder, growing many unnecessary joints.

These joints are like the brackets under the fort, slowly raising the arched body of the six-armed Bodhisattva, and with his bulging belly, the whole looks like a cannon tube that is about to fire.

It's just that this strange barrel is not facing us, but to the other side.

We couldn't feel his strange posture, but we also saw that something great was going to happen.

Just as we guessed what kind of posture the six-armed Bodhisattva would attack us, a strange purple smoke suddenly appeared under it.

No.12 scolded, "Damn, I came out from behind!"

Listening to what he said, I immediately realized that this six-armed Bodhisattva's attack method actually...

Seeing more and more purple smoke under it, and the smoke has a strange smell, which smells a little like gunpowder.

I suspect that if there is a little Mars around now, these purple smokes will explode immediately.

Just thinking of this, suddenly there was a sound in our ears. More and more purple smoke from the lower body of the six-armed Bodhisattva quickly surrounded us and covered everything in an instant.

Although the smell of the smoke is not particularly unpleasant, we all feel uncomfortable.

And in this smoke, there may be a terrible danger at any time, so I said to No. 2, "Big brother, hold on first, we will withdraw."

No.2 said in the blurred vision, "Go quickly. This move is very powerful."

Hearing him say that, we didn't want to stay any longer and hurried outside the smoke-covered area.

After running for about a minute, we left the smoke-covered area. At this time, we looked back and saw that the smoke was like the darkness of the world, still expanding the range, covering a radius of about 200 meters, and in this fog-covered range, there was a golden light. The flash of hearing is invisible at first, but under the circumstances that we can judge, it keeps getting bigger and gradually stands out from the purple fog.

I said to No. 12, "It takes so long to store gas. It must be an earth-shaking move!"

As soon as I said this, I suddenly saw a trace of spark flashing in the fog. Before I could react quickly, I suddenly heard a loud bang, and a huge flame rose to the sky, and the waves swept over us.

No. 12 and I both changed our faces and immediately fell to the ground.

The scorching air blew over our heads. Although it did not hit us directly, under the impact of the heat, we felt a hot pain on our back.

At this time, I basically have the same idea as No. 12: protect the hairstyle!

We put our heads in our hands and thought that even if the back of our hands is scalded, we can't burn our hair into a bald ladle!

Sure enough, the scorching airflow made the back of our hands smell burnt.

But we didn't mean to shrink our hands. We waited for the wave to pass before we turned around and hugged our hands and cried.

I didn't call a few times, and at the same time took out my mobile phone to see if my hair was still there.

We were relieved to see that our hair was still dark and bright.

didn't care if there was smoke coming from behind, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the explosion.

At this glance, we found a shocking scene, and the explosion just now blew up a big hole in the ground.

The pit is full of rocks and burns black everywhere.

Although No.2 still stands in the pit and does not fall down, it looks like it has just come out of the coal kiln, and its whole body is burnt black.

He grabbed the neck of the six-armed Bodhisattva in his hand. His six arms and two legs flew away, and the mask on his face did not know when it was blown away, leaving only a round head and a round body.

And the strangest thing is that its big belly, which was originally bulging, is now dry and looks like a water bag with dried water.

Although the round head is still breathing one by one, it is already extremely weak. It seems that it will die soon.

Looking around, we suddenly remembered that we didn't have time to pull up the big pillar when it exploded just now, and we don't know if he had escaped.

I vaguely remember that when we ran out of the fog range, the big pillar ran in the opposite direction of us, still carrying his father on his back.

Now I look in the direction of his escape, but I don't see anyone.

Although Dazhu may be in danger, the most important thing now is to see if there is anything wrong with No. 2.

The two of us were tentatively trying to go to the bottom of the pit to see the situation of No. 2, when suddenly the six-armed Bodhisattva's mouth made a strange cry, and our breathing became more and more rapid.

At this time, we heard No. 2 say faintly, "I know you are immortal, but it's not difficult to destroy you, as long as you use industry fire."

"You have killed so many people, and the whole village has been turned into ruins by you. Now it's time to pay it back!"

After saying that, his hands tightened, making the six-armed Bodhisattva breathless.

When the six-armed Bodhisattva twitched abnormally, suddenly a red light lit up in No. 2's hand, and then the whole body of the six-armed Bodhisattva burned with a roar.

No.2 threw the six-armed Bodhisattva casually, watched him struggle, and slowly turned into ashes in the karma fire.

When the six-armed Bodhisattva turned into a green smoke and disappeared, No. 2 turned his head and looked at us, with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

When we saw that he was fine, we gave him a thumbs up, but we didn't expect that No. 2 fell to the ground with a bang at this time.

When we saw this situation, we hurriedly jumped out of the big pit and helped No. 2 up.

After turning over his eyelids, I found that he was deeply poisoned. Although his body was not serious, the toxicity had spread to the nervous system.

I sighed and said to No. 12, "This is probably the most unfortunate time since No. 2 participated in the mission. It's really unlucky to be injured and died one after another!"